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Everything posted by BigRedBuster

  1. Nice try at walking back. The start of your post indicated that you agreed with the previous post.
  2. Soooo....who feels safer since the stable genius is in the Whitehouse?
  3. That last quote needs to be put in TV ads and played 24/7 till ejection day.
  4. Wait...so now CPAC is part of the deep state conspiracy against the President? Very Interesting.
  5. It’s talking about the wait times in Canada. On average they went up from a year ago.
  6. Oh...oh...oh.... let me try this. The Corona virus is a deep state conspiracy created to take down the President. Did I go that right?
  7. What a total load of BS. All you two are doing is being Trumps Hand maids. Congrats. So....what would have changed with their timing of their withdrawal from the race? It’s pretty interesting when you see political propaganda work so well like this within the cult.
  8. Yeah....but they need to figure out their wait time problem. https://www.fraserinstitute.org/studies/waiting-your-turn-wait-times-for-health-care-in-canada-2019
  9. I never would have ever dreamed that we would have a sitting President that is treating a crisis like this.
  10. I’m getting to the point that I’m not going to be surprised if he’s not back next year. Which is sad, the team needs him and I think he could use another year of development before trying to be a pro.
  11. And this is somehow formed by horrible collusion that the evil deep state Democrats. People can still vote for Bernie if they think he’s the best candidate.
  12. Why....a party is in place to put forth candidates they want to represent them. A party is not the government. They can choose whomever they want and how ever they want. People are still voting for the candidate they want to vote for. They don’t have to vote for Biden just because someone else drops out and endorses him. The party isn’t forcing people to vote for Biden.
  13. Thanks for pointing out the only reason Trump is beating this drum. And...for pointing out that Trumpers have now friggen clue what the difference ya between the two situations.
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