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Everything posted by commando

  1. i wonder if our board trumpers have their muskets ready for that?
  2. apparently the republican utopia is being able to ignore the elections if you don't like the results. that is not democracy. that is not federalism. can someone tell me what it is?
  3. heaven forbid someone with my name dies. i will be purged from the voter rolls and have no idea that i can't vote because i doubt they mail alerts to people purged from the rolls. that is where the massive "dead people voted" results are coming from. 99% of them are people with the same name being accused of being dead voters.
  4. lot's of them. usually under a red hat and waving a trump flag.
  5. i'll never get over trumplicans. when donnie says "kiss my a$$" they ask "on the right cheek? on the left cheek? or right in the middle?"
  6. he is just playing that game. forget what it's called. right?
  7. getting out of the country while the getting is good?
  8. if only the republicans weren't taking an active part in this coup attempt by don the con. there may be a few starting to speak out against trump now...but even they voted to save trump from impeachment when they could have stopped him.
  9. they don't care what america has been. they only care for america to be what they want it to be.
  10. he meant it in the nicest way possible.
  11. listen again.....there was more than 1 threat that you are apparently ear blind to.
  12. i can hear the trumpers now...".i don't see any threat there. where's the threat?"
  13. listen to it again if you didn't hear any threats. they are clearly there. if you don't hear them it is because you don't want to hear them.
  14. i am tired of talking with the "orange man is God" people. they can go f#&% off.....biden won and trump is gone. garbage in...garbage out. only took 4 years and the garbage was spoiled badly but it's on the way to the dump where it belongs.
  15. this is what many of us have known all along. but the trumpers continue to turn a blind eye and try to blame anyone other than Don the con
  16. compromise is not possible with the democrats. any agreement with them is appeasement? pretty weird view of democracy there bud.
  17. so you have gone full trump and are part of his anti-democracy buffoonery. kind of figured that out earlier but good for you to confirm it.
  18. i live in saunders county...but obviously haven't been out and about the last week with my covid grounding me. where did you see these flags?
  19. you haven't been paying attention to trump and his toadies.
  20. it's no longer the conservative party. it is the party of xenophobia, conspiracy theories, and hatred to everyone not inside the new republican party. everyone outside the party is an enemy to be destroyed. anyone in the party who doesn't do as told as soon as they are told is a traitor and deserves to be shot.
  21. he is pretty much the typical Q fan. full of hate for everyone but trump
  22. doesn't seem violent to me. what about you?
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