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Everything posted by Branno

  1. I mean, ultimately the opinion of the NCAA really doesn’t matter when it comes to this. We can’t get states to follow simple reopening guidance from the cdc, the main reason we’re in the state we are right now.
  2. Something I need to make clear. You make a false statement, which I correct with a link to a reference, and I’m the one that can’t be reasoned with. Dunning-Kruger effect in action.
  3. This is why it’s hard to take what you write seriously. You use a truth, that deaths declined (due to stay at home orders) and follow it up with a false statement. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/07/10/coronavirus-live-updates-us/ Deaths starting rising a week ago. In some areas, like Texas where I live, we’re seeing new record infection rates and deaths daily. This isn’t an opinion, it’s fact. What is not a fact, unlike your claim, is that we’ll have football. We might have high school football in some areas but I would be shocked if there is a CFB season.
  4. Dude. I’d love nothing more than to be wrong. I seriously hope that the case, but that just doesn’t appear to be in the cards. Why? Because many, including yourself, don’t take this seriously enough. Whether it’s because of your political party or because you’re in an area that hasn’t been affected you just can’t seem to see reality. Im not pushing doom and gloom, I have nothing to benefit from it. I’m calling a spade a spade. Things are getting worse, with no expectation of getting better any time soon. I mean... For Christ’s sake we’re starting to see hospitals exceed capacity again but somehow y’all think everything is fine.
  5. 1. I’m a software engineer not an epidemiologist. 2. We have no idea how bad Florida is going to get and the comparison isn’t exactly apples to apples.
  6. I want to make it clear, I’m not accusing them of acting in bad faith. I hope that’s not the case at least. Trying to avoid being political.
  7. It’s not if, but when. There has already been an increase in deaths over the last week. The whole “death rates are dropping argument” is made in bad faith to push a specific viewpoint. That anyone who is trying to fight COVID is scared for no reason and that we should “get back to normal”. Its dangerous to entertain that argument.
  8. Yes, I understand how math works. Just to clarify, and I’m being serious, do you understand that someone who gets COVID-19 doesn’t immediately die? You are dividing last months deaths by today’s number of infections. It’s just bad data analysis.
  9. That’s one, albeit incorrect, way to look at it.
  10. It’s not dropping. Deaths rates trail infection rates. We’re looking at death rates from infections 3 weeks ago not today. Deaths will spike here in about 2 weeks.
  11. This is a straw man argument. No one us terrified of being sick. This isn’t about runny noses. We’re doing our best to prevent the unnecessary deaths of 3 million people. How someone can be so callous as to hand wave away that many deaths I don’t understand. You must be privileged enough not to have experienced real loss in your life.
  12. We’re in phase 4 now thanks to the party in power in Texas re-opening the state even though infections were increasing. As our Lt gov says, the economy is more important than actual human lives.
  13. This type of attitude is the reason we won't have college football in the fall. This should have been easy. It was easy in every country but the US. Stay home unless you have to go somewhere. If you have to leave, wear a mask and socially distance. Don't go to bars, don't go to restaurants, don't go to beaches, don't go to parties. Sacrifice short term comfort for long term benefits. Be a god damned adult and make wise choices. But we couldn't do it. Too many selfish, short-sided people that have some kind of weird vendetta against science. We don't deserve college football.
  14. https://sports.yahoo.com/time-to-face-reality-no-one-is-playing-college-football-in-the-fall-170634809.html
  15. I don’t understand the point being made here.
  16. Thank you. No one understood the efficacy of a cloth mask in preventing the spread from a sock person. All mask related guidance was about protecting the wearer, which still holds true today. No one had any idea about asymptomatic carriers back in Jan/Feb. Mocking the CDC and WHO over that would be like mocking doctors from the 1800s for not using penicillin. We wear masks to protect others if we’re sick. That’s why it’s important to practice social distancing and stay at home as much as possible. Most people act like they’re in a hazmat suit when wearing these masks, and do things that bring their effectiveness to near 0.
  17. The problem with stats is that they make it easy to hide reality. Let’s say this guess (because it is just that, an estimate not actual statistics) that 20 million Americans contracted COVID-19 is accurate. While yes that brings the death rate down to .5%, you have to remember that equates to 120k actual dead people. 20 million is roughly 10% of the US population. Which means we’ve only seen 10% of the deaths. If we don’t stop the spread we’re talking 1.2 million deaths. .5% is a very large number of deaths for any disease, especially one that spreads as quickly and easily as COVID-19. This is not the flu.
  18. I believe that this opinion and the actions of those that hold it are the reason we won't have college football.
  19. I'd be pretty happy with this. 1. We made it to a bowl game 2. We've never played in this bowl game before 3. Haven't played FSU in quite a while.
  20. This is the attitude of a person that doesn’t care if millions die as long as they can get a haircut and go bowling.
  21. My father in law that lives in Kearney was diagnosed with covid19 symptoms but couldn’t get tested because there weren’t enough tests. The most likely answer is the numbers are under reported, just like they are nationwide.
  22. The idea that our current situation is just the MSM blowing it out of proportion as “fear porn” is laughable and merits no discussion. I’m not going to waste my time having a conversation with someone who is irrational.
  23. The press was censored and didn't report that there was a pandemic (which is why it's called the Spanish Flu, their newspapers were the first to break the silence). There were multiple waves, with the virus spreading all the way to 1920, and upwards of a million people died in the US (up to 50 million world wide). But they played football. Maybe we instead of looking to the 1918 pandemic as a sign of what we SHOULD do, we should learn from our mistakes and try to do better.
  24. I was basically scanning what you wrote, and got to this part and realized there was nothing I could say that you wouldn't just hand wave away. I then re-read the parts above it more carefully and laughed. So thanks for that.
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