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SouthLincoln Husker

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Everything posted by SouthLincoln Husker

  1. Won't Lee and Anderson still be here? competition is always good!
  2. Lol if you think people are gonna deal with 3 more years of 13th place finishes in the conference just to see this freshman class be seniors and maybe finish what....8th? Not happening if things don't turn around soon. I think Miles has this year and next year to do whatever he can. If it doesn't improve he needs to be gone. Love the guy but man, his teams have zero identity. Nothing about this team scares you when you watch film. If a High School JV team drew up a game plan to double team Shields and Andrew White, then leave the rest to do whatever, that JV team could make it a game. That is literally the only thing the opponent has to do to beat Nebraska. It's been like this every year. You are too young to drink, so please go to the doc and get some anti-depressants.
  3. Miles wanted to play small ball. He said he would of done the same thing if they had their 7 footer available. I agree once, Jacobsen got in foul trouble & no one else was being effective, he should have given Hammond a shot
  4. Rebounding is mentality. Benny played a complete game today & Shields only wants to play offense!
  5. I did not watch the game, but listened to it on the radio. Does Shields hit the boards? I heard Benny's name more times on a rebound than Shields.
  6. tough for us to win with no true big man without having 3 guys on and we only had 2 today.
  7. What's happened to McVeigh? Such a strong debut in game 1....he just looks uncomfortable everywhere. Why because he missed an in & out three. He has had 2 rb, an assist & no TOs off the bench.
  8. Lets get it done. Playing time will not be an issue here!
  9. He's been saying that sh!t all year. I'm encouraged he actually backed it up on the field for once... Same game plan against Purdue/Iowa and we've got 2 more wins. Purdue was lost by our def. and turnovers lost us the Iowa game. Remember UCLA's def. line averaged 260. We still need to develop a line like old, which starts in the weight room. Philips has only had 1 year to transform our dough boys into men. Purdue scored 5 touchdowns on 62 yards of offense because of short field turnovers, all attributed to the Quarterback position. Thats right! everyone's favorite to replace Tommy this season looked like a NAIA player! Whats his name?
  10. He's been saying that sh!t all year. I'm encouraged he actually backed it up on the field for once... Same game plan against Purdue/Iowa and we've got 2 more wins. Purdue was lost by our def. and turnovers lost us the Iowa game. Remember UCLA's def. line averaged 260. We still need to develop a line like old, which starts in the weight room. Philips has only had 1 year to transform our dough boys into men.
  11. I've heard good things about the Davis twins, but I am surprised people keep penciling them in at the DT spots. Last I looked, they were listed at ~250 lbs., which is WAY too small to play DT in the Big Ten. They will get plowed over. As bad as Banker's D was at times, it could at least count on two +300 lbs. tackles plugging up the middle. If you put in two 250 lbs. tackles, teams are going to start doing to us what we did to UCLA. We'd have problems stopping the run AND pass. IMO, if they are that light, I'd like to see what the Davis twins can do on the outside. If they have the athleticism to be premier pass rushers, having a tandem like that on the outside with a couple big heavies to plug the middle would be amazing. They were listed at 265 and I am sure they are bigger & stronger after a year in the program. Collins was listed at 290 before this year. I hope you're right. Anything less than 285 is going to be a liability in this D. I agree, but we will have another year to develop them. Maybe some backup snaps are in place for 2016.
  12. I've heard good things about the Davis twins, but I am surprised people keep penciling them in at the DT spots. Last I looked, they were listed at ~250 lbs., which is WAY too small to play DT in the Big Ten. They will get plowed over. As bad as Banker's D was at times, it could at least count on two +300 lbs. tackles plugging up the middle. If you put in two 250 lbs. tackles, teams are going to start doing to us what we did to UCLA. We'd have problems stopping the run AND pass. IMO, if they are that light, I'd like to see what the Davis twins can do on the outside. If they have the athleticism to be premier pass rushers, having a tandem like that on the outside with a couple big heavies to plug the middle would be amazing. They were listed at 265 and I am sure they are bigger & stronger after a year in the program. Collins was listed at 290 before this year.
  13. Snyder in 2 TE sets. Sam Hahn will get time at OT. Alex Davis will be the 3rd down rush end Mohammad Berry at LB
  14. Honestly, I'm ok with either one of those ratios as long as we're winning. Give it some time and I think some of those 7 losses become wins sooner rather than later. Gates & Sterup had a lot to do with our success. Gates is our best lineman and he was hurt for a few games. Once Gates came back, the coaches moved Sterup to guard next to Gates. This made a big change in our rushing game. Plus, UCLA is one of the rush defenses in the country!
