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Everything posted by HuskerNation1

  1. The complaints about Bush started 3 days after Katrina hit on that Thursday. The first hints of Obama being criticized was on Thursday, more on Friday, about 5 or 6 days after things had gotten bad. Local complaints began in both situations right away. Bush stopped his vacation within 2 days and headed back to Washington DC where he did his "flyover" that Obama running as a candidate harshly criticized in the link I provided above. If you guys are right that there is no media bias, I would expect the MSM networks to continue to criticize Obama for weeks to come and discuss the impact this will have on his legacy.
  2. Or for all the republicans who are unable to vote for Trump because he's a lying, crazy, misogynistic, racist, sexist, xenophobic bigot ... edit: who has no comprehension of national or international relations or history. Lol...and who is it that claims to be knowledgeable of foreign policy but screwed up just about every decision she made as SOS during Obama's first term? If voters believe that the world has gotten safer and more secure under the Obama/Hillary foreign policy, Hillary will win. If they do not believe the world has gotten safer and it's time for a new direction, Trump will win.
  3. Why would I waste my time doing that when I never made that claim? How much of this lack of fairness is due to these tragedies not being even remotely close to the same thing in terms of scale? Surely that's at least 1% of the equation, right? So in not making that claim, you are admitting there is a difference in the coverage given by the mainstream networks as it related to Obama and Bush.
  4. You didn't, at all, answer the question about how long it took the media to start criticizing Bush. Yes, I did explain it. Katrina hit on a Monday and by that Thursday the complaints were coming in and the media was covering the fallout by that Friday, so within 3 to 4 days of it happening. With the 2016 flooding beginning last Saturday, it's taken 6 to 7 days before the media has begun to "question" whether Obama should still be on vacation golfing. Now the next 2 weeks will show whether the bias continues as Bush was hammered for weeks and months after Katrina, with some claiming his response would ruin his legacy. I have offered enough proof...why don't you start showing some proof that the MSM is treating Bush and Obama fairly in these situations. Please lay out your timeline and examples. I'll be waiting. You say you explained it, yet the word "Thursday" didn't show up a single time in your post I quoted, nor did the words "media", "criticism", or anything else to show how long it took for the backlash to start. Further, your claim is total bullsh#t. NBC News posted a video on Thursday explaining how Obama is facing "vacation criticism", 5 days after the flooding started. You claim that Bush started getting criticism the Thursday/Friday after Katrina hit that Monday, so 3/4 days. So, apparently, a difference of 1-2 days is a prime example of mainstream media bias, where the criticism has taken WAY longer with a several day gap, and where the spotlight was on Bush but is lacking on Obama, and how there is so much hypocrisy. Is that really your assertion? Yes, by Thursday the media criticism of Bush began...3 days after Katrina hit. The criticism of Obama was small and on day 6, and here we are a week out and there still is not much coverage from mainstream networks about Obama. I watched the broadcasts last night, and spent little time focusing on Obama being on vacation. Instead, they focused on the tragedy itself. Also, as I just pointed out, the criticism of Bush went on intensely for weeks, and continues well after that. Go ahead and continue to put on your blinders and assume that the only bias that exists is from Fox News. I'm still waiting for you to offer a detailed account that shows the media has treated Obama and Bush equally in their coverage of these disasters. And let's not forget the ultimate hypocrite himself who bashed Bush for not getting on the ground sooner with Katrina...click on the video clips and let me know if you agree that Obama is once again contradicting himself. http://twitchy.com/sd-3133/2016/08/19/obama-katrina-flashback/
  5. I realize this is just one poll, but Trump has retaken the lead over Hillary in the LA Times poll which is a 7-day tracking poll of over 3000 likely voters. If anything, it shows the race is once again tightening despite the hope from some to say this race is over in August. http://www.latimes.com/politics/ This poll is using the same exact methodology that the RAND Research survey poll used in 2012. RAND was in 2nd place among tens of polls for picking the final voting percentages and margins. This poll had Trump up most of July which makes sense as this was the month that Hillary received a lot of negative press from the Comey testimony. It also included the time during and after the RNC. Hillary has been up most of August with her convention bounce and Trump's bad 2 weeks this month.
