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Everything posted by Excel

  1. Here's another case tangentially related to this. Meet PFC Snuffy... PFC Snuffy joined the National Guard and is finally home after training so he thought he'd use his uniform to make a political statement at a flag burning in Lousiana. PFC Snuffy was a very dumb PFC and is now a very sad PFC.
  2. Geez they will not shut up about this on ESPN. Let's just book a venue in Vegas and finish this thing, already tired of hearing about it.
  3. I know you aren't. I am just stating my opinion. I dont dislike you because of what you say,.. I dislike you because you root for Wisconsin haha and I don't dislike you because you're a Mud Duck, I dislike you because of your profile picture. Come on, put AP, Harvin, McNabb/Ponder...anybody even FAVRE over that guy. I hate him so much....talk about a douche.
  4. I stand by my statement. Army/marine/navy/air force. They all stand for the same purpose and I respect the fact he fights for our country and his whole family did. Much more noble then me in that aspect. However parading his uniform around just to have his voice heard seems like an improper way to use your uniform. And in my mind soldier and marine are in the same boat when it comes to fighting for our country. I understand your argument. I didn't mean to criticize your statement, in fact I agree with you completely, just the word choice irked me a bit. To quote E.B. Sledge “Stop calling that guy soldier. He's a Marine. Can't you see his emblem? He's not in the army. Don't insult him.”...not directed at you, just a general statement
  5. Ok it bugs me so I'll say it, he's a Marine. Not a Soldier. Not in the Army. Sorry, had to point it out.
  6. There was a time when military service was so common it was almost not worth mentioning and if anything the lack of it was noteworthy. Like when McGovern faced Nixon in the election of 72 he was painted as a radical pansy and a friend of the anti-war Vietnam protesters...and he lost. Never did he make it an issue that he was in fact a decorated War Hero and when asked why he failed to play the card he said... "I think it was a political error, but I always felt kind of foolish talking about my war record—what a hero I was. How do you do that? ... t was not in my nature to turn the campaign into a constant exercise in self-congratulatory autobiography" ...so say what you will about McGovern but I wish we could return to a time like that. Men like McGovern understood that service stood by at self as it was. When you polish and present it to the public you often blemish it. I like to think that those that defend their society understand that this is a duty not some kind of messianic act. There's a certain higher level of pride and chivalry in one that does not talk of the debt that the public owes him.
  7. meh....not sure how to feel about this. Not a fan of using one's military service as a leg up on people in a debate.
  8. You love us...you really LOVE us. You must because you can't go a day without saying something about us... Maybe he's secretly a Badger/Vadger/Wi$con$in fan? Plenty of room on the bandwagon buddy...hop on anytime, he knows he wants to...
  9. Screw Boise, people complain about BCS AQ teams playing creampuffs for their out of conference schedule...well those teams are Boise's regular season! Sure they try to play a "marque" game from time to time but come on. They're #4 for beating UGA? A team that lost to a C-USA team last year without scoring a TD? f#*k Boise
  10. Agreed. I'm not a Mizzou fan obviously and would rather have them stay in the Big XII but if this conference arms race is going to happen we need to be on the winning side of things and that means going after a good school with decent athletics that's in your region and wants to join. I'm not thrilled with this news at all. Oh and I really hope contiguous footprint is still a big deal. It's part of what makes college football great and why many prefer it over the pro's. Conferences play unique styles of football and teams play their neighbors, there's history and real culture. It's not the NFL where a team from Missouri plays in a division with teams from California, Arizona and Washington.
  11. The Big Ten had better have a secret deal with ND for eventual membership or else they really dropped the ball on this one. Nice one Delany.
  12. I'm rooting for the Cards. I respect the history, like the town and gotta pull for the Midwestern team.
  13. Wow this thread got boring quick...thanks a lot smart people
  14. haha well I'm not bulls***ing, they tried that, and obviously it didn't work, the student section is still whiter than the dinner crowd at denny's. oh and cosign
  15. You love us...you really LOVE us. You must because you can't go a day without saying something about us...
  16. I think I could win the GOP nomination, I did pretty well in a few straw polls
  17. He's just looking for a little lovin' ....can't knock a man for that
  18. What was the average point differential per projection? What's the standard margin of error? How large was your sample size and how was it selected? Was your work even peer-reviewed? I'm highly skeptical of your results, I find them shallow and pedantic.
  19. Mark Your Calendars: End of World Coming Oct. 21, Camping Says Hope you all are ready, he's super serious this time
  20. hahahah, more like a young PJ Hill
  21. Wow, I never realized how White we are...I mean...that is a LOT of white people. Now I understand why we had to do this -----> can you spot the difference?
  22. Wish they'd show the whole video, I can never see that shove to the back they say he gave Schwartz, just the fight after.
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