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Everything posted by Yellowjacketfan

  1. Nebraska wants a Kansas castoff? Anyway, he will get a head coaching gig you can count on that.
  2. Can't imagine why... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlyYj0HtY9c You can find highlights like that for most of the very good players in the country......
  3. If he turned the CU program into a consistent national contender the amount, no matter how much, that CU would pay him would we worth it. If he got the team to that level the increase in revenue would be much greater than what Shanahan would make.
  4. If you do not want anything to do with Stanford then you also want nothing to do with LSU. LSU > Stanford.
  5. It is not only Clemson fans that are voting for him, it is also a lot of casual fans because of how the media is all over Spiller's sack.
  6. Luckily for us . . . fans focusing on a future game rarely changes the outcome of the present game. Lighten up man. We aren't that important. Wrong! Do you think the players live in a vacuum? Did you not catch Leach's tirade after TT lost to TAMU? He knows people were telling his team how great they were and it bit them in the behind. Our players associate with other students, some read the papers. How many times can a guy hear about the upcoming Big 12 Championship game with Texas and not get a little feeling that it's a fait accompli? Because, unlike us, the players also live with someone like Pelini constantly reminding them how they didn't play well last week against KU. How the defense was below standards. The coaches aren't kissing their ass and telling them how great they are... in fact, it's quite the opposite.. and really, i've heard more talk about this weekend around campus than i have about texas... but even if UT is brought up to a player, they'll either say they aren't on the schedule, or how we gotta focus on and beat kstate... so basically, saying he's wrong for saying "fans rarely change the outcome of a present game" doesn't make any sense.. we don't play the game... the players do. thought for sure i was gonna be giving a when seeing what gixxer posted... and well.... Fans have a huge impact on the game. In our only loss this year I changed my facebook status to "the hurricanes do not belong on the same field as us," and we lost. I have not said anything bad about an opponent since and we have not lost. That right there is 100% proof that fans directly effect the outcome of games. I mean c'mon, who doesn't have superstitions like that? ..... ah what am I talking about fans really do not effect the game, but fellow students really do. For instance, if you ask Nesbitt or Dwyer or any of the players on GT, "hey man are we going to win?" they always respond with a, "I don't know it will be a tough game" regardless of the opponent because Paul Johnson instructs them to do so. I am sure that if students keep telling the team how they will roll it does effect them in some way or another.
  7. I hope NU faces LSU and embarrasses them. I am still bitter about Les Miles doing a fake punt when up by 3+ scores in the 4th against us last year. If only he could face this years version of GT...
  8. Exactly. Who cares about how your team is 'perceived' because, honestly, most people are just jealous if you are on top and will look for any reason to tear you down.
  9. I'm probably in the vast minority but I would take thug winners over a 'nice' but average team. So long as 'thug' does not infer seriously injuring an opponent on a blatantly dirty play but instead blurring the line a little on what is clean and what is dirty. Asante's hit was not blatantly dirty, it is almost impossible to stop your momentum when you are hurling your body around. Plus, almost all of the great teams have had at least a few "thugs" playing for them ... it is almost a necessity if you want to be not good but great. The '95 team had their fair share, so it is not like Neb has won with only the most upstanding of student athletes...
  10. Lets just say any program in the country would take Asante in their secondary. He has a swagger which makes him that much better.
  11. Um...who cares. Exactly. How could you not remember....,"Purify over the middle." Again, and again, and again.
  12. Wasn't there a Purify on Colorado in 2001.......
  13. Well that's good news, I will have a team to watch since GT is off. And Erin Andrews is very good looking ... who could possibly not think so?
  14. Red makes you eat more. If he wore red, the players would get fat. That would not be good now would it?
  15. I was just coming back to check and ask the very same question They only have 3 losses and are not even the top ranked 3 loss team (deservedly so), but I do not see a huge problem with them being in the top 25. They are 7-3 after all and name recognition is always important whether fair or not...
  16. Not unknown that the D is good. But is also not a secret the offense can't get out of its own way.
  17. Why do people hate USC? I've never understood.
  18. Neb is better than teams already in the top 25 so why not.
  19. When sh**ty things happen to other people it is always funny. Just admit it hahaha.
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