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Ric Flair

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Everything posted by Ric Flair

  1. Horrible blocking. Horrible lack of pocket presence by Martinez.
  2. I had a good feeling about this game. But as it progresses, it seems like we’re going to continue to make too many mistakes and Northwestern will just pick up apart.
  3. It depends on your definition of corroborating. If she’s lying, nuts, or simply misremembering, the fact she knew him in high school would make her far more likely to falsely claim it was him. You’re arguing that the fact she knew him makes it less likely she would misidentify him and mistakenly pick him out of a lineup. But that’s simply not true based on the research on how memory works, particularly when reconstructed decades later.
  4. He was accused of being a sexual predator and gang rapist. Those allegations were made by Democrats as part of an evil and cynical plan to derail his nomination and hold the seat open until Democrats could fill it. Democrats still haven’t come to terms with the fact THEY LOST the 2016 election. They are having trouble accepting that DONALD J. TRUMP IS THEIR PRESIDENT TOO. They can’t reconcile themselves to the fact that HIS ELECTION WAS LEGITIMATE. Kavanaugh called them on their ridiculous BS and evil smear campaign. Good for him. And then KAVANAUGH WON TOO! No wonder the idiots in their vagina hats are losing their damn minds.
  5. He was remarkably unqualified. John McCain was roughly a thousand times more qualified. His race certainly helped. How many people voted for him because they wanted to be a part of history? His race was a HUGE net positive.
  6. That’s NOT AT ALL what they have said. Jesus. Read something occasionally. They’ve made clear that Russians worked to influence votes in the election. They didn’t “hack the election” or change actual votes. Absolutely correct. Good post.
  7. That’s not at all what he said...and it’s not at all surprising it’s what you read.
  8. Let's see his transcript and academic records.
  9. But particularly for the Plantation Mentality of the Democratic Party when it comes to treating women and minorities like dirt...assuming they are too stupid to realize it and evaluate their options...and mocking and ridiculing any one of them that shows a glimmer of independent thought.
  10. There were a whole host of ‘feminists’ and other women who offered to engage in sex acts with Clinton as shows of support for him and his policies.
  11. Right? The economy is booming, America is booming, people have jobs and pride in their country, and the malaise has lifted. THANK YOU PRESIDENT TRUMP FOR MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!
  12. I feel badly for Obama’s students. For someone who must have studied the Constitution, the poor bastard didn’t have a damn clue what it says or means. #SAD
  13. Not necessarily. If she’s simply lying, then the fact she knew him doesn’t matter. If she’s mistaken because her identification is based on a faulty memory or even a reconstructed memory, the fact she knew him might actually likelihood she misidentified him. The starting point is Ford saying that Kavanaugh tried to sexually assault her. When we talk about corroboration, we’re talking about independent evidence outside of her story that supports her account. In this case, there simply isn’t any. She can’t remember key details that would make it possible to verify her story. And the witnesses she insisted were there have made clear they have no memory of the party or idea what she’s talking about.
  14. Sycophantism is cute at first, but gets old quickly. Near as I can tell, electing an unqualified community organizer as President largely because he’s black was such a miserable failure it likely won’t happen again. Silver lining I guess.
  15. No, that’s you missing the point...yet again. Your anti-Trump bias is showing.
  16. A lot of it was due to the immature and ridiculous way Obama often handled race relations.
  17. Good metaphor for the way women and minorities keep voting for Democrats, despite the party treating them like dirt.
  18. When you assume he's a spade. There's a whole big universe of opinions out there that this Bubble Board is rarely exposed to. You've worked hard to make this your safe space where your opinions will rarely if ever be challenged. And that's sad.
  19. We're noticeable in the same way a Republican is on Morning Joe. We stand out because we're different. Almost else here is essentially posting the same crap, while they congratulate themselves and each other about what wonderful free thinkers they are.
  20. My post was generally about the endless and tiresome whining about men that many women engage in. It serves no purpose. In my posts that object to that sort of thing, I discuss particular women or groups of women. Not all women.
  21. I don’t think you understand the definition of the word. Aside from a small handful of us, everyone here seems to post in lockstep. It’s frankly kind of embarrassing. It’s kind of like what caucuses would have been like if Saddam Hussein had allowed them in Iraq....a whole bunch of people standing around agreeing with each other about what a great guy he was.
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