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Everything posted by WoodyHayes1951

  1. Nostalgia for the Big XII is 95% because of current state of the program. No one is going to be missing the Big XII if/when Nebraska is playing Bizzarro Nebraska(aka Wisconsin) for Big Ten West Titles on a consistent basis.
  2. If someone is legitimately scared of a President...any President, Then doesn't that mean these people think the office has too much power? Including Obama. I don't know what makes Trump different.
  3. I'm not being snippy, that's the problem. I'm genuinely looking for those answers. I googled "Hillary took money from Qatar & Saudi Arabia" and found nothing. I know for a fact Mr. Cheney hasn't been convicted of anything. I think it's important to be as factual as possible in a time of high emotions like this. Facts are generally without bias, and we could use a little less bias right now. Well, it is hard not to be biased in this conversation but I always try to stay away from openly biased sources. but you can see why I thought you were being snippy right? I mean, not knowing Clinton has taken money from Qatar and Saudi Arabia in this conversation is like not knowing what a Derivative is when taking a 3D Calculus class. It is kind of critical and all these things are what decided the election for a the guy wearing a toupee
  4. The birther thing is stupid and Donald Trump was a birther which is also stupid. However, the inconvenient truth is that it came from Hillary Clinton supporters. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2010/02/08/the-secret-history-of-the-birthers.html
  5. Did Donald Trump "look like a cry baby" in 2012? Yes...thankfully he didn't take part in destruction of property or assault.
  6. Where did I say the donations are illegal? I would say it is a conflict of interest, I would say it is hypocritical. I would say the quid pro quo going on is most definitely corrupt.
  7. You're missing a little more than that but since you asked and can't find info yourself....http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/21/us/politics/hillary-clinton-presidential-campaign-charity.html?_r=0 Regarding Cheney, dust off the glasses....and look again.....but just in case https://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/sep/16/iraq.iraq If something is "illegal" then a crime usually committed, is it not? Regardless, this is about Hillary...I would take Mickey Mouse over someone with such disregard for human life. The personal attack is unfortunate, since all I'm asking you to do is provide sources for your accusations. Sorry, Everyone is high strung and I apologize. I just expect someone to know easy to access information and could do without the snippiness.
  8. Well said by both you and Moraine. Very well said. Thank you for posting and nailing exactly what I for one feel. What blows my mind is how Trump supporters gloss over all of the horrible, despicable and deplorable things that he has said and done and still fully support him. I for one am scared for the future of our country right now. Very scared. I keep telling myself maybe just maybe something else will come out of the woodwork on this clown or that he somehow can be impeached/removed. I am not letting go of that hope. God Bless America because right now she needs it. Pot meet kettle. The Democratic candidate was the female version of Dick Cheney and you are not interested in acknowledging it or the fact that she is corrupt as hell taking money from Qatar and Saudi Arabia. She ruined how many lives in Libya? A self sufficient country with resources available to them. I would have voted for Dick Cheney over Donald Trump. Where's the proof she took money from Qatar and Saudi Arabia? So you prefer war criminals as presidents? ok.. Where is the proof Hillary took money from Qatar & Saudi Arabia? When did Dick Cheney get convicted of war crimes? http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-foundation-idUSKBN12Z2SL Only took a simple google search. When did OJ get convicted of Murder? That is the trend of the world. Only losers go to jail like Slobodan. I'm missing the part about Saudi Arabia. And the part about Cheney's conviction. You're missing a little more than that but since you asked and can't find info yourself....http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/21/us/politics/hillary-clinton-presidential-campaign-charity.html?_r=0 Regarding Cheney, dust off the glasses....and look again.....but just in case https://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/sep/16/iraq.iraq If something is "illegal" then a crime usually committed, is it not? Regardless, this is about Hillary...I would take Mickey Mouse over someone with such disregard for human life.
  9. Well said by both you and Moraine. Very well said. Thank you for posting and nailing exactly what I for one feel. What blows my mind is how Trump supporters gloss over all of the horrible, despicable and deplorable things that he has said and done and still fully support him. I for one am scared for the future of our country right now. Very scared. I keep telling myself maybe just maybe something else will come out of the woodwork on this clown or that he somehow can be impeached/removed. I am not letting go of that hope. God Bless America because right now she needs it. Pot meet kettle. The Democratic candidate was the female version of Dick Cheney and you are not interested in acknowledging it or the fact that she is corrupt as hell taking money from Qatar and Saudi Arabia. She ruined how many lives in Libya? A self sufficient country with resources available to them. I would have voted for Dick Cheney over Donald Trump. Where's the proof she took money from Qatar and Saudi Arabia? So you prefer war criminals as presidents? ok.. Where is the proof Hillary took money from Qatar & Saudi Arabia? When did Dick Cheney get convicted of war crimes? http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-foundation-idUSKBN12Z2SL Only took a simple google search. When did OJ get convicted of Murder? That is the trend of the world. Only losers go to jail like Slobodan.
