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Status Updates posted by Blackshirts007

  1. Who's all going to the game tonight!?

  2. One hour left, i almost cried, LETS GOOOOO, caNU F'n FeEl It????

  3. silver pants and helments oregon? really?

    1. Husker Richard

      Husker Richard

      Seriously, silver isn't even one of their colors. I have no problem with them getting creative with green/yellow, but silver.....

    2. huKSer


      Nike stock is down - that's why its not 24K gold laminate

  4. Can anyone tell me what im supposed to do for the next 8 hours???

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tdawg


      ESPN all day. And CBS for Auburn/USCe.

    3. jbarnum


      Drink alcohol.

    4. Ratt Mhule

      Ratt Mhule

      Drowning, great ideas, but where is the booze?

  5. Is it bad if i stare at the time until kickoff on the top right all day?

    1. jsneb83


      No, it means you're a committed fan.

    2. CornHOLIO


      Too bad it only works at CST

  6. confirmed: taylor martinzez had been paid off by Oklahoma representatives to throw the game on saturday

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