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Everything posted by nic

  1. I got a kool-aid and a trophy. I am not sure which side gave me which one.
  2. I have lots of friends that tell me there was no election fraud in 2020. In my opinion they are naive. There is always election fraud. The question is, was there enough to swing the election. To my friends who believe there was, I tell them to prove it. They can’t do that any more than Muller could prove Russian collusion. It’s time to move on to 2022.
  3. Do you think that there is a possibility the virus leaked from the lab in Wuhan?
  4. That is what I thinking. The filibuster doesn't matter for any judicial nomination anymore. McConnell said IF he is majority leader. This means the only way we get new Scotus is if the President and Senate are from the same party. Or....the president nominates someone the other party can get on-board with. I don't see holding up a Scotus nomination for more than a year as being politically smart, although the repubs did it for 6 months. That tactic will only escalate going forward, so we may reach 2 years soon.
  5. Found this opinion piece on CNN. Part of it talks about the filibuster, and how Dems should table it versus killing it to push through their perceived mandate. This is to better position themselves for 2022. I agree. If they push through the policies they are talking about 2022 is gonna be a bad year for them. https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/11/opinions/democratic-party-progressive-kool-aid-wierson-honan/index.html 1. Table, at least for now, plans of undoing the filibuster. Most Americans have about as much an idea of what the filibuster is as they do about the chemical composition of the Martian atmosphere -- which is to say not much. In a recent Monmouth University poll, 34% of Americans had no opinion on the filibuster whatsoever and another 34% approved of it. Even among Democrats in the poll, only 30% wanted it eliminated entirely. So, complaining about the filibuster on what seems a daily basis won't win Democrats in Washington, DC, many points. Kill the filibuster when you have votes to spare -- not when it's 50-50.
  6. Sorry if this was addressed already. Are there 6 auto bids from conference champs? If so what is the 6th conference?
  7. Does this mean ND will choose to join a conference? The ACC?
  8. So the B1G has Sandusky (PSU), Larry Nassau (MSU), Richard Strauss (OSU), and now Anderson (UofM). Get out now NU, while you still can. lt does surprise me that football players and wrestlers, etc, let these guys get away with this stuff. In this case, Anderson apparently enjoyed prostate exams and checking for testicular cancer. Sick people in this world. It is even worse that in all these cases people in power knew and let them get away with it.
  9. Yup. Both sides whine when they loose and find someone to blame. At least the Dems blamed an old adversary. Rebubs should have blamed China instead of voting machines.
  10. I bet he does. He didn't use the play book. He probably had no choice because he pissed off Pelosi and lost support. Anthony Weiner too, although he may have gone to jail. I do not remember for sure.
  11. They certainly think highly of themselves. Maybe if they were impartial and consistent I would feel sorry for them. Too much power, they need to be broken up.
  12. I think Gaetz and Salwell, should both be gone. Cuomo too for that matter. I doubt any one of them get booted until the voters do it. Salwell isn’t going anywhere for sure. My point is that it seems very rare for someone in power to get kicked, if they refuse to go. Edit: correction...Taylor-Green got removed from her committee, but the voters will have to vote her out in 2022.
  13. Honest question. Is Salwell still on the intelligence committee after sleeping with a Chinese spy? A friend once told me h3 thought the only difference between Dems and Repubs is how much we pay in taxes.
  14. QAnon crazies, Antifa anarchists. Build the wall, defund the police. Stolen election, Russian interference and collusion. I shake my head at Taylor Green and AOC. The hypocrisy of politicians is on full display. From Ted bailing on Texas to the lockdown mayors and governors breaking their own rules. They make decisions to stay in power and hope they don’t get caught for the crap they pull. The media has taken sides. Sorry man, I don’t trust very many of them. I am watching what happens next. Not off to a good start. Maybe we will get a bipartisan Bill someday.
  15. I often say that every election is a vote for the lesser of evils. I think the only moderate presidential candidate in my lifetime was McCain. And I am not even sure about that.
  16. My first reaction to this was “no way”, the district is too far left. But now I am trying to think through what would be an indicator of whether a centrist could win...
