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Everything posted by kshusker89

  1. I think we should hire Warren buffet for head coach. He gives a damn and he's proven he knows how to succeed. Let him bring in top notch recruiters, coordinators, and support staff and let this guy run the show. But I like riley and I don't think his time is up. All I know is Warren would be better than hiring the flavor of the week. And neither are going to happen. Give the man a year
  2. "My first reaction was surprise then it was....whatever...." this is coming out of his f'ing mouth right now?!
  3. This old f#*k sounds like a bag of scum explaining this game.
  4. Thats the new norm of nebraska football
  5. Until there is a change I'm done watching this circus
  6. I'm done watching this horse sh#t of a team. We went from relevant to jack sh#t
  7. This guy has some old school feel, keep feeding him the rock. Janovich for president! If Donald Trump can run then so can he. But in all seriousness when is the last time we have seen that kind of productivity out of one of our fullbacks. He seems to have some athletic ability after the catch and can make a guy or two miss.
  8. riley get your f'ing formations in order you idiot.
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