  10. Well said by both you and Moraine. Very well said. Thank you for posting and nailing exactly what I for one feel. What blows my mind is how Trump supporters gloss over all of the horrible, despicable and deplorable things that he has said and done and still fully support him. I for one am scared for the future of our country right now. Very scared. I keep telling myself maybe just maybe something else will come out of the woodwork on this clown or that he somehow can be impeached/removed. I am not letting go of that hope. God Bless America because right now she needs it. Pot meet kettle. The Democratic candidate was the female version of Dick Cheney and you are not interested in acknowledging it or the fact that she is corrupt as hell taking money from Qatar and Saudi Arabia. She ruined how many lives in Libya? A self sufficient country with resources available to them. I would have voted for Dick Cheney over Donald Trump. Where's the proof she took money from Qatar and Saudi Arabia? So you prefer war criminals as presidents? ok..
  11. So Trumps racist past (and present actions) are just a 'tool' to distract Americans from the 'real' issues?????!!!!!! WTF????!!!!! You sir are the pure definition of the Delusional with a capital D Trump supporter as well as person.... Let someone make this very clear for you. Trumps past (and present) exhibitions of blatant racism are not a tool my friend. They happened and are exactly who he is and what he represents. Yep. That's the guy you voted for and support. You must be proud eh? Unreal. You're dodging.... Except the only one guilty of 'dodging' isn't me. Racism isn't a 'tool' as you'd so ignorantly like to believe to distract voters from the 'real' issues which in case you forgot was what you claimed in the very the first sentence of your post. I suppose you thought 9/11 was an inside job too right????!!!!! Take off your tin foil hat. A racist is part of who Donald Trump is and unlike you that is a pretty f'n important 'issue' for me. Obviously it isn't for you. I know, I know. The Democrats fabricated his words and actions when it comes to women and the physically handicapped too right?????!!!!!!! You know. To distract everyone from the real issues.... Jesus. Why is it so important for you, personally?
  12. Well said by both you and Moraine. Very well said. Thank you for posting and nailing exactly what I for one feel. What blows my mind is how Trump supporters gloss over all of the horrible, despicable and deplorable things that he has said and done and still fully support him. I for one am scared for the future of our country right now. Very scared. I keep telling myself maybe just maybe something else will come out of the woodwork on this clown or that he somehow can be impeached/removed. I am not letting go of that hope. God Bless America because right now she needs it. Pot meet kettle. The Democratic candidate was the female version of Dick Cheney and you are not interested in acknowledging it or the fact that she is corrupt as hell taking money from Qatar and Saudi Arabia. She ruined how many lives in Libya? A self sufficient country with resources available to them.
  13. Why do people always say they are not going to call someone a racist and then go ahead and do it? Its like taking the high road for about 90% and then a shot to the nads. whats the point?
  14. Your version of "respect" might be someone else's restriction on free speech. Try to understand over perspectives. If you criticize the wrong people in the wrong way in other countries you can go to jail for hate crimes. Canada, Germany, France,etc... Not unrealistic that it could or would happen here.
  15. If nothing else we've learned flinging them at people whose votes you're trying to get is poor strategy. They actually make them stronger. I remember at a Fox Debate where Megyn Kelly ask Trump about his sexist comments. His response was a total dodge. He said that he wasn't politically correct and that people should stop being so politically correct and talk like normal people. The crowd went wild. He used the PC Police and those who want every word monitored in school to his advantage. Why? Because people hate it and will go for anything and ANYONE who are against it...There was only one in this election out of the dozen or so potential candidates. That is not an endorsement of his response, the reality is that people are sick of it because its been pushed on them.
  16. Keep the Bush family and their allies the hell out of the White House. The same with anyone in the Obama syndicate.
  17. So Trumps racist past (and present actions) are just a 'tool' to distract Americans from the 'real' issues?????!!!!!! WTF????!!!!! You sir are the pure definition of the Delusional with a capital D Trump supporter as well as person.... Let someone make this very clear for you. Trumps past (and present) exhibitions of blatant racism are not a tool my friend. They happened and are exactly who he is and what he represents. Yep. That's the guy you voted for and support. You must be proud eh? Unreal. You're dodging....I never mentioned Trump or his racism in this post. I don't know the man but I do know that racism and sexism is a old fashioned way of discrediting someone. For example, CNN acting like Puritans when "Discovering" that Donald Trump went on the Howard Stern show and discussed Sexual Things! OH the Outrage! This is the kind of person who is entertained to death listening to ditto heads and too much tv and doesn't exercise critical thinking. Answer, these questions... Was Clinton's response a dodge? Why did Oprah have Trump on her show all those times? Why did the Far Right network NBC employ Trump for all those years? Why does no one care that that Far Right Network employed Howard Stern all those years? Go on and find the audio of him ridiculing Mexicans( Youtube and search: 'Howard Stern and Selina').