  17. Do you know what the % was? Biden won this district by 23%....or so I read. Edit: NM...25%
  18. They are not the only ones trying to re-write being on the wrong side of the story. Maybe this means they are ashamed?
  19. I actually read the same articles from right wing and left wing media organizations just for kicks. The experiment has been interesting. Anyone that says the media isn't bias on both sides is fooling themselves.
  20. I am glad you do. Not sure I do. I think the original comment was about the filibuster which I think we both agree should go. Just need to be careful what you ask for and when. The filibuster was used 327 times in 2020. Only about a dozen were successful. One of those was COVID relief. I think the Dems and Republicans are too addicted to stopping the other side. I would bet they do not kill it. They are too scared about what happens when the other side wins the senate. https://www.senate.gov/legislative/cloture/116.htm
  21. If the politicians believe that, then they sure are not trying very hard. Seems like that commission vote was more about getting senators on record than actually prosecuting anyone. Two democratic senators and 9 republican senators didn’t even show up for the vote. Edit: just saw this. https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/30/politics/oath-keepers-capitol-riot-charged/index.html
  22. See above. Let the FBI and DOJ do their thing.
  23. I assume your single person is Trump. The DOJ can decide to prosecute him correct? He is not immune to that. They already went after him on Russian collusion for 3 years and an impeachment. it ended with a whimper after bringing the country through the ringer. Can’t the DOJ present the evidence and prosecute him (and whoever else they have proof on), versus have a commission? A commission will be will be lots of politicians ranting and raving. It sounds like a dog and pony show and clicks for the media to me. Maybe I am too cynical. I would rather have Washington focus on other things and try and actually unify the country before it’s too late. Also, I believe the weather underground was Americans and bombs going off are serious. If they had gone off at the right time, it would have been bad.
  24. “Never seen”? Below are a few recent events, but I skipped most of our history. The source is history.com >>>>> On March 1, 1954, four Puerto Rican Americans fired guns in the House of Representatives, injuring five congressmen. The attackers said they acted to demand independence for the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico. (Puerto Ricans have U.S. citizenship but can’t vote for president and have no voting representatives in Congress.) The injured congressmen survived, and the four shooters received prison sentences. President Jimmy Carter commuted one of their sentences in 1977, and granted clemency to the other three in 1979. On March 1, 1971, a bomb exploded in the Capitol building. While the explosion did not injure anyone, it caused some $300,000 in damage. A group calling itself the Weather Underground claimed to be behind the bombing and said it was in protest of the ongoing U.S.-supported bombing of Laos. Thirteen years later, on November 7, 1983, a bomb tore through the second floor of the Senate wing of the Capitol. The device detonated late in the evening and no one was harmed, but it caused an estimated $250,000 in damage. A group calling itself the Armed Resistance Unit later claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it was in retaliation for military actions in Grenada and Lebanon. Seven people were eventually arrested in connection with the attack. On June 14, 2017, a gunman walked onto a baseball field at Eugene Simpson Park in Alexandria, Virginia, opening fire on politicians and wounding House GOP Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana and four others. The representatives had been practicing for the annual Congressional Baseball Game for Charity. James Hodgkinson, a 66-year-old man, asked a passing congressman—South Carolina’s Jeff Duncan—whether Republicans or Democrats were on the field practicing. Once he received confirmation that the Republican representatives were the ones playing ball, Hodgkinson fired off 60 rounds into the unsuspecting elected officials. >>>>> The DOJ is finding, arresting and prosecuting the perps. I suspect they will find what they need as some will roll over and talk. Conspiracy theorists have been around for a long time. In the 90s, they just stockpiled, armed, bought gold and bunkered down. So I guess you are thinking to find and prosecute some members of Congress for their alleged role in the riot and the commission will do that? Since politicians get away with about anything, it doesn’t seem like it’s a useful thing to kill the filibuster on. The next party that has a super majority should kill it just to kill it.
  25. The Dems ended the filibuster for judicial appointments and although it allowed them to get appointments through in the short term it ended in disaster when the Repubs used the rule to take SCOTUS. It seems like every time the Dems change the rules to push something through it comes back to haunt them later. Is the Jan6 commission really the important? What is it going to accomplish? I am actually curious here. Seems like there are more important hills to die on.
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