  6. For all the liberals and socialists on here that are not able to vote for Hillary because of her lies and corruption, it looks like Jill Stein has made the ballot in Nebraska. https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/682f60ff-af2a-398d-ac47-d9f9373c8ec1/ss_green-party%26%2339%3Bs-stein-makes.html
  7. Ding ding ding. You are spot on Huskerfan. Many on here claim to be Independent yet always defend Obama and blame Republicans for anything that has not gone well, or bash Trump and give Hillary a pass.
  8. Lol...this has to be the quote of the week on here. You are complaining about party loyalty as it related to a black voter, a group which has voted in lock step with Democrats for 40 years (at a rate of over 90% most often) despite the fact that Black Lives are worse under Democratic policies. Trump is smart for calling out the fact that Black lives have gotten worse under Obama.
  9. You didn't, at all, answer the question about how long it took the media to start criticizing Bush. Yes, I did explain it. Katrina hit on a Monday and by that Thursday the complaints were coming in and the media was covering the fallout by that Friday, so within 3 to 4 days of it happening. With the 2016 flooding beginning last Saturday, it's taken 6 to 7 days before the media has begun to "question" whether Obama should still be on vacation golfing. Now the next 2 weeks will show whether the bias continues as Bush was hammered for weeks and months after Katrina, with some claiming his response would ruin his legacy. I have offered enough proof...why don't you start showing some proof that the MSM is treating Bush and Obama fairly in these situations. Please lay out your timeline and examples. I'll be waiting.
  10. How exciting man. I didn't grow up in Nebraska but was able to live there for 3 years and absolutely loved it. I went to my first game and fell in love with the team and program. You are going to enjoy your experience...there is so much to do before, during, and after the game.
  11. Glad to see we are in the top 3. So is our RB situation down to this guy and Peacock? I sure wish we would still go after Carr, but I realize that's a long shot.
  12. I guess this is your style to throw around vague accusations that you feel somehow has an impact. If you are insinuating that Obama's not showing up is a "scandal" I would disagree with that. It was wrong and showed extremely poor judgment in my opinion. The larger point here is the hypocrisy in the delayed criticism he received relative to Bush with Katrina. And, you still have yet to admit Obama was wrong to stay on vacation and has not done enough on this crisis facing Louisiana, but that's the pattern. You only throw stones at the opposing party and refuse to criticize your candidates despite when it's obvious they have messed up.
  13. Talk about vague...what "things" are you talking about exactly?
  14. I heard that this morning and about puked. Why did you about puke? Seriously, Trump has given many strong policy focused speeches this week that were on message and with the right tone. His apology for maybe saying things that he shouldn't have. He has spent his entire campaign brushing off or completely denying saying ridiculous and outrageous things that are insulting. At times he has acted proud of it and ridiculed people who claim he has said things he shouldn't have. Now, I'm supposed to believe that..oh....I"m sorry....I shouldn't have said these things???? Give me a friggen brake. The only reason he said what he did last night is because his campaign is in the tank, he's going through campaign chairs faster than he goes through bottles of hair spray and probably every single one of them have constantly told him behind the scenes to stop being a jack ass. So.....NOW....all of a sudden he has seen the error of his ways and he's not a jack ass anymore???? Give me a break........ And this made you want to puke? Wow, you must have a nervous stomach or something. Apologies are only good for limited out of character actions. We know what character Trump has and any apology regarding his inexcusable behavior and actions over the past year is downright laughable. The guy is scum and if he were truly sorry for his actions we would see the end of his childish behavior (hint: fat chance). Hey, at least he has made an attempt to apologize. I agree it takes more than one speech to do so, but he's done way more than Hillary has for her many lies. When has Hillary apologized for lying to the families of Benghazi about why their sons were killed? She hasn't...she's just continued to lie.
