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Everything posted by BigRedBuster

  1. http://www.latimes.com/opinion/editorials/la-ed-retiree-health-liabilities-20141231-story.html
  2. Im actually starting to gain more respect for Brown. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014/01/10/us/with-surplus-in-hand-california-eyes-debt.html?referrer=&_r=0
  3. Hmmmm... So no comments about the points they made? I guess kill the messenger.
  4. Yiiippppeeeee!!!!! http://www.vox.com/2015/1/9/7515217/fha-premiums
  5. At least we had 14 assists. It was interesting seeing two bigs on the floor at the same time.
  6. Wow.... There is s lot of made up speculation in this thread. It's impressive actually.
  7. If we're cherry picking we could talk about Democratically controlled California's giant budget surplus compared to GOP Kansas' spiraling deficit. If they have a surplus that is a huge change from where they were a few years ago.
  8. If he ends up here and is a stud I will be happy. However, at this moment, I'm assuming he is gone. Looking from the outside in, it appears to me the only reason why he hasn't committed to someone else (Oregon) is that he doesn't want to go through the next month of people in Nebraska trying to convince him otherwise. Stay committed till signing day. Commit to Oregon and be done. No reason to ask any other questions or make comments. To me, that shows one hell of a lack of respect for any program even if it were reversed. Like I said, if he signs with us and is a stud, that's fantastic. However, I question the attitude once he gets here. Is he really going to wish he was somewhere else?
  9. This is interesting. So, basically all ESPN channels will be showing the game but in different formats?
  10. I'm going to let the Christians on this board answer this more fully, but surely you were taught about the Covenants God entered into with Israel throughout the Old Testament, and how the humans kept breaking those Covenants because they were sinful and incapable of keeping them, so God sent Jesus to be the ultimate Covenant, the last Covenant, between God & Man... right? Yes, that is in the good book. But, just going off of some conservative christians, they tend to throw out scripture from the old testament when it comes to abortion or homosexuality but neglect to mention all of the bad stuff in the bible. Really, if more christians started acting more like Christ I might consider giving the religion another go at it. Don't you think it's possible to be Christian in the view that you believe it should be? Do you have to relate to those other people who claim to be Christian? Shouldn't someone who is considering being a Christian simply ask "Is this what Christ asked me to do" and read Christ's teachings to find out? To be a Christian, you don't have to follow what humans are doing while trying to act like a Christian. Well, with me it goes deeper than just that. I have a hard time believing in the virgin birth, the resurrection, and all of the other magical stuff. I just simply believe that if you are a good person then it doesn't matter what you believe in. This is my whole take on religion as a whole... People thrive on believing that there is life after death, and without that belief people would panic. People become so obsessed with death that they think that they must devote their whole life to that religion and follow every word in the book they follow so they can have a wonderful afterlife. Thus why you see crazies in every religion, and right now the Muslim religion is getting the most attention. If people would actually stop, and just be good to others instead of worrying about pleasing their god then does it really matter what you believe in? If you are a good person, and if there is a heaven why wouldn't you get through those pearly gates regardless of what you believe in? In most books it states that God is a jealous God, that is a human flaw, why would God have such a horrible flaw as jealousy? that would make god not perfect. So, instead of worrying about what is going to happen when you die and which god to follow, why not just enjoy this trip we call life, because it is a short life and I am not going to spend my short days on this planet worrying about making an all powerful being jealous who may or may not be there. I'm fine with those views. Those aren't my views and I'm not a Christian based on what you spelled out there but that's fine. My questions were simply based on your comments above. I'll leave this part of the conversation at that. I would prefer to get back to discussing the actual article and the views pointed out in that article.
  11. I don't think it is Islamophobic. I think it's simple human responsibility. But segregating the denunciation of Muslims from non-Muslims misses the mark. HUMANS should denounce terrorism, and the overwhelming world response, from every corner of the globe, every race & religion, is condemnation. I thought the op-ed piece was raking muck that wasn't there. So conversely, we should expect Christians to consistently condemn the acts of Christian extremists when they happen, otherwise we can go ahead and assume that all Christians are in support of said Christian extremists? For which I've seen many times in the media. AND, that's not what he said.
  12. I don't think it is Islamophobic. I think it's simple human responsibility. But segregating the denunciation of Muslims from non-Muslims misses the mark. HUMANS should denounce terrorism, and the overwhelming world response, from every corner of the globe, every race & religion, is condemnation. I thought the op-ed piece was raking muck that wasn't there. I would agree with that.
  13. I'm going to let the Christians on this board answer this more fully, but surely you were taught about the Covenants God entered into with Israel throughout the Old Testament, and how the humans kept breaking those Covenants because they were sinful and incapable of keeping them, so God sent Jesus to be the ultimate Covenant, the last Covenant, between God & Man... right? Yes, that is in the good book. But, just going off of some conservative christians, they tend to throw out scripture from the old testament when it comes to abortion or homosexuality but neglect to mention all of the bad stuff in the bible. Really, if more christians started acting more like Christ I might consider giving the religion another go at it. Don't you think it's possible to be Christian in the view that you believe it should be? Do you have to relate to those other people who claim to be Christian? Shouldn't someone who is considering being a Christian simply ask "Is this what Christ asked me to do" and read Christ's teachings to find out? To be a Christian, you don't have to follow what humans are doing while trying to act like a Christian.
  14. So...bringing this full circle. I started a thread asking for your comments on an oped piece basically saying you are a bigot if you even ask a Muslim to condemn terrorism. Some of you agreed with that article. Then, the thread dove into the gutter of debating how horrible Christianity is...bla bla bla..... So, if simply asking a Muslim to condemn terrorism is Islamophobic, isn't many of the comments in this thread Christianophobic? Or what ever the word would be....
