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Everything posted by gobiggergoredder

  1. 2007–2012 global financial crisis Financial Crisis Was Avoidable, Inquiry Finds Ending Glass-Steagall Act Ending Uptick Rule
  2. you do understand that less money in the hands of the consumers will only prolong the recession? in a well-reasoned economy, companies would be ran by employees and part of the profit would go into a fund to keep employees on during times of economic hardships. that way people could keep their jobs and the companies could operate at a loss, softening the affects and shortening the duration of the recession or times of economic downturns. And after everyone wiped themselves with $100 bills after their morning movement they would ride their unicorns to work.
  3. I, like many on Huskerboard, would only have a problem if Ryan said it.
  4. Knapp, I'm guilty of it too, not as much as most, as looking for a simple answer as to why we have the problems we do. Is it the Bush Tax Cuts, Obama Spending, the threat of Obamacare, Romney cuts for rich? In all honesty, I don't think it is any of them. I think the biggest reason the middle class is suffering is because of 'free trade'. The good jobs that use to exist for those with a high school diploma aren't there anymore. I also think the middle class funds erroneous law suits, welfare fraud and healthcare inefficiencies. It baffles me in another thread how many people think we should be going after food companies. Deceptive..go buy some Enzyte from Smiling Bob. The waste list is far longer, but I believe that those are the big items. D.C. is in the pocket of lobbyist for China and until that is addressed this all smoke in mirrors. At the end of the day, I see little difference in the Middle Class future whether it is Obama or Romney.
  5. Let's be careful. These billionaires also put on a show by Obama's side saying they want to pay more taxes. Anyone ever think this could possibly be PR, deflecting or posturing? If they want to pay more taxes, then do it. These corporations that dodge taxes have members in Obama's inner circle (Job Czar for example). It goes both ways.
  6. What double standard would that be? I've been deleted once and I'm not looking to start any trouble. I think Knapp does a good job and I'll just move on.
  7. I said nothing inappropriate and I stand behind what I said. There is a double standard in this country and I guess we can't talk about it. I made a very similar post in another forum and I guess it just isn't allowed in this one.
  8. The victim has been fooled again. It's always the fault of someone else.....right. I think this is an excellent point.
  9. If this starts to pay off for them guess who will pick up the tab....us. NYTimes Link
  10. Another story about the ultra tolerant breaking laws. I believe Alanis Morrissette said best when she said, "Isn't it ironic". Edit: Forgot Link
  11. When you say independent, I assume you mean middle. I believe it was the appropriate pick because I believe that independent conservatives will decide this election. It remains to be seen what kind of money the left will put behind some third party distraction...time is running out for that.
  12. I think this will make things more interesting.
  13. I just want to add because I think this is a really good post. Does anyone think there is a possibility of some entitlement because he was a freshman starter? It looks like he wasn't slotted to start per recent reports. DeAngelo Evans had a pretty good Freshman season. I don't think this is a bombshell at all. Good Luck Dude!
  14. There are two things I hate about this ad: 1. Politics in general - Both sides are airing these adds with zero substance. I will admit that this one is about as worthless as any that I have seen. 2. Bain Capital & Lay-Offs - How many people kept jobs because of the efforts of Bain Capital? They bought companies that were losers (generalizing here). Would it have been better if every company that Bain bought closed on their own? Are there still thriving steel plants in the city or same general location of the gentleman in the video (I doubt it). Have any of you ever worked a place that has been mismanaged and or sold?
  15. It's not like it is a birth certificate or anything.....c'mon Romney.
  16. Your views as to whether or not you believe, or Exodus for that matter, believe that someone can be 'fixed' is no rationale to determine what is hate or not. You don't agree, so it is hate. I would be interested to see your examples of stifling free speech. If it involved wearing banana hammocks in public, vandalizing private businesses or harassing girls that work in a drive thru then we have different views on free speech. I don't know what criminalizing gay behavior means. It would be hateful in fact to put someone in jail because of a sexual preference, but I believe it is extremely unlikely that is even close to anything that is going here. Is the ACLU a hateful organization?
  17. Right, because that's what the hullabaloo is all about. It has nothing to do with the company donating millions of dollars to hate groups. What is a hate group? What kinds of things do hate groups do? http://eqfl.org/node/1907 Exodus International - Why is this a hate group? American Family Association - Group appears to do the same thing that most social organizations do. I actually never heard of the group. From what I can tell, from the 3 articles that I read, they are saying 'here is the situation, these are players involved, here's how you act/react'. Their agenda is definitely clear. What I don't get is that if someone believes the kind behavior in public shown in this link is unacceptable then they are hateful. There is zero logic in that. Family Research Council - Looks to be about the same as AFA. Guess hate isn't the KKK anymore.
  18. Right, because that's what the hullabaloo is all about. It has nothing to do with the company donating millions of dollars to hate groups. What is a hate group? What kinds of things do hate groups do?
  19. Last time I checked it was against the law to vandalize a building. Score another one for the 'ultra tolerant'.
  20. I actually think this is how free speech is suppose to work. This will blow over pretty quick. I use to live a block away from a Chick-fil-A and it's pretty awesome fast food. It makes the BK chicken sandwiches I use to get on 138th & Q growing up taste like dog food. I still don't get how there are none in Nebraska (I don't count MoO). Edit: It leads me to another question. Who defines what hate speech is? That being said, are the comments made by the CEO 'hateful'. I don't even know what the exact comment was. I bet most don't.
  21. Dude got himself fired. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPLNgkP9nzc Link
  22. Sometimes I wonder if people realize how ignorant this sort of statement makes them sound. I mean sure . . . if you make them around your Tea Party pals everyone will have a good chuckle . . . but . . . wow. You'll get caught on one word like you always do. My guess is that this time you will chose communists or Hilter and you will make no attempt at even trying to understand how relevant this is. It's extremely relevant. I want to be very clear that I am not comparing Obama to Hitler. That would be ridiculous. Hitler's rise involved class warfare. As he fought communism, the sheeple gave away their powers....until they had none. First they came for the communists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me. Martin Niemöller was a German pastor and theologian born in Lippstadt, Germany, in 1892. Niemöller was an anti-Communist and supported Hitler's rise to power at first.
  23. Replace 'business owner' with 'plantation master' and 'teacher' with 'slave' and it all starts to make sense.
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