  15. It sure seems like the federal response to Lousiana *has* been on point, and that Donald Trump's photo op is no more than sheer cynical opportunism. Consider me stunned if this ends up being the case. Keep fighting the good fight, bnilhome. #MSM! I need some of what you are smoking zoogs. You are persistent about always bashing Trump and Republicans, and never admitting when Obama has done something wrong. I have openly called Trump a douchebag on here more than once when he has acted like one. Well, Obama has acted the same this whole week and has his priorities backwards, but I realize you are not able to remove your partisan hat and admit any Obama wrongdoing, whether its with this or with the Iran ransom payment. You actually would have more credibility on here if you would be willing to admit wrong on both sides of the aisle.
  16. YES...as I said earlier, many of the national outlets are just now rolling in today with the criticism, but it's taken way longer than with Katrina. I watched GMA this morning and Robin Roberts who I think is great pointed out that the media has not done a good job of covering this story and just how bad things are. Today seems to be the turning point for this story thankfully. Maybe it took the awareness of Trump to head down there to get some media attention on it. At least 3 of them are from yesterday. Can you tell me how many days after Katrina the media started reporting on criticism of him? I'm assuming your smily face at the end is proof about how funny the thought is that Trump somehow has made a difference here. Hurricane Katrina made landfall on Monday, August 29. The damage and flooding got really bad by Tuesday, August 30. President Bush returned to Washington from his vacation by that Wednesday (within 2 days) and toured the damage by that Friday. Meanwhile, the Louisiana flooding started to get bad last Friday night, got really bad by Saturday, and was devastating by Sunday. Obama has remained on vacation all week, and now only plans to visit next week after Trump showed him up today. Just a couple days ago Obama's team was saying he had no plans to visit. Here's a breakdown comparing the two responses. http://ijr.com/opinion/2016/08/259328-11-years-apart-8-ways-president-bush-obama-differ-responses-louisiana-flooding/
  17. YES...as I said earlier, many of the national outlets are just now rolling in today with the criticism, but it's taken way longer than with Katrina. I watched GMA this morning and Robin Roberts who I think is great pointed out that the media has not done a good job of covering this story and just how bad things are. Today seems to be the turning point for this story thankfully. Maybe it took the awareness of Trump to head down there to get some media attention on it.
  18. You are easily confused LOMS. Sorry to hear that. It's really not that complicated. 1. Point 1-Media bias exists everywhere (including the MSM), not just with "right-wing" media. So I agree that all of us can be influenced in some way by what we read, listen to, or view on television. The difference is how we form our own objective thoughts and opinions based upon those influences. 2. Whatever propaganda is coming from Rush and others on right-wing talk radio, I do not let that form my judgments and opinions which is where the 1st and 5th quotes you highlighted came from. Again, if that's hard for you to grasp, I will repeat it. Whatever propaganda is coming from Rush or others on right-wing talk radio, I do not let that form my judgments and opinions which is where the 1st and 5th quotes you highlighted came from. Do you understand or should I repeat again? 