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Everything posted by BigRedBuster

  1. I thought I had learned on here a month or so ago that there really is no such thing as home field advantage. It gets so confusing on here some times what I'm supposed to learn.
  2. Oh my friggen Lord. That woman and Harry can't get thrown out of Washington fast enough. "Voter suppression watch: In the North Carolina Senate race, Thom Tillis beat Senator Kay Hagen by 48,000 votes. North Carolina’s voters were, for the first time, voting under one of the harshest new election laws in the country — which Tillis helped craft. The Election Protection hotline reported widespread problems with voter registrations and voters being told they were in the wrong precinct. Numbers from recent elections suggest the magnitude of voter suppression is close to 45,000 to 50,000 votes. Similarly, in Kansas, Governor Sam Brownback beat back challenger Paul Davis by fewer than 33,000 votes. The Kansas secretary of state says more than 24,000 Kansans tried to register this year but their registrations were held in “suspense” because they failed to present the documentary proof of citizenship now required by state law. And the Government Accountability Office found that Kansas’s voter ID law reduced turnout by 17,000 voters in 2012. You do the math." So, let me get this straight. Now it's even soooo disastrous for someone to even have to prove who they are just to register?
  3. Have you watched Wisconsin this year? Stave and McEvoy are pick machines. Also, Gordon has the fumbled the ball a couple times this year which is odd seeing as he'd never lost one in his career before. You might guarantee that but I sure won't. We can get turnovers from these guys. See this is my problem with all the fear of Wisconsin stuff. How many of you have actually watch Wisconsin really play this year? They had like 4 TO against NW that really helped them get beat. Maryland was playing most or all of the game without its QB and played probably their worst game of the year and Wisconsin played their best game. Yes they beat Rutgers 37-0, but part of the reason was that NU beat the crap out of them the week before. Nova couldn't even move and was out their playing. The Rutgers punter literally shanked 4 punts in a row giving Whisky the ball on the plus side of the field. Nebraska actually had about 200 more yards of offense against Rutgers than Wisconsin did. They are a good solid team, but nothing more. Wisconsin doesn't scare me as a team. They are human and can be beat. Playing them at Camp Randle makes it more tough. I'm glad we had the Northwestern game on the road right after the MSU game so the team could get some confidence back on the road. If Nebraska goes out and plays they way they have shown they can play this year, they win. It's all between their ears. They have the talent, schemes...etc. Settle down. Play the game. Win the game and come home.
  4. Polo. Why do you find it your mission to convince everyone how much Nebraska and the Big Ten sucks?
  5. I am going to contradict a lot of people in Husker Nation. I believe we have to have an affective passing game in this game. They are 121st in passing yards in the nation. They are 3rd in rushing yards in the nation. We need the passing game to kill them early and often. That doesn't mean we need to pass the ball 45 times a game. It also does't mean we need 70% completion rate. If we have a 55% completion rate and complete some key plays in the first half, the game is going to be much easier in the second half. They also are tied for 18th in sacks with three per game. So, they are probably going to sack TA a couple times. That doesn't mean we suck or our OL is absolutely terrible or that Beck is evil. It means they have some pass rushers. However, we should be able to get yards and points with the pass in this game.
  6. Another way of looking at this is, if I die in a car accident or just don't wake up the next morning, my family won't be drained financially and stuck with a million dollars in medical debt by the time I finally leave this life.
  7. Who are you rooting for? 4 Oregon vs. 17 Utah 5 Alabama vs. 16 LSU 7 KSU vs. 6 TCU 8 MSU vs. 14 OSU 10 ND vs. 9 ASU 12 Baylor vs. 15 OU This is one heck of a line up of games. My choices are in red.
  8. I hope you're right. I wouldn't have nearly the problem with it if that's the case.
  9. On any given Saturday college football commentary show, I heard from time to time the discussion about possibly a two loss team getting in. This would possibly be the second place team out of the SEC west.
