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Everything posted by teachercd

  1. I think the board would be better for us all if the "BCers" talk would stop. It's divisive and unnecessary. We're all happy Bo is here, and I think we're happy with the direction the program is heading. Classifying everyone who questions a scholarship offer (Cotton, maybe Marsh?) as "BCers" is immature and probably unfair to the posters who may have legitimate complaints about recruits. We're fans. What should we do in the off season besides question coaching/recruiting decisions? Perhaps we should all sing Kum Bah Yah and rejoice about how perfect our coaches are. There is a HUGE difference between ripping a 17 or 18 year old kid and the coaching staff simply becuase there are not enough stars next to a name and actually questioning an idea. Example of a question: "Recruit XYZ hurt his knee this season and I know the staff is still very interested in him, I just hope that XYZ's knee heals up quickly, I would hate to see something happend like what went on with Chris Williams, where the recovery just took a toll on the kid and it didnt pan out, what do you guys think, should the staff still be after XYZ?" Example of ripping: "Why is this Nebraska kid getting a scholly, what a waste, this is so stupid, make him walk on and earn it, Rivals has him as a two star with no other offers, this is a huge mistake, god I bet TO is behind this just to try and unify the fan base, this kid will never be more then a special teamer" Dont you think there is a difference? Questioning is one thing, ripping is another and lets face it, if Marsh gets an offer the ripping will begin. You know it will, as all the fake coaches come out of the woodwork. Similarly, there is a difference between arguing what a given recruit offers to the program (when he is slighted by posters) and attacking posters as being supporters of Bill Callahan. Don't you think there is a difference? I am not 100% sure what you are asking. I am not trying to be a jerk I just dont think I know what you are asking. You're suggesting that people shouldn't just arbitrarily rip on recruits because of their stars, or their parents, or whatever. I'm comparing that to you lumping those same posters together as supporters of Bill Callahan. Both seem wrong to me. Sorry for not not making that clearer. Ok, i know what you mean now. To me, the difference is that the coaches are "experts" in evaluating the talent, or at the very least are much better at it then we are, so it would seem to make sense to trust their judgement on who they recruit. So what I am saying is that if the coaches see it as a good idea to offer a certain kid a scholly, then I trust them because of their track record. I feel they are more qualified then most of us, so ripping them doesnt seem to make sense.
  2. I think the board would be better for us all if the "BCers" talk would stop. It's divisive and unnecessary. We're all happy Bo is here, and I think we're happy with the direction the program is heading. Classifying everyone who questions a scholarship offer (Cotton, maybe Marsh?) as "BCers" is immature and probably unfair to the posters who may have legitimate complaints about recruits. We're fans. What should we do in the off season besides question coaching/recruiting decisions? Perhaps we should all sing Kum Bah Yah and rejoice about how perfect our coaches are. There is a HUGE difference between ripping a 17 or 18 year old kid and the coaching staff simply becuase there are not enough stars next to a name and actually questioning an idea. Example of a question: "Recruit XYZ hurt his knee this season and I know the staff is still very interested in him, I just hope that XYZ's knee heals up quickly, I would hate to see something happend like what went on with Chris Williams, where the recovery just took a toll on the kid and it didnt pan out, what do you guys think, should the staff still be after XYZ?" Example of ripping: "Why is this Nebraska kid getting a scholly, what a waste, this is so stupid, make him walk on and earn it, Rivals has him as a two star with no other offers, this is a huge mistake, god I bet TO is behind this just to try and unify the fan base, this kid will never be more then a special teamer" Dont you think there is a difference? Questioning is one thing, ripping is another and lets face it, if Marsh gets an offer the ripping will begin. You know it will, as all the fake coaches come out of the woodwork. Similarly, there is a difference between arguing what a given recruit offers to the program (when he is slighted by posters) and attacking posters as being supporters of Bill Callahan. Don't you think there is a difference? I am not 100% sure what you are asking. I am not trying to be a jerk I just dont think I know what you are asking.
  3. I agree, I coached against him a few times and the kid can flat out play. He is a winner, there is something about that term. The kid knows how to win, some kids have it and some kids dont, but he won all the time.
  4. I think the board would be better for us all if the "BCers" talk would stop. It's divisive and unnecessary. We're all happy Bo is here, and I think we're happy with the direction the program is heading. Classifying everyone who questions a scholarship offer (Cotton, maybe Marsh?) as "BCers" is immature and probably unfair to the posters who may have legitimate complaints about recruits. We're fans. What should we do in the off season besides question coaching/recruiting decisions? Perhaps we should all sing Kum Bah Yah and rejoice about how perfect our coaches are. There is a HUGE difference between ripping a 17 or 18 year old kid and the coaching staff simply becuase there are not enough stars next to a name and actually questioning an idea. Example of a question: "Recruit XYZ hurt his knee this season and I know the staff is still very interested in him, I just hope that XYZ's knee heals up quickly, I would hate to see something happend like what went on with Chris Williams, where the recovery just took a toll on the kid and it didnt pan out, what do you guys think, should the staff still be after XYZ?" Example of ripping: "Why is this Nebraska kid getting a scholly, what a waste, this is so stupid, make him walk on and earn it, Rivals has him as a two star with no other offers, this is a huge mistake, god I bet TO is behind this just to try and unify the fan base, this kid will never be more then a special teamer" Dont you think there is a difference? Questioning is one thing, ripping is another and lets face it, if Marsh gets an offer the ripping will begin. You know it will, as all the fake coaches come out of the woodwork.
