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Everything posted by gobiggergoredder

  1. it's almost as if he is afraid to hire someone who might know more than him.......it's always a relief when you look around the room and quickly notice you are the smartest guy there... He doesn't need to hire anyone that knows more than him. What's the point? He needed to bring a recruiter and hopefully Mike Krzyzewksi is the guy. We need some 7 footers that can dunk.
  2. If you're like me and want Bo calling the defense, then I don't understand why you wouldn't like this hire. Bo is the best defensive coordinator this program has and/or will have. You bring in a big name guy for what?...So Bo can stand there. Ask Carl how well the defense performs when Bo is calling the shots.
  3. I'm not trying to be a dick, but you clearly haven't seen a BYU game this year. Heaps is terrible. He literately can't hit a guy standing alone by himself. They had no offense. They throw Nelson in, kind of scrappy gunslinger, and start winning. Heaps being benched is the only reason they were able to get in a bowl.
  4. Knapp...Why did you have to lock it? I missed it...c'mon man. Because it's yet another conversation we've already had 100 times. But if you want to go at it again, it's unlocked. Sorry man, I was being sarcastic. Lock it back down.
  5. Knapp...Why did you have to lock it? I missed it...c'mon man.
  6. Anyone else want to get in on going after the KWAA in Omaha? I took a few rough hits 25-30 years ago. They are probably why I'm not a doctor. I'm sure there a many stories like mine. Let me know if you want in. I already left a message with Patrick Cox.
  7. Anyone anticipating the next thread from Nebraska option as much as I am?
  8. It's a lot easier to hire someone when you know what you are getting. There is far less risk involved. Hopefully at the sametime you are developing loyalty within your program by giving guys a shot. Could be here a long time instead of job hopping. It reminds of a couple of years ago when Dinoco offered Lightning McQueen a pretty good deal, but he stuck with the Rusteez team.
  9. How he passed on Mike Nobler is beyond me. Epic fail Bo. Word is Nobler has the inside track on Associate Head Coach. That is, when Barney get promoted again. I have a source on the inside that says Nobler is staying with the program. Well played Bo, well played.
  10. There are lots of things that are crazy....you don't even know.
  11. As I reread the OP and I look at your avatar, I believe there is a much more pressing question.
  12. 15 year old freshman? You'll probably be about Brandon Weeden's age by the time you make it through, you just won't have the baseball portion of the story.
  13. Another Good Thread Nebraska option I'll take UAB 1999.
  14. He needs to go and take the money now because he will never be heard from again.
  15. Not true in all cases. Demonstrators in NYC (the bridge arrests) followed police orders, then were arrested for complying. link to them being arrested for complying to police orders? There is dumb... there is dumber... and there is the guy masquerading with someone else's name. You can easily find that in any search. You have to stop pulling this crap Sub. It's getting ridiculous. Insult and no substance. Provide the easy link already.
  16. My brother in law has a similar story. He's is trying to become a Turd.
  17. I absolutely can't stand listening to Rush or Hannity. The 'Republican' good 'Democratic' bad banter drives me crazy. It drives me equally as crazy when it is the other way around. The thing that I find most intriguing about this issue is how difficult it is to find any relevant information as to why the Republicans wouldn't vote for this. Is it because there isn't any, or is it because it is not being reported? Like most things, it is probably somewhere in the middle. In the era of constant political posturing, I think the Democrats have won again by doing nothing other than waiting until the last minute. Score another one for President David Axelrod. There is no sarcasm in what I am about to say. I think it is brilliant the position the Democrats have put themselves in. They really can't lose. By passing the two month extension, which some feel can't even be done (HERE), nothing gets addressed. This has been pushed to the deadline and now the cameras are there in full force to cover the Republican failure. People in this forum want to nit pick what was in the House passed 1 year extension, but don't appear to have the same vigor for the two month extension. Why not pass it for a year? Is it really that unreasonable to say make a decision in the next two months on the Keystone XL project? Is instituting a payroll freeze for federal workers a horrid idea? Shouldn't we really look at unemployment benefits over the next three years? The two month extension just means that this would have to be done again in February. Muda my friends...Muda. These are all controversial things that NEED to happen. At some point you have to draw a line in the sand. I don't know whether this is right issue or not, but it appears this may be a catalyst.
  18. Great article! I'll sum it up for those of you that don't have time to read it. Sen Bob Corker ® doesn't want there to be a payroll tax break. He knows he is an evil man because he is against it. After voting against it, now he thinks it should be passed by congress. Failing to pass the bill in not popular with masses, so Republicans should just do it.
  19. You post graph after graph on Bush era tax cuts being the reason we have debt problems and now you are complaining about the payroll tax cut. Which side do you want to be on?
  20. Interesting that you would claim that the facts are on your side after citing an opinion piece. How about this . . . I will rebut your Krauthammer opinion piece by citing an opinion piece from the Huffington Post. That will show you! I think your inability to distinguish between opinion and facts illustrates the problem rather well. It makes things easy when the other side makes your points for you. C'Mon Carlfense, you're the king of the opinion piece.
  21. In the early 1800's, the British could not get what they wanted (freer trade) from the Chinese. Britain flooded the country with cheap Opium and China became a country of drug addicts. This rendered China weak and allowed the British to exploit the country. http://www.victorianweb.org/history/empire/opiumwars/opiumwars1.html Do I think we would see 90% drug addiction due to the legalization of Marijuana? Absolutely not....Not even close. It doesn't take 90% to determine the direction of this country or the society. We will eventually lose our edge and continue to elect officials that 'feed' whatever our need may be. Drug tests at work will be outlawed, employer insurance programs will be forced to pay for marijuana, in general worker productivity will decrease. America will produce nothing (ideas, products, services). Our country would end up being exploited by everyone/anyone that most effectively 'handle' the masses. There is a reason they call it dope. I don't have an answer to this question, but I feel strongly that the legalization of drugs could be the downfall of this country.
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