3. I provided an example just happening this week of the hypocrisy of the MSM in terms of how they critiqued Bush 43 during Katrina, but have waited several days to offer any criticism of Obama. Are you going to admit that they have a double standard in these two examples or simply choose to rehearse your talking points because you don't want to admit the MSM has bias? Let me ask you this. Do you think it was the media criticizing Bush or do you think they were reporting on criticism of Bush? Big distinction. And....like has been pointed out, comparing Katrina to these floods is completely ridiculous. I think the media is criticizing Bush by injecting their negative coverage time to him during Katrina. They could have taken it easy on Bush as they have with Obama so far but they chose not to. Regardless if it's apples to apples, as you said earlier you felt in both cases there should not have been a negative spotlight on Bush or Obama, yet that spotlight was very much on Bush and has been lacking on Obama. If you want to continue to believe there is no bias in the MSM reporting so be it. We will just have to disagree on this, but I will continue to provide examples in this thread as they arise. My question is very important to the discussion. Was it the media criticizing him or were they reporting on criticism of Bush? It's the job of the media to report on what is happening. If there is a group of people making a big stink about Bush wanting to kill black people and blow up the bank of the river to do it, I'm not going to criticize the media for reporting that someone is criticizing him for that. Right now, I don't see any major groups criticizing Obama for these floods. In large part, because it would be absolutely stupid to do. Now, when they were criticizing Bush, it was idiotic. However, those criticisms still were being put out. So...the media reported it. If someone all of a sudden created a criticism of Pete Rickets claiming he secretly hates farmers and is out to destroy the farming industry in Nebraska, I expect the media to report that. BUT.....that doesn't mean the media has some liberal bias against Rickets. They are simply reporting what is being said. PS...the author of the article is an idiot for even trying to equate the two events in Louisiana. There have been complaints...many coming from the victims themselves in Louisiana. http://www.lifezette.com/polizette/trump-takes-role-president-hard-hit-louisiana/ http://www.theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/opinion/our_views/article_f1ce22ee-64b4-11e6-b11a-a393ff25161d.html Local papers had written about the need for his help and attention too a couple days ago.
  19. You are easily confused LOMS. Sorry to hear that. It's really not that complicated. 1. Point 1-Media bias exists everywhere (including the MSM), not just with "right-wing" media. So I agree that all of us can be influenced in some way by what we read, listen to, or view on television. The difference is how we form our own objective thoughts and opinions based upon those influences. 2. Whatever propaganda is coming from Rush and others on right-wing talk radio, I do not let that form my judgments and opinions which is where the 1st and 5th quotes you highlighted came from. Again, if that's hard for you to grasp, I will repeat it. Whatever propaganda is coming from Rush or others on right-wing talk radio, I do not let that form my judgments and opinions which is where the 1st and 5th quotes you highlighted came from. Do you understand or should I repeat again? 3. I provided an example just happening this week of the hypocrisy of the MSM in terms of how they critiqued Bush 43 during Katrina, but have waited several days to offer any criticism of Obama. Are you going to admit that they have a double standard in these two examples or simply choose to rehearse your talking points because you don't want to admit the MSM has bias? Let me ask you this. Do you think it was the media criticizing Bush or do you think they were reporting on criticism of Bush? Big distinction. And....like has been pointed out, comparing Katrina to these floods is completely ridiculous. I think the media is criticizing Bush by injecting their negative coverage time to him during Katrina. They could have taken it easy on Bush as they have with Obama so far but they chose not to. Regardless if it's apples to apples, as you said earlier you felt in both cases there should not have been a negative spotlight on Bush or Obama, yet that spotlight was very much on Bush and has been lacking on Obama. If you want to continue to believe there is no bias in the MSM reporting so be it. We will just have to disagree on this, but I will continue to provide examples in this thread as they arise.