  10. Oh my friggen Lord. That woman and Harry can't get thrown out of Washington fast enough.
  11. Yeah, that 1993 team got screwed ... by previous team affiliates who go them banned from the post-season. Definitely disproves the assertion. 2004? That's once....... That was also the year that USC and Oklahoma were undefeated. So it's not like they were jumped by a one loss team like they are talking about with the SEC this year. Ummmm....those years that are being talked about are way before where people claim the SEC bias started.
  12. There is a big difference between a power lifter and an athlete like a football player. I know elite athletes that just thought they didn't need to stretch and they were plagued with injuries such as hamstrings. Once someone finally convinced them they needed to warm up then stretch the problem went away.
  13. What about a two loss team with no conference championship instead of a one loss conference champion? Because that is what I hear discussed quite a bit because the SEC is so dominant that even a two loss team is better than a one loss conference champion from the other conferences.
  14. Interesting question on the radio. Is the Big Ten West better than the SEC East?
  15. I guess I look at it a little differently. I view it as how would I want my loved ones to have me die. To me, I'm dead. I have had a good life. Yes, I would like a chance to say goodbye to people. But, is that easier on them? Or, is getting a phone call from the state patrol that I was in a car accident and am dead? All of us know people who have died of cancer and it took time to happen. I have had a college friend die in a gun accident instantly. I am also currently watching another close friend fade away from cancer. It's all very very tough. My friend is in the mode of emptying his bucket list and that is amazing to see. The friend who died in the gun accident didn't have the chance to hug his kids and wife one more time and them realizing how important that last hug was. I know Knapp's experiences with his mom were gut wrenching. However, I would think my family would like the opportunity to have those last few moments with me and them knowing that I was OK with what was about to happen.
  16. "We've now had 63 straight months of economic expansion. That’s right, for 63 consecutive months the US economy has gotten progressively better. That includes 54 consecutive months of private sector job growth. Forbes magazine, no fan of President Obama, crunched the numbers and demonstrated how the economic recovery under President Obama has been better in just about every measurable way than the recovery under President Reagan." "We are currently enjoying the longest period of private sector job creation in American history. Again, this statistic comes from the Forbes Magazine article listed above. In fact, we have now had 54 straight months of private sector job creation. That is the longest period of job creation since the Department of Labor has been keeping statistics. See the link below." "The Federal budget deficit is shrinking. It’s been reduced by two-thirds since 2009. The $1.4 trillion federal budget deficit that Obama inherited in 2009 was in a large part due to the high rate of unemployment. When millions of people were put out of work in 2008 and 2009, it resulted in far less income taxes and less economic activity to generate federal revenue. As ten million people have been put back to work, there have been billions more tax dollars generated. As a result, the deficit has been shrinking each year. The 2014 deficit is projected to be around $500 billion, the smallest deficit since 2007 and roughly 1/3 of what it was in 2009." "Under President Obama, spending has increased only 1.4% annually, the lowest rate since Eisenhower was president. You may have heard critics say that President Obama is spending money wildly and running up our debt. According to this article from Forbes, Obama has increased spending by 1.4% annually, far less than President Reagan (8.7%) or George W. Bush (8.1%). In fact, Obama has increased spending less than any president since Eisenhower." How does this dispute my comment?
  17. Now do this for every conference please So I went ahead and did this research. Mostly for curiosity. Here was my criteria: 2011-2013 schedules Used only Power 5 conference plus Notre Dame and BYU Utah, West Virginia, Rutgers, Louisville were not included unless there was a season where they played in a Power 5 conference. I used overall record but did not include the Bowl game opponent. ACC: 0-21 Big 12: 1-2 Big Ten: 0-9 PAC12: 1-10 SEC: 5-9. 3 of these wins are South Carolina over Clemson. So, we have to go back three seasons to find 5 wins over a power five team. That's .6 per year. I know that's more than the other conferences but it's just plain pathetic to base what programs should have the best chance of being in this year's 4 team playoff. It is such an absolutely small sampling of anything relevant to the discussion. AND, anything prior to August this year, shouldn't mean squat.
