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Everything posted by Landomatic

  1. I think it was more like 2,000....but we get your point.
  2. Yep...if there ever was a time not to rock the boat and to keep things status quo, this would be it.
  3. They may be motivated and play the best game of their lives because of it. They may be exhausted from all the mental weight and distractions. Nothing would surprise me in this one. Throw football logic completely out the window. And I don't think anyone gets more or less kudos than normal for any of it...regardless of the result. If we get blown out, we can't hold that against our players or coaches given the circumstances. If we blow them out, no way we can give our guys extra credit for being so great given the circumstances.
  4. Probably unlikely. He would be hurting himself more than Penn State. He would literally be un-hireable if he didn't tell the truth. Last person i would want to piss off is the police and lawyers who could make his life a living hell if he kept testimony from them. This isn't something you can mess around with. Maybe, but that's if you take it for the most extreme of interpretations...i.e. he knows where all the bodies are buried and they don't want that leaked. I think more likely is that as of right now, they have all the people on the same page and working for the same thing and they want to keep it that way in general. It's possible that authorities and the school have a common interest in that. You fire one of the main players and he will lawyer-up almost immediately (see Paterno) which would do neither the school nor authorities any good. Maybe they were doing Paterno a favor by letting him out of this whole mess and giving him the luxury of being able to lawyer-up. They're making McQueary stick it out and sort through all of this with them. I know it sounds pretty "conspiracy theory" and normally I'd be the first one to call someone out on that, but this whole thing is one big conspiracy theory. I think it has to either be this or the whistle blower law thing and they don't want to have that on their hands. Either way, I think McQueary is already un-hireable for future jobs. Who's going to want their name attached to that guy ever?
  5. Maybe McQueary knows a lot more than he has said and PSU doesn't want him to say more? Keep him close, keep him happy, keep him employed and he can help carry the torch on the company line. Piss him off and he may turn against you with what he really knows.
  6. Only 378 signatures. I thought they'd hit 1,000 in no time.
  7. To be clear, the reports are about "donors" which I'm guessing is regarding donating money to the charity, not necessarily the university. I would change the title of this thread to "donors" rather than boosters but I can't figure out how to change a thread title. Maybe a mod can change that for clarification?
  8. As I said regarding Paterno earlier in the week...no way in hell McQueary is in that stadium on Saturday. They may let him "resign" or give him a leave or something along those lines, but he won't be there. Its a no win for him either way. Those few idiots supporting Paterno are pissed because "if Paterno was fired, McQueary should have been fired" and then I think everyone else thinks he should have been fired because he didn't do enough. They need everyone involved to be out.
  9. Sorry...had a little of the details a little off, but here's the link... http://www.nesn.com/2011/11/jerry-sandusky-rumored-to-have-been-pimping-out-young-boys-to-rich-donors-says-mark-madden.html
  10. Just heard on the radio that local authorities are investigating allegations that the Second Mile organization was using charity to "pimp young boys to prominent boosters". I'll try to find a link to the audio. They also mentioned that it is believed that the organization was serving as a filter for for money to pay players. Also that the number of victims is now over 40.
  11. Effective after the end of this season... "I have decided to announce my retirement effective at the end of this season. At this moment the Board of Trustees should not spend a single minute discussing my status. They have far more important matters to address. I want to make this as easy for them as I possibly can," he said in the statement. "This is a tragedy. It is one of the great sorrows of my life. With the benefit of hindsight, I wish I had done more." http://online.wsj.co...3277309662.html
  12. NU - 0 PSU - 0 Pass - 0 Rush - 0 Game canceled amid scandal. Nebraska gets the W. Won't happen, but if it does I'll look like a genius!!
  13. You would think, but plenty of the students are rallying easily enough. Yeah...saw that on Sports Center last night. Bunch of students camped out on Paterno's lawn to support him. WTF??? I could maaaaaybe accept someone wishing to stay neutral under the whole "innocent until proven guilty thing" but I can't for the life of me figure out how anyone can come out in support of anything that has gone on there. That's just crazy to me. Anyway...back to the topic...this game has such bizaro circumstances that I think its just about impossible to predict. They could rally, they could be completely down, we could be distracted, etc. This deals with much bigger things than a coach having his team up and prepared. I know I'm not up for it at all as a fan like I normally am.
  14. PuegotDaddy is free to go start his own board where "Never is heard, a discouraging word...." Oh...he won't have to start his own, that already exists. As long as he doesn't mind paying $20
  15. He won't be in the stadium this weekend I can just about guarantee you.
  16. Best article I've seen on the topic... http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2011/writers/andy_staples/11/08/penn-state-joe-paterno-scandal/index.html?eref=sircrc Unbelievably well written!!!
  17. No way in hell Jo Pa is running out that tunnel on Saturday...no freakin way!!! I think the game will be played, but given the events of today and the way they are shutting down all access to the media by anyone involved, the school will have all parties even remotely mentioned in this investigation on some sort of leave or suspension or gone before kickoff. There's just no way in hell they allow any sort of public spectacle out of any of this. And the only way to ensure that is to either 1) remove the people from the situation or 2) cancel the situation.
  18. Yeah. I didn't have a real sense of the gravity of the situation until I read it. I couldn't make it through Victim 2.
  19. Wow...canceled so far today... 1) Jo Pa on campus normal press conference 2) Jo Pa off campus behind the scenes press conference 3) Jo Pa's portion of the normal B1G con call 4) The normal 6-7 player availability to the press 5) The President's fund raiser dinner That's a lot of limiting visibility and access in a short amount of time. Can't see it not continuing throughout the week.
  20. No way Jo Pa is inside the stadium at the game on Saturday...bank it.
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