  18. Btw, no one denies there is racism but it is a tool to distract from the real issues. Hillary said it herself and the Bernie Bros and everyone else killed her for it... https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/02/13/clinton-in-nevada-not-everything-is-about-an-economic-theory/ "Not everything is about an economic theory, right?" Clinton asked her audience of a few hundred activists, most of them wearing T-shirts from the unions that had promoted the rally. "If we broke up the big banks tomorrow — and I will, if they deserve it, if they pose a systemic risk, I will — would that end racism?" "No!" shouted her audience. "Would that end sexism?" "No!" "Would that end discrimination against the LGBT community?" "No!" This is code for, "I'm supported by the big banks(Like Goldman Sachs) to make sure racism is at the forefront of your mind."
  19. He is so racist that current KKK member, Oprah, used to have him on her show all the freaking time.
  20. It's bread and circuses. Weed and Football. keep people distracted with fun things to forget that they are being looted. govt: "We can't pay for social security" people:"WHAAAT??? Why NOT??" govt:"It's ok you can now smoke pot" people:"WHOOOO"
  21. I posted about it already, but despite the huge win, Republicans are at a disadvantage with people between the ages of 18-40. They should do everything they can to get marijuana legalized nationally in the next 4 years to try to win some of this age bracket. Pass out free joints so they space out on the date like Gary Johnson. That would be my strategy.
  22. Surprised this didn't have it's own thread. Great for the American working class and bad for the 1%. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/wp/2016/11/10/the-trans-pacific-partnership-is-dead-schumer-tells-labor-leaders/
  23. In seriousness, where do you figure we go from here with the Iran deal, and in terms of peace with Iran? I'm quite worried. And I'm not sure to what extent that deal is locked in place. Iran is no threat to the U.S. and everyone knows this which is why they signed the deal. Does Iran sponsor terrorism? Yeah. So does the U.S unfortunately....I wouldn't vote for Hillary anyway but when she arms "rebels" to illegally overthrow the Libyan government and they leave that country in shambles, that is no better than what Iran does and is much worse than anything Dick Cheney ever did. I am all for A deal with Iran but the deal does suck and should have been better handled. It was one of the only things I supported from this presidency because it would have ticked off the Saudis and the Israelis who are just as much to blame for this middle eastern mess as anyone. Politically speaking It makes no sense to be aggressive towards Iran. Trump is doing this probably for show. He is a businessman, thats how deals get done. He has stated he wants peace with Russia(which is a very good thing). You cannot ally the Eurasia land mass and expect to hold U.S. dominance on the map(If that is the goal which I can only assume it is). The U.S. Navy is essentially unstoppable and controls the world's waterways but there is a self-sustaining area on this world that is impossible to crack if there is an alliance. Russia is part of it, China is part of it, Turkey is part of it, Iran is part of it,etc...They don't need outside resources and they cannot be embargoed if they work together. You have already pissed off everyone of these countries within the last 4 years in one way or another. Its like they are trying to screw it up. People thought the Cold War was dead, guess what? It never went away and they are trying to isolate Russia by controlling the side that isn't already controlled by Water or European Allies. That is why the U.S. is so crazy about overthrowing Syria and why the Russians are supporting them(Can you blame them? We almost went to Nuclear war for the Cuban Missile Crisis, the U.S. has dozens of bases lined up around Russia) To summarize it if you want WWIII then you put that no fly zone in Syria to Provoke Russia and you tear up that Iran deal and antagonize them more. You are already annoying China, the Philippines said they were allying themselves with China(although their dictator said he would speak to Trump), and the leader of Turkey thinks that some dude living in the U.S. was behind the coup which is code for :He thinks the U.S. government is behind it.
  24. Who said that? I think it's ridiculous to jump to conclusions as most people usually do based on the media which is there to make money and entertain. We see it all the time and people never learn. Hate to break it to ya but this has always been a divided country and always will be. It is a republic with a democratic election(That alone divides the country) and it is filled with a lot of different ethnic groups that all have different motives and incentives. Honestly, you want a country on more of the same page? Switch to a monarchy. You're making a lot of jumps to my mindset. But actually you're correct on the last sentence. I've been pro-monarchy for like 15 years The problem with democracy is the politicians have to do what pleases their constituents even if it's bad for the country. That's why, for example in California, they waited something like 3 years too long to put any restrictions on water usage. They didn't want to piss anyone off and lose the next election. Only major problem with monarchy is you could be stuck with the same a-hole for 60 years Anyway, nobody said the bolded exactly. But I've read lots and lots of posts saying it's not his fault. True, it's not solely his fault, but I've also seen people arguing with those saying people were emboldened because of him. You got that right. I'm no fan of these wars but even when we were in Vietnam supporting the rightful government they only did so much because of the Press criticism of the Vietnamese president. The government was only focused on the upcoming re-election for JFK and gaining favor with the press and the American people. It obviously ended in a trainwreck.
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