  5. Well, I think he lived in Iowa for a year, so mabye if he does get a scholly it wont piss off the BCers to much since he has not lived in Nebraska for his entire life. Lord knows this staff doesnt know what they are doing and the message board BCers do.
  6. I have felt that this kid is going to be one of the very best players in college football in a very short amount of time. He kis kind of a genetic freak.
  7. http://rivals.yahoo.com/nebraska/football/...vin-Jones-89761 Back in with this guy you think? He said something like "heck no I am not going to Tenn now". He had some low interest in the Skers before, so you never know.
  8. So who does Tenn go after and how many of those recruits are just shaking right now, 3 weeks until they sign and they don't know who the coach will be, ouch. You know, it stinks, I feel bad for them. That has got to be a tough spot.
  9. Well, I think sometimes as fans we look at it very differently. For instance, say you are very very smart, you probably look at Harvard for college, because its a big name school. Even though, there might be colleges that have better teachers in your major. FSU might carry more clout for Cooper then NU does, same goes for ND. It is a very individual choice for most of these kids, if you think its tough as a fan, think how hard it is for them when they dont have a childhood favorite team. They probably sit there racking their brains trying to figure out the best place for them.
  10. It is hard to get Illinios kids out of big 10 schools and ND. It just always is. Not saying NU has lost its chance with Cooper, but its just tough.
  11. Yeah, he is getting more and more love from schools now that the USF situation has gone down.
  12. I think that Riley is an OSU grad and his dad might have coached there or his dad might have coached in the area high schools. He left once and hated it, he actually seems to want to be at OSU. Now, of course we have all seen that before. My guess, is that they will create a contract for five years, starting now. At the end of each season a year will automatically be added on, so that it will always be a 5 year contract. In theory, that would be your lifetime deal assuming the extension process is something that Riley decides on. Maybe he is one of those guys/coaches that really is happy where he is at, I would think that Corvallis is a lot like Lincoln when it comes to living expenses so I am sure he makes a great living.
  13. Well, it is after all the senior film is in, my guess is that it will be before signing day, so in two to three weeks. Just a guess though
  14. Don't get me wrong, the NCAA is about as stupid and confusing a governing body as anything I've ever seen or heard of. I'm just pointing out that a school like NU can still get in trouble even if the person (people) responsible are not officially connected to the school. Can the rule be abused? Absolutely. Is it a good rule? Probably not. But that's the rule as far as I understand it. I know what you mean man, its odd thats for sure.
  15. The NCAA won't do anything to an individual, whether associated with the university or not. What the NCAA can do is sanction the university. So even if you are not a student, booster, or employee, the NCAA can still go after the school you are supporting. To my knowledge, the NCAA has never actually done this, but it is possible. The NCAA is a private organization, not a government agency, so they can make whatever rules they want. However, as the article above points out, the NCAA could end up in some sticky legal problems if they tried enforcing the rule. I do understand what you are saying but here is the problem. Say, School A is after a big time player and so is school B, so school B fans set up a site that make it look like they are school A fans, to try and get school A into trouble. Can't work, like you said, the NCAA would be in some sticky trouble.
  16. Good points and a face book group if word got around to him could show him a small taste of husker nation support. Unfortunately that won't work. If you are not a student at the school or booster or employee, in this case NU, it doesnt matter. The NCAA can/could do nothing about it. Now, being a student at a school, that could be different as you read in the article. Regardless though, I think the point people were trying to make is to show the support of the fan base. In any case, its more fun to talk about the the alternative, which is not talking about college football because the season is over and its totally boring now!
  17. What if there was a picture of him eating duck for dinner, would that mean he was...ahhhh nevermind.
  18. Doesnt make too much sense if youve even glanced at this kids recruiting process.. You don't remove a school from you list.. only to add them back on, if there is slim to no chance of you going there. USC isn't a threat at all without Carroll. OSU is more of a threat than Oregon, and UCLA is there, because of his mother. The facebook profile pic is a joke, who cares if he's wearing an oregon hat. People wear other school's stuff all the time.. In case you haven't noticed, he is in high school, in oregon... Could not agree more. Besides, this is Husker football with the new staff, not the old staff, its okay to get excited now because this staff is good!
  19. Yeah, posting on some facebook thing would be totally over the top, but 10 pages talking about him on this site is totally not over the top. hahahaha
  20. All the more reason to start an Owa to NU page!
  21. All the more reason to start an Owa to NU page!
  22. Someone that uses facebook should start a Owa to NU facebook page. Or not, I dont know
  23. An HI reporter was at the AAA combine this weekend and confirmed that he measured in at 5'7". Yeah but that Alamo dome tape measure is known for being notoriously short!
  24. Man, I just read Zoogies first post, thought you were a hardcore BCer for a second, then I saw your second post and realized you just had the wrong year. This kid has pretty much the same exact numbers as Curtis Carter, doesnt he?
  25. I heard and interview with Green, they asked what do you do when you are not working out or playing football, he replied "study my bible and be with my family"
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