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Everything posted by TGHusker

  1. The guy talks like a 5 year old and no offense meant to the 5 year olds. People are creating mental suicide voting for him or maybe they are just stupid and gullible. Trump’s biggest voting bloc as shown in the SC primary were seniors without a college degree
  2. He should be their head coach. Surprised he stepped down to the college level
  3. You got me pegged wrong. Our moral codes as a society comes from a variety of sources- religious and non- religious teachings , natural law, a society’s combined experiences over time and other influences. Religion and Govt/ law both try to codify these codes and values in their respective ways for the benefit of society at as a hole. It is best when all institutions work for the overall good of the society. We become Iran if it is only religious influences allowed and we become China if only “secular “ govt solutions/ influences are allowed.
  4. Just can’t believe this a-hole con man is in the position to win the primary and real possibility of winning the presidency
  5. Ya, I wonder the same. But I don't want to find out.
  6. Agree - saying sorry isn't a free pass. There is consequences but a contrite heart may lesson the judgment against that person. Take Trump's fraud case. He battled the judge all the way through the case and showed no remorse. The judge noted the same in his remarks - thus trump gets the Yuge penalty - and deservingly so.
  7. They still have nukes - and a nut with one nuke is more dangerous that a sane person with 2000 nukes. ussia has thousands of nukes.
  8. Yes, I see both sides - Ford was right in pardoning Nixon - we needed to get the stench of Watergate and Vietnam behind us. Trump is on a whole new level of corruptness than Nixon. Nixon knew when he was beat and resigned. Trump is on his revenge tour and will never be repentant of anything.
  9. He trying to fleece those red neck hillbilly nascar types from the deep south(no offense meant towards those non-hillbilly types who like NASCAR). He's seen Trump do it with gold sneakers made in China, so Pillow guy thinks he can do it with a lot of heavy tranny shifting and noice.
  10. Yes she did and she also said she'd pardon trump so that America can move forward. I think we move forward only have his megaphone is taken away from him - via jail time. If he is pardoned and can roam the country, all he will do is stir up trouble.
  11. Not sure we can, nor would we want to, keep religion out of govt as it is an important part of the fabric that makes much of our moral code, much of the values in our society & much of our modern law is based on religious precepts. With that said, I do agree that one does not have to be 'religious' to be moral and that not all moral governing principles come directly from religion. The principle of natural law applies. I think this definition works: "Natural law is a theory in ethics and philosophy that says that human beings possess intrinsic values that govern their reasoning and behavior. Natural law maintains that these rules of right and wrong are inherent in people and are not created by society or court judges." As a Christian we would say that this is the law written upon our hearts - Romans chapters 1-3 speak towards this concept. However, we don't want a religion to dominate government as it did for example in the Cromwell Era of England in the 1600s. He ruled with a forceful hand that he felt was the hand of god upon him. Because of his hard hand, combined with those that followed him, the slow drip of history lead to a whole new experiment in govt in America. The same is true today's version in Iran and other likeminded societies. Communism could be considered a religion as well - one voice, one way, one law - disobey or speak against it and you are in the slammer at best. Hopefully over the slow drip of history, those societies will one day change as well. My concern as voiced in the OP is that America does not return to the ways of Cromwell. We have always been tempted to do so - "Manifest Destiny" was a religious mandate to conquer all of the continental USA for the 'glory of god'. No different than Cromwell dominating Ireland in a tyrannical way. I see the spirit of Cromwell in MAGA, in GOP policies and pronouncements by their more vocal spokespersons. Cannot God be glorified without destroying societies and cultures and without dominating other members of God's creation? - the answer is 1000x yes. True here, true in England and hopefully true in China & Iran someday.
  12. Example why I started this thread https://www.mediaite.com/trump/welcome-to-the-end-of-democracy-trump-booster-jack-posobiec-vows-to-finish-what-began-on-jan-6-as-steve-bannon-cheers-on/
  13. Ari Melber addresses this issue of the Russian source for the Hunter Biden investigation. It just seems the GOP is bending over and over for Putin.
  14. Unique if not effective way of saying : "Read your Bible & apply it before you open your mouth!"
  15. AG James not letting Trump squirm around the judgment by changing his business address. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/letitia-james-wants-to-block-trump-from-leaving-new-york/ar-BB1iIBGf?ocid=entnewsntp&pc=DCTS&cvid=517c2ccfc50c4014a0d90952231785a1&ei=10
  16. @Lorewarn I think a lot of what you said above correlates with the verse I quoted: We are to love mercy and justice and walk humbly. If govts and churches are there to serve people, they are doing those things. If power and control is the motive, then obviously there is limited mercy and justice and no humility.
  17. I guess this makes us relevant again https://www.ketv.com/article/nebraska-football-ea-sports-college-football-video-game/46906033
  18. I know what you mean about being screwed. A pastor of ours said something similar to that once from the pulpit - pastor of a large church. The MAGA types have no concept of the humility part and not getting into other people's faces. They follow their savior -trump.
