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Everything posted by Bigred_inSD

  1. Double clutch. Just like OT vs MSU. He doesn't trust his eyes
  2. They will run right up the middle three times for 3 yards
  3. Some people spend 7 years in college. Yeah They are called doctors
  4. The amount of shoulder and pushing to tackle in football today is awful. Wrap up
  5. Everyone knew a shot was coming expect Dismuke
  6. Everyone should be allowed to clap. The clap doesn't care who you are.
  7. AM and big games. Name a more allergic duo
  8. Yantz must have weighed in at over an ounce of his set weight. Hopefully he sweats it off And Frost back to be too full of himself with those last calls
  9. I'm actually kind of excited for a game. Hopefully no letdown
  10. Rattler handshake emoji Martell Peaked in High School If Williams is named the started there is zero chance that Rattler stays. If I was coach I wouldn't dare invite Rattler in.
  11. Primetime on ABC. Can Nebraska shake the big stage follies
  12. How many previous punts by Nebraska would it take to equal that 84 yard bomb
  13. Let them co-op with Georgia so they have a chance
  14. That block by Toure and that stiff arm. My god.
  15. Toure made that play by coming back. What a stud. Great start Probably downhill from here
  16. Maybe he told him to drive it and he took it as driving a car. Pretty sure they drive on the left side of the road in Australia
  17. my mom wants him fired. Good luck with that
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