  15. This is a total joke of a post. Nice job cherry picking one moment of the game. Besides about 6 minutes of terrible basketball - miles looked like a typical coach of a team that totally outclassed the competition. If you want to make a comment about the final score and then let that reflect on our coach then it would hold more weight. You are free to think what you want. My post is more than one game. It was 31-28 at half time, how many minutes are in each half? You also, obviously. Your post was very much pointed at one point of the game. Now your mind might have been thinking about the entire season - but reading it with out being able to have any additional clues makes that difficult. How many minutes into the game was it when they went on the 16-0 run? If you take that number and subtract it from "how many minutes are in each half" you will get the number of minutes that we looked terrible. "Webster keyed the run after Prairie View A&M erased an 18-point first-half deficit, taking a 34-33 lead after Tevin Bellinger’s jumper with 17:33 remaining. Benny Parker’s 3-pointer from the corner with 16:57 left started the run, as Nebraska turned up the defensive pressure, recording five steals and holding the Panthers without a field goal for a stretch of 5:43." Sounds like you are now cherry picking to find something in your favor. In that game, we saw much of the same undisciplined play we have seen in many games this year. That is coaching! and to lose an 18 point lead against PV is a joke! Also the game was over half over before NU started its run. Let me say this again.. PV was 0-10 and one of the worst in the country. Making excuses for poor play even though they finally got things going doesn't help solve anything. Don't get the cherry picking comment - care to explain. PV is a terrible team and I didn't deny that or claim that this was a "special" win. No where in this entire thread did I make a single excuse for poor play - if so please show me.... I guess your math skills were not strong enough to solve the period of time that they played "terrible" so I will help. Using the play by play box score (because we could go on for hours discussing the quality of play - whether a basket is made or not) 6:26 to go in first half we are up 26-11 so this is were I mentioned the play got terrible. 17:32 to go in the second half is were we started to have a heart beat (20:00 - 17:32 = 2:28) 6:26 + 2:28 = 8:54 (sorry in my original post I stated they played "terrible" for 6 minutes --- it should have stated 8:54 minutes) So for 31:06 minutes we outscored them 74-27, whether we played good or average during this time - is debatable, however hard to say it was terrible. for 8:54 minutes we got outscored 7-23, clearly terrible against a team that has and will continue to struggle. Come back with whatever you want because i'm sure it will be good, however i'm done talking about this game. This debate has gone on about 6 post too many..... Your obsession with time is cherry picking, so much so you ignore what happened during the whole game. Getting outscored in 9 minutes by PV is terrible! Letting PV go on a 16-0 run no matter what is terrible! Getting our butts handed to us by full court pressure is terrible. NU looked like a Junior High team playing against the zone and trying to break the press. Multiple turnovers, a 10 second violation (yes seriously, a 10 second violation against a man to man full court press. 90% of those 13 game total TOs were in the final minutes of the first half. We have 10 new comers & 7 freshman. Miles is likes to make them play things out and learn from experience. This game was never out of hand! Some people need to relax! Need to relax? I'm not upset, tense, or anything else. Pointing out the horrible job Miles is doing is just a fact. Also, nobody said the game was "out of hand". The complaint is and always has been the lack of discipline, and the lack of focus. It is just laughable that some can not see we are no better off in year 4 than with Miles than the last 2 coaches.. Guess what happened to them? Oh sure, he had a decent year at 19-13 but nothing since. Why does when those turn overs happened matter, we still made them.. against PV no less! We can't even look good for a whole game against a team this crappy. Also, why is it that in year 4 of Miles career here we have a team that is so young? If you are so disappointed, just quit watching! I'm sorry, but what a stupid comment! Nothing like ignoring the facts! We do have a young team, which means we MIGHT have a good team in a couple years.. but then we start all over again. Crappy years and young team just to have that one year of being decent. You would hope that we would get to a point where we can redshirt a few players instead throwing them into the fire. This year we are asking a lot of out freshman. In fact Hammond, Morrow & McVay all appear they could use a year to get bigger, stronger & faster.
