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Everything posted by commando

  1. wait...wait..wait....trump is telling everyone that biden is the lap dog for the radical progressives. as far as i can tell the progressives hate Biden almost as much as they hate trump....heck...i believe some progressives prefer trump to biden.
  2. will this be displayed in the white house or the trump museum for future generations to see? https://m.clevescene.com/scene-and-heard/archives/2020/09/01/a-cleveland-artist-made-trumps-face-using-more-than-2000-dildos#CommentsMobile
  3. more murderers and fewer swedes?
  4. they think joe smith from 2535 glendale circle anywhere USA can order 10,000 ballots and fill them in fraudulently and sign them with fake names or something.
  5. presidential elections are never certified the night of the election. it always takes a few weeks for them to be certified. everyone thinks the media calling the election on election night means something when all it really is is the networks thinking enough ballots have been counted to "call" a winner. they are typically correct but the results have never been official on election night. the only difference this year is trump wants to call the election before the mail in votes and the military votes (almost all vote by mail) are counted.
  6. has trump denounced the caravan of armed fanatics driving from 1 city to another to drive through crowds of people?
  7. i found the plane full of thugs
  8. if it was just trump that was bats#!t crazy it would be sad. but he has hordes of bats#!t crazy followers and that is scary.
  9. who says the russians aren't playing both sides on facebook? they are laughing at how easy it is to pit americans against each other. and trump is loving it.
  10. anyone want to guess how many taters he is going to be peeling soon? or how many toilets he is going to get to scrub? i would guess 1st. lt. is also out of the question now. maybe a bright future in the trump party though.
  11. lol....biden can run laps around trump. the sleepy joe attack is pathetically weak
  12. wait...i thought the mail in ballots were "illegal" because people could mail them in for weeks after the election according to trump and his sycophants. now you are complaining because they can be mailed in weeks before the vote?
  13. when trump said he was going to drain the swamp...he meant he was going to drain all the tax $ out of the swamp and into his and his friends bank accounts
  14. i am still going to vote like it matters....but i am really feeling like it is already too late.
  15. you are right. trump has the courts packed, sycophants in control of the senate, an army of far right wingers who will fight for or him, and a fair portion of the house who are sycophants. and a vast propaganda network to spread the disinfo. i really don't think the vote matters at this point....trump is our dictator for life already.
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