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Everything posted by Muck

  1. I'm glad this interview is making the rounds again. It gives a nice bit of insight into Joe Paterno's real personality... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe6ykE3VyiU
  2. I wouldn't. The Buckeye OL has far too much to prove before they should be ranked near the top of the conference.
  3. For the record players/ recruits are NOT being punished. They can still play football for Penn State. They have been given special dispensation to switch to another school if they want to continue to play football at another venue. If they decide to give up football & focus on academics they have had their scholarships guaranteed. The NCAA is bending over backwards for these kids. To say they are being punished is complete nonsense. ---- To follow up on my earlier post... Looks like the decision has been made... "And finally, a school already facing scholarship limits because of NCAA infractions, such as Ohio State or USC, may add a Penn State player as long as it doesn't exceed the limits specified in its infractions ruling. So USC can add Penn State running back Silas Redd as long as it doesn't exceed its NCAA-mandated scholarship limit of 75." So they split the difference with Ohio State & USC (ie can accept transfer but can't go over the scholarship limit for this year like other teams can).
  4. Yep. Useless information tangent... I actually spent some time around some of the cast of that show. Blaze (her real name is Sha-ri Pendleton which might ring a bell for some of you 'Huskers) was married at the time to a SSgt in my unit who was subsequently hired to help train the 'gladiators'. So for a while there was a bit of co-mingling behind the two groups. He later went on to play 'Nightmare' in a similar show called Knights & Warriors.
  5. lol For the record I don't believe the NCAA has decided on whether teams currently under sanctions will be eligible for the transfer exemption.
  6. Nope. Only if they were forfeited.
  7. Serious entitlement issues involved here. We're talking about a group of people that have spent their lives believing that their last name alone meant that they were special. They honestly believe that they deserve presidential level seating at Beaver Stadium for the next 25 years and personal use of the PSU jet. BTW I wonder why none of the national commentators have yet dug into the fact that part of the severance package Paterno negotiated right around the time of the Sandusky indictment included completely waiving a $300K interest free personal loan from PSU. Why in the world was PSU giving Joe Paterno six digit loans with no expectation of interest being paid upon them? On a lighter note...
  8. Have you heard Jay or Scott speak? We are not talking about a family of rocket scientists here.
  9. Troof At the end of the reductions they will have a class of seniors graduating. Due to the 25 max new players per year it will take them a couple of years to get back up to full strength. So 65 - (let's say 15 seniors) + 25 = 75 Despite his misgivings Provost Rodney Erickson went along with the decision to name Jerry Sandusky 'Professor Emeritus' in 1999. Rodney Erickson is the current interim President at PSU. There are a lot more than 4 people who allowed Graham Spanier & Joe Paterno to use position to force through their personal agendas. That made me chuckle. If you want to really get a laugh take a look at who the majority of the PSU victories were over (before they joined the Big Ten).
  10. Spend 15 minutes on a PSU message board (the best stuff is on BWI/McAndrews). It will shake your faith in humanity. Come on, even with their recent troubles the TSUN is still a bigger fish than PSU. Heck Wisconsin has a pretty strong argument that they are as well. An absolutely necessary decision. The NCAA has no subpoena power. Freeh had no subpoena power. You have the potential of federal investigators coming in who actually can subpoena individuals & records not to mention the upcoming decade of civil suits that will force people to actually answer questions under oath. This is just the very beginning of the story. Tom Crean laughs at your claim.
  11. Good luck with Ross. He would be a solid pickup.
  12. He named Ohio State as his other 'finalist' at the time he committed to PSU. Of course who knows how much things have changed (on both ends) since that time. Funnily enough I wouldn't be surprised if B4B's original prediction pans out (ND). All the above nonwithstanding Breneman is a dyed in the wool PSU fan. He may just stick it out.
  13. Iowa’s Mason: Big Ten might punish Penn State, too
  14. Hey now, there is absolutely no reason to slander the Chicago Maroons!
  15. Am I the only one who feels that doesn't make any sense? Has there been indication that PSU has sent the NCAA their formal response to the initial inquiry yet? I'm all for nuking Happy Valley but why in the world would you trip over yourself in a rush to do it before you've dotted all the 'i's & crossed the 't's? You know damn well that at this very moment Bielema is brainstorming on a way to score 100 against the team formally known as Penn State. It is. The wet dream of Penn State fans is for the B1G to kick them out. WIthout the uber-program @ State College the B1G would sink to MAC levels while Penn State would join the ACC & cause it to rise into an eastern power on the coattails on the 'nits. BTW that is not sarcasm. It's been posted by the PSU faithful many times on their boards over the years (even before the Sandusky scandal broke). They truly believe Penn State is the only thing propping up the Big Ten. If you go back and read the articles that came out shortly after Sandusky was indicted (spring 2011) there are at least a couple that state flat out that the Sandusky situation had been an open secret in the area for years. There was a charity golf event associated with The Second Mile whose dwindling attendance for a number of years was cited as being directly connected to people knowing about Sandusky's acts. The SMU sanction was for no home games. So they wouldn't have played in front of empty stadiums, just ones full of the opponent's fans. That idea actually appeals to me. Their actual 2012 schedule is very, very home friendly. They don't play any of the bigger games on the road.
  16. Usually you can trip someone up thinking Northwestern is in Indiana.
  17. Why would the B1G kick out the only decent University in northern Indiana?
  18. A member of the crack protection detail... ...or a random homeless dude.
  19. For those who missed it, Mark Emmert's interview with Tavis Smiley is well worth watching... LINK The best play on that joke I've seen was a suggestion to move it to the library so it could serve as a reminder to keep quiet. To be perfectly blunt I'd prefer to see Penn State have their NCAA membership withdrawn. They can keep their damn football team and argue with Peru State over who is the 'real' PSU. If they can manage to do a complete cleansing of the incestuous relationship between the football program and the various academic departments I'd back off of that but not only do I not see it happening instead I see PSU fans wanting to double down & argue against against drastic reforms. So failing that, nuke it from orbit....it's the only way to be sure.
  20. I have it on good authority that Ty Willingham villain behind in all of this. It was posted in the comments section under articles and on message boards so it has to be true.
  21. The giant ponds of pig manure ponds along tobacco road are an especially nice treat.
  22. You should love the 2015 schedule then. The thing that really sucks is that this agreement is what led to the cancelling of the series with Georgia. I wonder if that can be revisited.
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