  16. Erstad played football & baseball. Its hard to do, as workouts conflict at certain times.
  17. This is a total joke of a post. Nice job cherry picking one moment of the game. Besides about 6 minutes of terrible basketball - miles looked like a typical coach of a team that totally outclassed the competition. If you want to make a comment about the final score and then let that reflect on our coach then it would hold more weight. You are free to think what you want. My post is more than one game. It was 31-28 at half time, how many minutes are in each half? You also, obviously. Your post was very much pointed at one point of the game. Now your mind might have been thinking about the entire season - but reading it with out being able to have any additional clues makes that difficult. How many minutes into the game was it when they went on the 16-0 run? If you take that number and subtract it from "how many minutes are in each half" you will get the number of minutes that we looked terrible. "Webster keyed the run after Prairie View A&M erased an 18-point first-half deficit, taking a 34-33 lead after Tevin Bellinger’s jumper with 17:33 remaining. Benny Parker’s 3-pointer from the corner with 16:57 left started the run, as Nebraska turned up the defensive pressure, recording five steals and holding the Panthers without a field goal for a stretch of 5:43." Sounds like you are now cherry picking to find something in your favor. In that game, we saw much of the same undisciplined play we have seen in many games this year. That is coaching! and to lose an 18 point lead against PV is a joke! Also the game was over half over before NU started its run. Let me say this again.. PV was 0-10 and one of the worst in the country. Making excuses for poor play even though they finally got things going doesn't help solve anything. Don't get the cherry picking comment - care to explain. PV is a terrible team and I didn't deny that or claim that this was a "special" win. No where in this entire thread did I make a single excuse for poor play - if so please show me.... I guess your math skills were not strong enough to solve the period of time that they played "terrible" so I will help. Using the play by play box score (because we could go on for hours discussing the quality of play - whether a basket is made or not) 6:26 to go in first half we are up 26-11 so this is were I mentioned the play got terrible. 17:32 to go in the second half is were we started to have a heart beat (20:00 - 17:32 = 2:28) 6:26 + 2:28 = 8:54 (sorry in my original post I stated they played "terrible" for 6 minutes --- it should have stated 8:54 minutes) So for 31:06 minutes we outscored them 74-27, whether we played good or average during this time - is debatable, however hard to say it was terrible. for 8:54 minutes we got outscored 7-23, clearly terrible against a team that has and will continue to struggle. Come back with whatever you want because i'm sure it will be good, however i'm done talking about this game. This debate has gone on about 6 post too many..... Your obsession with time is cherry picking, so much so you ignore what happened during the whole game. Getting outscored in 9 minutes by PV is terrible! Letting PV go on a 16-0 run no matter what is terrible! Getting our butts handed to us by full court pressure is terrible. NU looked like a Junior High team playing against the zone and trying to break the press. Multiple turnovers, a 10 second violation (yes seriously, a 10 second violation against a man to man full court press. 90% of those 13 game total TOs were in the final minutes of the first half. We have 10 new comers & 7 freshman. Miles is likes to make them play things out and learn from experience. This game was never out of hand! Some people need to relax! Need to relax? I'm not upset, tense, or anything else. Pointing out the horrible job Miles is doing is just a fact. Also, nobody said the game was "out of hand". The complaint is and always has been the lack of discipline, and the lack of focus. It is just laughable that some can not see we are no better off in year 4 than with Miles than the last 2 coaches.. Guess what happened to them? Oh sure, he had a decent year at 19-13 but nothing since. Why does when those turn overs happened matter, we still made them.. against PV no less! We can't even look good for a whole game against a team this crappy. Also, why is it that in year 4 of Miles career here we have a team that is so young? If you are so disappointed, just quit watching!
  18. Where are you getting your info? Because I've heard 1. Farinok we are the favorite, and I think it's growing. 2. Iowa is making a big run at Jackson, but they only have 1 spot left and they've been saving it for an OT....#1 might be your hint there.. 3. Newman has been extremely quite but Cav made an impression and I think we've got as good of shot as anyone And all this coming from me who is/has been extremely pessimistic the last week. Maybe I've been more pessimistic then Basing my assumptions off of 247 mostly. My point stands, we need 3 OTs in a month. I think we have some redshirts that help at this position, as a I am more concerned about the D line, After this year, we have :Cole Conrad (Walk-on RSo.) Ryan Freudenburg (Walk-on RSo.) Nick Gates (So.) Christian Gaylord (RFr.) Dwayne Johnson (Jr. - I thought this guy left the program? Didn't make the 105 this fall) David Knevel (Jr.) FOUR SCHOLARSHIP OFFENSIVE TACKLES, INCLUDING ONE WHO DIDN'T MAKE OUR 105 THIS PAST YEAR - CALL IT 3. We won't even be able to yell at Cav for not rotating because there's no one to rotate. We are for sure thin. To further your point I think Johnson got moved to OG, but like you said he didn't even make the 105. You missed a couple guys, not that it changes the idea. Sam Hahn plays OT and traveled when Gates was banged up. Whitaker played interior all of his career but when Gates got banged up and went out for a couple plays he came in at RT. Sam Hahn will get some playing time next year and maybe even be the other starting OT. He is a Big Strong NE Farm Boy!
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