  19. I remember this quote below from Reagan - it was aimed at a different issue - overspending. But it applies here. The GOP has gone completely anti-Reagan (both on spending and Russia/USSR) but also on common sense issues. In this case, let me re-phrase the quote below: "A Right Wing Government big enough to give its supporters everything they want, is big enough to also take away the rights of those who support it now" Reagan: A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.
  20. That is what disturbs me about the present trend. As an alternative 'gospel' (Christian Nationalism) has taken over so much of the church(not the majority but much too large of a %) it becomes tyrannical in its nature. A phrase that has stuck with me since my college years applies: "Bad theology is a terrible taskmaster" and another 'Be aware of half-truths (alternative gospel for example), you may get the wrong half". The "alternative gospel" becomes cold, judgmental and repressive - in all of its influences. The promoters of such views, become harden and lack the sense of 'justice and mercy" (Micah 6:8 again) while the targets of such views (women, immigrants- legal or illegal, etc) are being delt with harshly. As you note, @funhusker, and I'm paraphrasing here: when my brother's or sister's (figuratively speaking) rights are infringed upon, mine are as well. Whatever draconian laws are created for Joe Blow today, will be created for me tomorrow.
  21. First off they needed to start the article with "A former Nebraska player" - but regardless - Ameer the Movie Star! Coming to a theater or streaming service near you. https://www.audacy.com/wwjnewsradio/news/local/former-detroit-lions-player-lands-role-in-forthcoming-film
  22. I like listening/watching Lawrence O'Donnell. Smart guy.
  23. @BigRedBuster posted this tweet on a different thread and I want to make this a topic of its own because I have great concerns about our country but more importantly, I have greater concerns about the direction that American Christianity is heading. While the topic is centered around Christian faith in America, since it is the majority, the big picture is to discuss the role of any faith in the public marketplace of ideas. First let me detail my perspective- forgive me ahead of time for getting into the weeds to document the depth of my concern. 1. True Personal Christian faith - is alive and well in the USA and across the world. The Christian faith is growing in many nations so much so, some of those nations are sending missionaries to the USA!. 2. This isn't an apologetic discuss - defending the faith. I have no concerns about the need to defend the true Gospel of Jesus Christ - Christ died, Rose again, and is forever making intercession for ALL people and I've come to believe that ALL people past and present, regardless of time and place or background will eventually come to faith in God through Jesus - either in this life or the next. (Yes that is a controversial statement - just do an unbiased study on all of the 'all inclusive' scriptures in the New Testament as well as early church history and take a deep dive into what the early church- prior to Augustine believed about judgment and hell. This was a belief held by the church for the first 3 centuries up to Augustine and the 'Roman Conquest of the Church". A few more recent books if you are interested: Her Gates will Never Shut by Brad Jersak, The Inescapable Love of God by Thomas Talbot, The Triumph of Mercy by George Hurd, That all Shall be Saved by David Bentley Hart. ) BUT I DIGRESS, AGAIN (ADHD!!) 3. I've come full circle personally. Years ago, I was all in on the idea of the 7 Mountains - that Christians were to 'take over' the primary influence centers of Govt, Education, Business, Media, Religion, Family, Entertainment. Now, I think this is 'another gospel' that Paul warned against in the New Testament. 4. I believe the 7 Mountain 'theology' is the catalyst behind the current Christian Nationalism and the fuel behind Trumpism. Trump would be nothing without this support. 5. While I believe in separation of church and state: The separation was to ensure that there would not be a state-run church or that the state could dominate church life. Both the govt and the church are to have a positive, restorative, and order building/maintaining effect on society. Separate but both doing what the other cannot do on its own to build society. 6. We have seen many members of church caught in the Trump personality cult. This has become a false gospel. This isn't the church's mission. No where do you find in the Bible that the church is to take over 'Rome" but instead we are called to serve. To follow Christ in: Because He has anointed Me To (1)preach the gospel to the poor; (2)He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, (3) To proclaim liberty to the captives (4) And recovery of sight to the blind, (5)To set at liberty those who are oppressed; (6)To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD Luke 4:18. This is the mission of the church- period. 7. With all of that said, I believe people of all faiths have a roll to play in the public market place of ideas. We aren't exulted but it isn't to be our primary focus. 8. When we are active in the public marketplace of ideas it is to promote mercy and justice (Micah 6:8 "He has showed thee O man, what is good, and what does the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, to love mercy, to walk humbly with your God") 9. Recent history has shown that when we lose sight of the mission of the church, all 'hell' breaks out. J6, oppressive laws and SC rulings, power driven politics that drive division and distract from the true business of governing. So my big question to all of you: How do we preserve/balance the rights and freedoms of faith and its expression in the public square while also preserving the separation of spheres of influence? Perhaps this thread can be used for discussions of all church/state issues. https://www.mediamatters.org/qanon-conspiracy-theory/alabama-supreme-court-chief-justice-spreads-christian-nationalist-rhetoric
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