  15. Maybe ~2000 years ago. Now Christ's teachings are about fiscal responsibility at the expense of social welfare, the poor pulling themselves up by bootstraps, privatization of education, exclusion of other religions, and making sure that big business gets their necessary earmarks. No it's really not. They haven't changed.
  16. "Religions" don't do those things. People do those things. Billions of Muslims don't abuse women or kill innocent people, just like billions of Christians don't leave the cities in which they live because the population is full of unbelievers. So you are saying, the bible, specifically the old testament which is followed by Jews and Christians has no reference to beating your wife or killing non believers. With out the Bible there is no Christianity and no Judaism. That is religion! I think you are mistaking faith for religion as those two have different meanings. Christians are people who follow Christ's example and teachings. I don't remember Christ (this would be in the new testament) beating anyone or telling the men to go home and beat their wives.. The old testament isn't followed by Christians? I have only been out of the faith for a little over a year now. That's news to me. When you went to Church, did they teach you to kill your kid if they leave the faith? Did they teach you to beat your wife? If they did, I understand why you left. Have you actually read the bible? Or do you just listen to some guy on sundays? Ummmm....yes. And, I will simply refer to this and leave it at that. This is way off topic from what I wanted the thread to be. I'm going to let the Christians on this board answer this more fully, but surely you were taught about the Covenants God entered into with Israel throughout the Old Testament, and how the humans kept breaking those Covenants because they were sinful and incapable of keeping them, so God sent Jesus to be the ultimate Covenant, the last Covenant, between God & Man... right?
  17. Too much of a political football not to make the simple tweaks/adjustments. If we fix the system, it can no longer be used for political advantage. That is the problem wt DC. It seems that too many issues never get resolved because those issues have to be available for the next election. Bingo....
  18. "Religions" don't do those things. People do those things. Billions of Muslims don't abuse women or kill innocent people, just like billions of Christians don't leave the cities in which they live because the population is full of unbelievers. So you are saying, the bible, specifically the old testament which is followed by Jews and Christians has no reference to beating your wife or killing non believers. With out the Bible there is no Christianity and no Judaism. That is religion! I think you are mistaking faith for religion as those two have different meanings. Christians are people who follow Christ's example and teachings. I don't remember Christ (this would be in the new testament) beating anyone or telling the men to go home and beat their wives.. The old testament isn't followed by Christians? I have only been out of the faith for a little over a year now. That's news to me. When you went to Church, did they teach you to kill your kid if they leave the faith? Did they teach you to beat your wife? If they did, I understand why you left.
  19. "Religions" don't do those things. People do those things. Billions of Muslims don't abuse women or kill innocent people, just like billions of Christians don't leave the cities in which they live because the population is full of unbelievers. So you are saying, the bible, specifically the old testament which is followed by Jews and Christians has no reference to beating your wife or killing non believers. With out the Bible there is no Christianity and no Judaism. That is religion! I think you are mistaking faith for religion as those two have different meanings. Christians are people who follow Christ's example and teachings. I don't remember Christ (this would be in the new testament) beating anyone or telling the men to go home and beat their wives..
  20. Well, I knew this would stir a lively discussion. I guess I view this very differently than most. I am Christian and Catholic. Both Protestant denominations and the Catholic Church have done things that as a member of both, I am not proud of and do not condone. However, those things (as I believe) are not Christian or Catholic. They are mistakes and horrible things people have done as portraying themselves as members of those two groups. To me, there is a big difference. There is the Christian religion and there are people within that religion that are not perfect. The acts of those people affect the outside VIEW of that religion but it doesn't actually represent that religion. Also, I am also pro life. I don't condone and I find horrible anyone who would even think about hurting or bombing person or place associated with an abortion clinic. Those actions are by someone who (as a vast minority) are acting (in their minds) as a representative of the pro life movement. But, they AREN'T the pro life movement. Now, as a member of all these groups, I would find it odd or strange for me to have to apologize for other's actions in the name of these groups. However, I do find it part of my responsibility WITH IN these groups to try to change what is going on. When around Christians, Catholics and pro life supporters, I should speak up when these issues are discussed and condemn them. As anyone would know, 99.9% of the time I'm going to be around people who agree with me on my views but you never know when that one person is sitting there and questioning the issues. I believe Muslims need to be doing the same thing. When in Mosques or around other Muslims, these issues need to be discussed and condemned so that people in that religion (especially younger people who are easily influenced) understand their stance on it and LEARN from them that terrorism is NOT part of Islam and is not condoned. All it is is a minority of that group that is taking Islam and using it to brain wash young people into believing it is right to go blow people up they don't agree with. So, in essense, sitting on a "news" cast and saying..."Why aren't Mulsim's condemning terrorism" isn't really productive and just drives a strange wedge in between groups. But, I believe it is an interesting question to know if Muslims within their own groups are acting fighting against this brainwashing. But, acting like asking Mulsims to condemn terrorism is some how bigoted or Islomophobic is ridiculous to me. It's no more bigoted than to have a Priest on TV asking him to discuss child molestation and asking him to condemn it. I have seen this many many times on American TV. I have known some very loving Muslims in my life. Honestly, I am lucky to have known them so that I have first hand experience on who they are what they stand for.
  21. I'm asking this honestly because I don't know. How good was Eric in college? I couldn't even tell you where he went.
  22. Taylor Martinez ‏@TMAG1C 22m 22 minutes ago Our mission is to develop an app which changes the idea of typical social networking. Social… http://instagram.com/p/xmm6_5PWrK/
  23. Very different situation when you have Braylon Heard WANTING to transfer and Bo doesn't block the transfer and Moss NOT wanting to transfer and Bo doing what he can to convince him to stick around and try to get back on the team.
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