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Everything posted by HSKR

  1. If the child isn't going to live and take the mother with her unless she gets one, that would be an exception for me. If the baby was created from incest or had other genetic deformities, that would be an exception for me as well. Rape? You have a point on that one. If there in nothing wrong with the child I'm not sure I could come up with any reason to support abortion because of it.
  2. I'll play your assumption game. In fact for your benefit, I'll reverse those statistics and let's say that 95% of abortions are because of rape, incest or the extreme medical cases and only 5% of abortions are due women not wanting to be punished with a baby. Even with those inaccurate percentages that have still leaves an overwhelming larger number of lives taken that the pro-abortion left thinks is ok vs the lives lost from the things the right thinks is ok. You can call me an idiot all you want but in the end I'm still correct on my original post. The left is the bigger hypocrite.
  3. I guess all I can really say is I don't believe in abortion other then for those extreme situations, rape, medical, etc whether that be one abortion a year or one million. If I am buying into the lies of the CDC, then so be it.
  4. How many people have died because they couldn't get adequate healthcare? How many of those abortions were for medical reason or because of a rape or incest? I believe around 95% abortions are done soley as birth control, so I'll knock that number down to 1,140,000. Does that even it up enough for you? And your numbers come from where exactly? The internets. Most of those stats came from the first page of google searches, I should have posted links and can still do it if you really don't believe or if you want to make the debate about how I got those numbers and not the shocking reality of those numbers themselves.
  5. Things you agreed with the Tea Party on before I posted that link: Zero. I'm not a Tea Party guy and I know there are things I don't agree with them but your response reinforced again what I just brought up. To me it looks like you are just as unwilling to engage in thoughtful discussion with them as you claim they would with you.
  6. and this is perfect example why we won't break the gridlock we have in this country. You are guilty of it. I am plenty guilty of it myself. Instead of saying there is a point here and there that I can agree with them on a subject, we disassociate with them completely. A stopped clock is right twice a day. Oh, I think you can occasional be right on things more then that.
  7. FYI, personally I am for more gun control, anti death penalty and believe that abortion should only be used in that extreme 5% area, so I guess that makes me, well, just me.
  8. How many people have died because they couldn't get adequate healthcare? How many of those abortions were for medical reason or because of a rape or incest? I believe around 95% abortions are done soley as birth control, so I'll knock that number down to 1,140,000. Does that even it up enough for you?
  9. and this is perfect example why we won't break the gridlock we have in this country. You are guilty of it. I am plenty guilty of it myself. Instead of saying there is a point here and there that I can agree with them on a subject, we disassociate with them completely.
  10. Lefties thinks bad -2012 gun murders~10,000 -US deaths in total Iraq and Afghanistan~5000+2500=7500 -2012 US executions-43 Righties thinks bad Abortions in US in 2012~1,200,000 Number of righties concerned about being called a hypocrite by even bigger hypocrite lefties~0
  11. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought you were Huskerboard's Tea Party representative after reading this. Apparently everyone who leans left is in support of government waste? It's possible to be on the left side and still want to cut unnecessary government expense ya know Problem is most lefties don't believe it is wasteful. LOL, just for fun I googled "tea party and usps" and this was the second result. http://www.teaparty.org/the-secret-the-postal-service-doesnt-want-you-to-know-4844/ Is Max Liberty your real name tschu?
  12. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought you were Huskerboard's Tea Party representative after reading this.
  13. I was checking out Ukraine on Google maps in particular Cremea and noticed a large amount of center pivot irrigation. In fact, I found that there are four Valley dealers in Ukraine. Thought that was an interesting Nebraska connection.
  14. Another unexpected cost of Obamacare. Canadians! http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/biden-tries-sign-canadian-woman-obamacare_783657.html?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed
  15. BTW Closer to the Heart, season 3 is my favorite episode. Any episode with Conky is second.
  16. Think about this for a second.... lost to Michigan 71-70 lost to Purdue 70-64 lost to PSU 58-54 All close games we could have won and if we had we would be 19-7 overall and 11-3, alone in first in conference and most likely rated in the top #15. Pour some kool aid for me too!
  17. That makes me wonder if Northwestern runs the risk of getting booted from the BIG if this were to happen.
  18. From everything I have hear regarding this situation the school district is very close to building a 3rd Elkhorn high school to make sure that both current schools stay in class B. Not entirely sure on dates of when it would/could happen but this is what I've heard. http://www.omaha.com.../NEWS/131229363 This makes it sound like they will make Elkhorn South larger and build a third high school eventually. I simply don't see a way the two current high schools or even a future one will ever stay B schools. Way too much growth. Same for Gretna. North Platte probably has the worst travel in the state being a class A team. Kearney and Grand Island are the "close" A schools. After that, Lincoln. Them dropping to B may not be all that bad of a thing.
  19. What I find interesting is how many of those are soccer. I know a lot of people whine about the diving in soccer and I actually agree but when they do get hurt for real its usually brutal. This just happened today in the match I was watching, sickening. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2545785/Stevenage-0-Everton-4-Match-report.html
  20. BTW, here are the enrollment numbers for next year. https://nsaahome.org/textfile/about/1415enroll.pdf and classifications for football https://nsaahome.org/textfile/fbl/fbclass.pdf South Sioux is now up to class A. Benson has dropped to B. Elkhorn South isn't far from moving up to A meaning North Platte and Columbus (who has been going back and forth between A and B) will be struggling to hold on to those last spots in A. Gretna will likely be moving to A in a few more years as well with the growth in the area. Although there are a few schools in A and B, this issue is primarily focused on that C and D schools as that is where you find the majority of them. I know some years you can see six or seven private schools ranked in the top 10 in either football or basketball and they probably make up less then 25% of the schools in that class. As for the issue itself, I'd say the the Senator from Wilbur is a wuss. When I was in high school we loved playing the bigger school or Catholic school. It was that much bigger of a win when you took them out.
  21. BRIDGEGAAAZZZIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. “It seems like, to me, a vagina — as a man — would be more desirable than a man’s anus,” he said I concur
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