  20. Nice spin. Trump is the only Presidential candidate giving this Katrina like tragedy the attention it deserves. Meanwhile Obama is having a great time golfing. As i pointed out in the other thread, a prime example of the MSM showing its bias and hypocrisy as they chastised Bush for not showing up or seeming engaged enough with Katrina. http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/kyle-drennen/2016/08/18/nets-compare-louisiana-flood-katrina-ignore-obama-vacation Katrina like tragedy???? Really? I have family in Baton Rouge. Yes, the flooding is bad. But, this is NOTHING like Katrina with the total devastation that hurricane left in it's path. To compare the two is ridiculous. Criticism of Bush at that time was totally out of line and criticism of Obama over this is just as ridiculous. Over 1,800 people died in Hurricane Katrina. So far in these floods the death toll is 13. We don't know where this current tragedy will end, but it's the worst US disaster since Sandy, and Sandy was supposedly the worst disaster since Katrina. So I'm not saying its apples to apples, but you hit on something important that I highlighted and aligns perfectly with the MSM bias we are talking about in the other thread. This is the point...the press went after Bush viciously for not seeming involved enough with Katrina, yet have waited until today to even question why Obama has remained out golfing while all of this is going on. http://www.cnn.com/2016/08/18/us/louisiana-flooding/ http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/aug/18/obamas-golf-vacation-amid-louisiana-flooding-stirs/
  21. I heard that this morning and about puked. Why did you about puke? Seriously, Trump has given many strong policy focused speeches this week that were on message and with the right tone. His apology for maybe saying things that he shouldn't have. He has spent his entire campaign brushing off or completely denying saying ridiculous and outrageous things that are insulting. At times he has acted proud of it and ridiculed people who claim he has said things he shouldn't have. Now, I'm supposed to believe that..oh....I"m sorry....I shouldn't have said these things???? Give me a friggen brake. The only reason he said what he did last night is because his campaign is in the tank, he's going through campaign chairs faster than he goes through bottles of hair spray and probably every single one of them have constantly told him behind the scenes to stop being a jack ass. So.....NOW....all of a sudden he has seen the error of his ways and he's not a jack ass anymore???? Give me a break........ And this made you want to puke? Wow, you must have a nervous stomach or something.
  22. You are easily confused LOMS. Sorry to hear that. It's really not that complicated. 1. Point 1-Media bias exists everywhere (including the MSM), not just with "right-wing" media. So I agree that all of us can be influenced in some way by what we read, listen to, or view on television. The difference is how we form our own objective thoughts and opinions based upon those influences. 2. Whatever propaganda is coming from Rush and others on right-wing talk radio, I do not let that form my judgments and opinions which is where the 1st and 5th quotes you highlighted came from. Again, if that's hard for you to grasp, I will repeat it. Whatever propaganda is coming from Rush or others on right-wing talk radio, I do not let that form my judgments and opinions which is where the 1st and 5th quotes you highlighted came from. Do you understand or should I repeat again? 3. I provided an example just happening this week of the hypocrisy of the MSM in terms of how they critiqued Bush 43 during Katrina, but have waited several days to offer any criticism of Obama. Are you going to admit that they have a double standard in these two examples or simply choose to rehearse your talking points because you don't want to admit the MSM has bias? As for BRB's point on use of the term MSM, when something has been discussed at length it becomes part of the normal vocabulary. The phrase "war on terror" didn't really become commonplace until Bush 43 began using it, and soon Dems referred to that as well. The word "Impactful" was never really a word accepted as commonplace until recent years. And on and on.
  23. Nice spin. Trump is the only Presidential candidate giving this Katrina like tragedy the attention it deserves. Meanwhile Obama is having a great time golfing. As i pointed out in the other thread, a prime example of the MSM showing its bias and hypocrisy as they chastised Bush for not showing up or seeming engaged enough with Katrina. http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/kyle-drennen/2016/08/18/nets-compare-louisiana-flood-katrina-ignore-obama-vacation
  24. I heard that this morning and about puked. Why did you about puke? Seriously, Trump has given many strong policy focused speeches this week that were on message and with the right tone.
  25. Here's a prime example of the MSM bias that many on here claim does not exist. Loisiana has once again ravaged by flooding as in 2005. The Red Cross has indicated this is the worst disaster since Hurricane Sandy in 2012. With Katrina in 2005 when Bush was slow to respond and visit, the MSM networks spent a great deal of time focusing negative attention on Bush. Lets now fast forward to the current day and the MSM media is not giving that same scrutiny to Obama who has chosen to stay on vacation. http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/kyle-drennen/2016/08/18/nets-compare-louisiana-flood-katrina-ignore-obama-vacation
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