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Husker Red Til Dead

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Everything posted by Husker Red Til Dead

  1. I know I should let him or someone else reply but I think many feared his so-called socialist leanings. But now they're okay with someone who wants to silence the press/scientists(?). Doesn't jive. I was asked to give my opinion. Not to make the case of why Trump deserves a pass. I didn't say your were doing anything other than that. I was giving my opinion. I misunderstood then, my apologies
  2. I figured the Bill of rights to be decimated i.e. speech, guns, due process etc., government control over personal property and the like. The rhetoric the dems were throwing with the help of main stream media and hollywood. It had seemed as if Obama was going to have carte blanche with his agenda, and the "right" could pound sand Wow, that's fascinating. My own perspective was a "meh." I don't think I really grasped the significance of what had happened, and I was young and not particularly engaged in politics. I was glad Obama had won. Looking back and knowing what I know now, it would have been a time of celebration. I had shrugged at so much of what had happened in the Bush era. I wonder if I would have contributed to the feeling of crazy rhetoric being thrown around. I really can't see it being that crazy in retrospect, however. There were the bailouts early on, a path Bush had started on and which perhaps weren't aggressive enough under Obama either. The other major plank of his first term was healthcare. I understood it little at the time, but am now glad we at least tried to catch up with the rest of the developed world. Status quos can be so hard to change. Of course, the irony is that today the threats directed at speech, etc, aren't even oblique. The rhetoric of the new administration through their campaign and ongoing is unprecedented from either party. Obama '08 is probably more comparable to Bush '00. I had my problems with Bush as well. The Patriot Act and TARP being the biggest.
  3. I know I should let him or someone else reply but I think many feared his so-called socialist leanings. But now they're okay with someone who wants to silence the press/scientists(?). Doesn't jive. I was asked to give my opinion. Not to make the case of why Trump deserves a pass.
  4. Yeah, well, Obama's first week consisted of things like closing gitmo, banning torture, raising ethical standards in the White House through stricter lobbying policies, signing memorandas regarding energy independence and higher fuel efficiency, and signing the fair pay act. So I'd say those of us feeling this now have about an infinitely more rational reason to do so than you ever did. He never closed gitmo...
  5. And I'm sure a LOT of people voted for Trump as the opposite of Obama. But the problem with this is, Obama never ran on a platform of fundamentally changing America. His 2008 platform was:
  6. I figured the Bill of rights to be decimated i.e. speech, guns, due process etc., government control over personal property and the like. The rhetoric the dems were throwing with the help of main stream media and hollywood. It had seemed as if Obama was going to have carte blanche with his agenda, and the "right" could pound sand
  7. I'm basically seeing it the complete opposite as you. It's ONLY day 5 and he's already shown his intentions to do more harm than anyone ever should in all 8 years of their 2 terms. I think people are underestimating how harmful his comments on the illegal voting and media are. Just because you are smart and reasonable doesn't mean there aren't thousands/millions believing it all. I bet there is some, such as your self, that feel the exact same way a lot us did 2008. Being told that the president is going too "fundamentally change the country" was unsettling at best. I know its hearsay now but it wasn't as bad as I had imagined.
  8. ...didn't you vote for this? This comment right here is the perfect example of what is wrong with this part of the board. Knapp, take note as we discussed this before. Yes, I voted for Trump, I did not vote for republican control of every facet of our government. To assume I'm okay with this is an unfair assumption and pretty juvenile to say the least. Personally, I prefer to not have our government or our courts to lean conversative or liberal and this is a perfect example of that. DO NOT start trying to point the finger at me for this.
  9. H.R. 6061. It was passed in 2006, approved by Obama himself by the way. Exec order that Trump signed finally gets into action.
  10. Buuuut...http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/nov/14/administration-changed-its-tune-hired-lobbying-fir/
  11. To be fair ,Obama did the same. https://mobile.nytimes.com/2009/03/18/sports/football/18rooney.html?referer=https://www.google.com/
  12. I could give a damn of what some brit econ group thinks of us, that whole throwing rocks at glass houses saying applies here. BTW the USA is a Constitutional Republic.
  13. Yes, and it's protected speech under the 1st Amendment. The only way it's not protected is if it can be proved that she intended to actually commit the act (or intended to incite others to do so).Not sure about that. Hopefully the FBI or Cia pays her a visit. Go look online for an 1st Amendment lawyer analysis on the situation. Hyperbolic and vitriolic speech is definitely protected. It's probably still okay for them to interview her. I agree
  14. How many railroads and highways go over that same aquifer? The Ogallala is refilled by snow/rain runoff, so it is susceptible to surface contamination. So i refer to the fraser inst. study again, pipeline is safer then other methods of transport. http://www.businessinsider.com/a-canadian-oil-pipeline-leaked-more-than-50000-gallons-of-oil-on-aboriginal-land-2017-1 I'm pretty sure that's more than a truck holds. About 10 tanker trucks or 2 train tanker cars
  15. How many railroads and highways go over that same aquifer? The Ogallala is refilled by snow/rain runoff, so it is susceptible to surface contamination. So i refer to the fraser inst. study again, pipeline is safer then other methods of transport.
  16. I support the pipelines if they are done with the best safety checks in place. Pipelines are the safest way of transport (https://www.fraserinstitute.org/article/pipelines-are-safest-way-transport-oil-and-gas ) I also question why we need the pipeline at all. Is a refinery ,closer to where the oil is ,that big of a problem? The admin muzzling the epa and usda is very confusing.
  17. Maybe they didn't want to pay the penalty for not signing up?!?!?
  18. No, they were protesting his projected policies the day after his resignation (inauguration, dang spell check
  19. That's what worries me about Trump and the republican majority. Instead of mending fences ,they'll put up new ones...and the cycle repeats itself...
  20. Make your case. I suppose I did call down the thunder. Here's a few off the top of my head. - Hillary claimed to be for equal pay, but her senate staff salaries prove otherwise http://freebeacon.com/blog/clinton-campaign-confirms-free-beacon-gender-pay-gap-analysis/ - The shock from the left, when Trump said he wouldn't accept the results of the election. Then riots and protests show how accepting some on the left can be as well. - Hillary claims to be for women's rights, yet the clinton foundation took tens of millions of dollars from countries with horrible women's/human rights. To be clear, Im not purposing that the right is without its own hypocrite circus. This section leans a little left, and while I do enjoy reading others opinions, I couldn't sit on the sideline on this one.
  21. Careful what you wish for , there is plenty of hypocrisy from the left as well...
  22. Since we're on quotes... Johnathan Gruber - “The lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. You know, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever but basically that was really critical to get the thing to pass.” talking about the ACA. Hank Johnson - "My fear is that the whole island ( Guam) will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize."
  23. Politicians sometimes represent stupid people. Ergo, they sometimes advocate stupid things. Exactly , +1 my friend.
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