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Everything posted by deedsker15

  1. So Bo gets angry. I get angry. Cameras don't follow me everywhere hoping that i blow up on somebody. Media can do what they want as long as i get to see my football and stop panning to Pelini hoping he explodes.
  2. I say that the ticket thing is petty, but I still think we should be put on the tickets. Don't care the the conference hates us, but they should still have some respect. Even Missouri got the the tickets.
  3. Good job big 12. Way to stick it to us good.
  4. I kinda like them, too. Black is pretty sweet.

  5. That would be giving us credit. Can't do it.
  6. Both Nebraska and Mizz-Who went 6-2 in the conference. We are going to the title game because we won the head-to-head tie breaker.
  7. Original question/comment. I went to the game and so I didn't see the televised version until last night. While watching the game, trying to look back at big plays and penalties, I realized what people were talking about with showing Pelini all the time. Every time there was a penalty, we got a split screen of the ref and Pelini. Most of the time they didn't even show the infraction. I was really upset. I just want to see what the ref is calling and then I want to see what happened for myself. Just wondering if we will continue to see this crap during the Big 12 title? I want to know what is going on myself and not watch how Pelini reacts to the situation.
  8. The decade ends after the "10" year. Everyone who celebrated the new millennium in the year 2000 is stupid. Think of it this way: If you started the calendar today, it would be the year 1. If a decade has 10 years, then year 10 would still be in the same decade as year one. The current decade, century and millennium started in 2001. If you started a new calendar it would be year 0 until 365 days later when it would be year 1. This is much the same as when you have a baby it is not 1 when it pops out... It is 0 (and 1 day or whatever), and it is only 1 after 365 days. Thus, 2000 was the beginning of a new decade/century/millennium... You cannot honestly tell me that 5 billion people were wrong on this matter... Also, by that logic, the "60's" lasted from 61-70, the "70's" from 71-80, and so on. A decade starts on the 0 and ends on the 9 by common standards What they did when they started the CE calendar is started with year 1. Making the first day the "baby being born" Year 1, day 1. So the first ten years are 1-10. The first 100 years 1-100. The first 2000 years 1-2000. Thus the start of the 21st century being 2001. I am not saying either of you are right, but just acknowledging a large group of people think the same way as you doesn't make it right.
  9. Good article...nice to know we have support in our complaints outside of the conference boundaries
  10. Not saying he is not a tool but you are going on and on about something that he wrote almost three years ago. I'll let him take that jab at us as long as were are the ones at 10-2 and he watches his coachless team go 5-7. Violence is bad, mkay. We do not condone this behavior, mkay. Colorado is just bad, mkay.
  11. I am so proud of both of you! :laughpound
  12. Darth Sidious will may any excuse not to give us a trophy. I expect he won't bother if we win the Big 12 Championship game. I can see it now, here to present the big 12 trophy to the nebraska corn huskers is... The local UPS driver. :laughpound Are you Mr. Bo Pelini? Yes. Sign here, please. Thank you. Just doing my job.
  13. I heard that he couldn't play at the iowa st game because his hand was so bruised he could barely grip a football.
  14. Our coach's name is Bo Pelini, not Bo Stoops. Sorry, just struck me as funny. WOW!
  15. Go out and kick some trojan butt. Just want to see Kiffin cry.
  16. Marlowe did the right thing. We had our hands team out there and they did little after the ball got kicked deep when it comes to blocking the other team. When Marlowe got a chance to look at his blocks being set up he realized nobody had actually blocked anyone really. He simply didn't want to get ran over by a guy coming at him full force.
  17. Rex gets game ball...Green gets honorable mention.
  18. If Martinez isn't completely healthy let Green go at it with Burkhead doing his wildcat.
  19. Feared for his life? I honestly have never feared for my life in Lincoln, Nebraska. I have been downtown after bars close with all the drunks in Lincoln and haven't even feared of being punched let alone killed. This is the biggest cop out I have ever seen. I want us to win the Big 12 so much just to see Beebe hand us the Big 12 trophy and wish us the best. That would make the season worthwhile.
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