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Everything posted by maskershake

  1. Rains starting to come down. Time for ou to go on an offensive explosion haha
  2. And kick off specialist. Both alex and adi will be sorely missed
  3. i dunno about that, i do notice how oklahoma sticks people. not many missed tackles
  4. Landry and Gilbert are good, but i think they are overhyped just a tad
  5. I like wats, i think for the most part he has called a good year. Think there are times he could open it up a bit more though. Especially now that Martinez has shown he can toss the ball around a bit.
  6. noticed this as well, wonder how they react when the qb is a running threat as well
  7. we better hold on to the ball cause missouri seems to take advantage of every fumble
  8. we better hold on to the ball next week...

  9. Wow, this is a good offense. Alot of their plays are pretty familiar, they just execute better and continue to move so quick
  10. Was cosgrove out there playing on the 2007 defense? Still his job no?
  11. But its the same thing every year with gilmore! We complain about dropped passes. That is the wideouts job, to catch the ball. Since we have been complaining about it for a while, to me, that is on gilmore.
  12. Sorry but this is a BS post over somebody still "dizzturbed" about Lee. Taylor put some balls in right on the money today, and some of them sucked and they were dropped just the same way Lee's were (which were....all on the money I do believe). He should have been pulled, and was, not because of his throwing, but because of his poor decision making and ability to lead the offense down the field. His zone read game was lousy, straight out. could not agree more
  13. Still have ALOT of work to do. Piss poor game.
  14. That's good to hear. Almost relieving.
  15. Took my dog to the dog park and headed to callahans for the missouri game. Waiting til about an hour before kickoff for beers!
  16. Are you serious? I think Mtn Dew is worse for you than alcohol. Exactly... actually the hops in beer help strengthen bones. The more you know. ( u know the jingle)
  17. I'll be at callahans enjoying some boulevard IPA, pale ale and some freestate ad astra and copperheaad. Then whatever liquor sounds appealing that day usually follows. yum yum
  18. Thats what mack brown is! He is just a talking head, he makes everything seem like its ok. He is not a good coach, good recruiter and talker but not a good coach
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