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Everything posted by GMoose

  1. Exactly. Think back to high school English class. You and a classmate are given a specific debatable topic, and one of you is assigned to argue a certain viewpoint while your classmate argues the counter-point. It's the professional equivalent of that. Get out of my head, good sir. I was specifically thinking back to a debate I had to do in high school when I posted that. I had to do the anti side of legalizing pot. My opponent was one of the biggest dealers in our school.
  2. That's disappointing to hear that. I know quite a few people in there too.
  3. My god. First (and this is a legitimate question) who in the media called out Dirk for yellow journalism? And no reporters were the ones clapping at Bo chewing him out. No media member would be caught dead showing that kind of emotion toward a subject they cover. And "Dork"? Really? That's not childish. Jesus H. Christ. This really rubs me the wrong way. Just Effing let it go. There were two very distinct sides in that room amongst the journalists - those who felt Dirk was in the right, and those who felt he was in the wrong. Husker Mike called Dirk out for yellow journalism, and members of the press - Sipple specifically - out-and-out said that Dirk was wrong. For God's sake, Moose, Sipple wrote a column about it. Get off your high horse with this "no media member would be caught dead showing that kind of emotion toward a subject they cover." The guy you're defending - Dirk - showed exactly that kind of emotion in the hatchet piece he wrote. And you'll have the moral high ground to label me "childish" for calling Dirk a dork when you do the same for those guys calling Martinez "T-Tragic," amongst other names. Until then you're just being a hypocrite. It is unfathomable to me that you would defend a grown man, a professional, who should be old enough and strong enough to take some well-earned criticism, yet you have no problems piling on a college student. When's the last time you saw Fast Times at Ridgemont High without Phoebe Cates, anyway? This rehash was totally unnecessary. I cannot fathom why you felt the need to bring this back up. I had thought better of you. I had no idea people thought that the people in the presser were media members applauding Dirk. I really heard that for the first time yesterday, and I had to see what people on here really thought. That's just not the case. I know multiple people who were there telling me otherwise. And forgive my lack of archiving, but what column by Sipple are you referring to? What is the column in the "Sipple: Dirk was wrong" thread?
  4. My god. First (and this is a legitimate question) who in the media called out Dirk for yellow journalism? And no reporters were the ones clapping at Bo chewing him out. No media member would be caught dead showing that kind of emotion toward a subject they cover. And "Dork"? Really? That's not childish.
  5. Can you explain? I think a few people had asked about it in the thread but nobody got a response. What actually happened? For whatever reason, there were alumni, boosters, etc in the room too. I guess now that I say it out loud it does sound like people wouldn't realize those types were in there since they normally aren't. Must have been a homecoming thing. Whatever the reason, they were the ones clapping. The press wouldn't dare show anything like that.
  6. You don't think this has anything to do with the fact that there are two writers and two candidates for best running back?
  7. So I hate to bring this topic back up...but it came to my attention today that a lot of people think it was the media members clapping at the end of this press conference, clapping for Bo for chewing out Dirk...please tell me you guys don't think this....
  8. Did tuff tiger write this sentence?
  9. Leaving Thursday morning! Might be in the press box for this one.
  10. Who'da thought with Crick, David, and Dennard that the lowest rated of the three incoming freshman Ibacks would be the only mid-season All-American...
  11. When will this silly "Tyrann Mathieu for Heisman" crap stop? If Suh didn't win, no defensive player will again

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. n.e.husker


      DB from LSU. He is a playmaker but sadly no defensive player will win the heisman

    3. Husker_x


      The Heisman has pretty much devalued itself beyond recognition. Suh was one of the best players in the history of the sport. He should have gotten it, or they should stop considering it anything but an offensive award.


    4. ADS


      The heisman is a popularity contest anymore.

  12. If Beck and Martinez are firing on all cylinders like Saturday night, 10-2 losing to Michigan is possible. But I don't see that happening. 8-4 or 9-3 sounds more realistic to me with a loss to Michigan, MSU, and either NW or PSU.
  13. This is why the new kickoff thing should be fist pumpin' like champs
  14. You were so upset with the game you wore skinny jeans?
  15. A different thread just rolled into all the stuff you've broken during a frustrating game. Last year's aTm game when they called that roughing the passer that basically cost us the game, I stormed out of my buddy's house and slammed the door so hard the glass in the door broke? Bo-nose has got some good ones... What's the worst you've done HB?
  16. This is too good. I'm making a thread of this
  17. Two Finley Dunne references in one thread? Holy Pulitzer batman
  18. It means that you have a very different opinion than I do, and that your focus is on the side of the reporter, not on the side of the player. I have no idea how you can 1) Think that's in any way an "attack" on you, and 2) How you can insinuate that I'm attacking you, but think that Dirk's article, which is FAR MORE pointed in tone, is NOT attacking Martinez. Wow, GMoose. I really hope you're joking here. Well we're not important here so I'll disregard that. The only time Dirk comes close to attacking Martinez is in the first point when he says the UW loss was on him, and I already said I don't agree with that statement, I think that was on Beck. Hell, Dirk even goes on to say it was Beck who put Martinez in the position to fail. I don't remember specifically his manner during the Texas game, but he always looks like he's sulking to me. In your memory, was it really that overtly non-sulking that you think Dirk's working was malicious? Also, I can't say enough that when I ask a question I'm trying to get an answer, not be condescending. I know my wording comes off that way sometimes, but these are questions, not sarcastic rhetorical remarks.
  19. It speaks volumes that I need specifics pointed out to me? What is that insinuating other than me being an idiot?
  20. I don't see how a person can read this and in any way think it's appropriate. Dirk isn't a message-board poster, he's a journalist. Hiding behind the facade of "opinion piece" is a crock. I especially got a kick out of 'Stop with the "Woe is me." ' Dirk is projecting, again hiding behind the cloak of "opinion piece." I could give example after example. Bottom line is, Dirk is getting less criticism for his unnecessarily aggressive articles, for his unnecessary muck-raking, and his peers in the press are sick of it. And yet, Dirk gets support from the fans, while Martinez gets grief. Wow, I try to be civil and you of all people attack me. Interesting. You should get a job with NU media relations, you would fit right in there. It shocks me that you think a reporter can't write an article because it might make someone sad. That's freedom of speech. If we didn't have anyone to question the status quo and make someone a little uncomfortable from time to time, what's the point of free speech? Good journalism comforts the afflicted and afflicts the comfortable. Sorry we live in a world of duality.
  21. Gotcha. For the most part, I do agree (in the manner you're asking) with the way I said in those points. Would i have done some differently? For sure. But it was a column, and Dirk gets to form an opinion in that column. There's not ever going to be a column that I agree with down to every word. Are there any specific examples from that article you're referring to?
  22. You caught me. I am in fact Dirk Chatelain. Knapp, that extremely good looking young man you met last season saying he was gmoose was just a kid a paid 10 bucks to say that.
  23. In the article or the presser? The article. Point 1 - No. The Madison meltdown was on Beck IMO, not Martinez' fault if they don't play to his strengths. Points 2-5 - Yes. Point 6 - Didn't really think about this until I saw the article. But that point is more about Bo than Martinez, so not really relevant here. Point 7 - Absolutely. Point 8 - Not really much opinion in there. Point 9 - Yes. Point 10 - Yes.
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