  18. That is absolutely priceless. I am so pumped for this season that almost brought me to tears.
  19. I have absolutely no problem with a woman announcer or even a side line reporter.
  20. Here is an article that I think is extremely important to any Republican who thinks they are on the right path. LINK Look at the second chart. If you study it carefully, there are very very subtle changes from year to year. But, the fact remains, if you are any sort of minority that isn't old white men, the majority of that demographic leans blue. Republicans had better pay attention to this and figure out how to reverse this or they won't win in 2016. They won this year in large part because old white people showed up to vote and others didn't.
  21. I agree with just about all of this, except the last line. Those teams we had 90 years of history with didn't want to play us anymore. The loyalty this sentiment displays is admirable, but Kansas, Kansas State and Iowa State wanted nothing more to do with Nebraska. We left a conference that didn't want us to join a conference that did. Long-term the move is a no-brainer win for Nebraska. Short-term, the schedule is meh and many of the games aren't compelling. Jim Delaney wanted us. The rest of the conference? That's debatable. Michigan and Wisconsin actively lobbied against us. Interesting. Barry Alvarez was one of the main reasons why the discussions even started in the first place. He supported it fully.
  22. OK...honestly, I don't know how I feel this morning. Last night, for the first time, actually voted for a fairly split ticket. Admittedly, I about threw up in my mouth every time I filled in a circle no matter what party they were from. Also, my ballot meant about as much as the penny I didn't take the time to pick up off the side walk this morning. So, I'm trying to wrap my head around where we are at. Republicans are rejoicing and claiming they have won the world and now can move forward with their "agenda"....what ever that is.....because I haven't seen anything meaningful from them other than the Democrats are out to destroy American and Obama will eat our first born. Democrats are sitting around rolling their eyes acting like anyone who voted for Republicans are a bunch of idiots and I get a sense they honestly aren't taking this election very serious. They seem to have the feeling of..."well, they aren't going to do anything meaningful so 2016 is a slam dunk". So....I have the feeling of....Republicans, you are on the clock. If you want my votes in 2016, come up with meaningful things you are going to do in Washington. And...no....constantly claiming Obama is evil isn't going to cut it. -Keep us out of wars = something the Dems started doing well but has failed in recently. -Maintain levels of intelligence and special ops/speicalized military to keep us safe = no, we don't need 1 trillion dollars in new defense spending but we still need an efficient and effective intelligence and military community. -Improve the economy = It isn't worse than when Obama came into office but it's not roaring along either. -Improve unemployment = Yes...I know the statistic. But, there are a ton of people who have dropped off the stat because they have given up. We also have a lot of the new jobs being low income crap jobs. ---Reshore manufacturing jobs = Do it in a way that everyone benefits. People get wealthy and the low income and middle class have quality jobs too. -Keep taxes low for everyone. -Take some of the money we are saving from not being in wars and reinvest that into infrastructure. -Maintain efficient relationships with foreign governments but DON'T expect us to rush out and save the world every time something horrible happens. Convince Europe and other "good" countries around the world they can get involved if they feel the need. -Stop saying and doing things that are so friggen embarrassing for everyone involved with the party and the government. -Stop...just STOP the incessant emails and propaganda crap trying to convince me Obama is some covert operative from either Russia or the planet Nomroid and he is only here to kill off old white people. -Stop insulting our intelligence. -Even though I consider myself a Christian. Stop acting like if you're not Christian, you're not American. -Stop acting like anyone who isn't an angry white old man is some type of minority who is trying to destroy America. -Stop acting like people like the criminal rancher in Utah are the "real Americans"and we all should grab our guns and go fight for him. -Stop acting like anyone who actually enforces the laws of the land are some how evil agents of this tyrannical government. In other words, just do your friggen job. There is room for conservatism somewhere between liberalism and whacko cookoo Tea Party crap. Stop acting like someone like Sarah Palin and Bachman are some how intelligent with actual ideas. Once again, you are on the clock. You have the chance to actually make a difference that would propel your party to success for decades. Don't screw it up or you're done. (at least with me). Sorry for the rant.
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