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Everything posted by jayhawk

  1. They were going to approve the SEC instead of a move to the Pac-10... No Pac 10 move, no A&M move...
  2. I think you guys are maybe taking this too personally. Just because OU feels like it's future is tied to Texas (which it probably is) doesn't mean they are not sad to see you go. I don't blame you for going, I totally understand it. That doesn't mean Joe wanted you to go, or wasn't frustrated that the Texas/NU gap was just to wide to bridge. I have seen 2 good people who just cannot work together. In this case, these guys were in the middle, but their future was not in the Big 10, so what exactly are they supposed to do? OU's interests are best served being in the conference with Texas. They get their eyeballs, their recruits and their most famous rivalry there now. I know everyone should not care only about themself, but let's be honest, each school pretty much was looking out for #1... That doesn't mean Joe is evil for siding with UT on some things, but not wanting NU to leave and to work it out...
  3. I hear a lot of folks thought the Pac 10 numbers were more questionable... Not to say I know if these are legit, as I do not.
  4. Yankees roll in a lot more money than everyne else too. It is the economics of it. Texas has all the cards, they have the big markets, the most alum, it just is what it is. I can see why they don't want to share evenly, the other schools don't bring as much to the table. Glad you all are happy with your move, but we still have schools to run and sports teams to field and our revenue will be going way up. All of us can start our own network, not just UT. They just happen to be able to be able to make it viable all by themselves. Good for them. Why shouldn't Longhorn fans have their own netowrk if they can find enough people to watch? Nothing is stopping ISU, but who will watch? I havent seen the details, but if ISU gets $17 Million and you all get $20 Million for football, given what just went down, I think ISU takes that deal and smiles BIG. Just so long as the four of you have your exit strategies planned out before the implosion. Our biggest issue is tha Pac 10 spot we would have gotten is now in Utah's hands, so it won't be there next time. A lot of landscape can change between now and then, but it is a fair point... We need to keep our football program improving and keep the facility improvements coming too...
  5. jayhawk

    Piling on!

    Aren't we being a little senstive? What did he really say? NU has always wanted to go to the Big 10. I have NO IDEA if wh he said is true. It may be, may not, don't know. You did go. You seem mostly happy about it. Why do you care that Boone Pickens said you were always tempted by the Big 10?
  6. Yankees roll in a lot more money than everyne else too. It is the economics of it. Texas has all the cards, they have the big markets, the most alum, it just is what it is. I can see why they don't want to share evenly, the other schools don't bring as much to the table. Glad you all are happy with your move, but we still have schools to run and sports teams to field and our revenue will be going way up. All of us can start our own network, not just UT. They just happen to be able to be able to make it viable all by themselves. Good for them. Why shouldn't Longhorn fans have their own netowrk if they can find enough people to watch? Nothing is stopping ISU, but who will watch? I havent seen the details, but if ISU gets $17 Million and you all get $20 Million for football, given what just went down, I think ISU takes that deal and smiles BIG.
  7. There will be lots of talk of how we are all Texas's B****, but lets look at the initial reports 1) Schools like ISU, Baylor and K-state, who really might have been screwed (I like K-state's odds the best), are now looking to have thier conference fees double. Obliion to a huge raise, not bad. 2) Apparetnly A&M and OU get about as much or as much as UT. So UT is not at some massive advantage there 3) Longhorns could have their own network... Well, they have by far the most fans. Baylors brings basically nothing, but gets 2/3 what Texas does. Sounds like a good deal to me. If theirown network still leaves the rest of us with money close to or on par with the SEC 4) We get to keep most of our rivals. I know the Pac 16 was a little sexier, but Ihappen to like our old rivals in their roles and am glad to have em.... Could the whole thing fall to crap in 5-10 years, maybe... That is a distinct possibility... But I am glad our old Big 8 is mostly together. Will miss the Huskers, but I think the Big 10 should be nice for you all minus the loss of a lot of your own historical rivals, best wishes...
  8. Hello Kansas, Kansas St, Iowa St, Missouri, Oklahoma and Oklahoma St WAKE UP I not sure we had all the card, I know OSU didn't, and ISU and KSU DEFINITELY had no cards to play. Wake up and what? The TV money for even place like Iowa State will likely more than double. I am not sure they are getting screwed, to be honest. THe fact is that Texas brings the most eyeballs. They make these little schools a lot more than they would get on their own, without Texas. I am not saying this makes Texas great, or generous, but ISU and Texas are far from being weighed in even. Actually, ISU is taking more than it's share given what they pring to the party, as is KSU and Baylor.... SO I doubt they gonna complain.
  9. OH, and until the Big 12, the Red River Shootout had always been a non conference game.... You guys should totally sign that up... Game #4 each year, right before conference play. Late September should do it...
  10. I am already hearing talk that the Texas schools are ratecheting up their SOS so that they can still compete for a title, I assume your being out and lack of a title game are causing that. I think now that you are in the Big 10 and this is a benchmark game with that conference, it would be smart for them to add you. I just thought of something, now I don't ever have to root against you (we will likely take 3 cupcakes, cause I know us). I am fired up about being able to be a more deidcated Husker fan. Of Course, I have long family ties to Penn State, so I am a little conflicted, but far less so....
  11. I don't think we would do it, irafreak is right... Not sure how to assess what BYU brings, but if it is just a regional coveage deal, won't be nearly as much....
  12. I not trying to propose the Hawgs to the Big 12. I just saying their was talk of it, not sure if it true at all. Ironically, from a travel time perspective the Bia2 12 is a WAY better conference for Arkansas. I cannot imagine dealin with Texas in the days of the SWC, it was all Texas schools and you guys.
  13. I think if the Big 12 gets "saved", then the poison pill gets more bitter...
  14. BYU is a new market, Airforce is to "get" colorado (not that it does). TCU just cannibalizes. Frankly, Baylor is bad for that reason too, they bring nothing. Butthey are in, so they aint goin.... I not sayin I for it, although I like a BYU add. That is a national brand that attracts way beyond their Utah base. I woud not kick anyone out, but had only CU left and we added BYU, I would have been ok with that trade from a league value perspective. What sux is losing you guys....
  15. Now I hearing SAVE THE BIG 12 engine has a little gas. People are even saying Arkansas in the mix. No idea why, but the people saying it are not random people, so I guess we will see. Seems a little late, but what do I know...
  16. No. Why? 1) They are the ONLY major school in the 18th biggest state by population in the US. 6 Million people is a lot of folks, even if they are mostly hillbillies. 2) They are a decent school. They are in the AAU, their Journalism school is rightly famous and they are otherwise competent in educating that inbred state of theirs. 3) They have some real support in their state... They are not Rutgers. Their fans are not great, but they are good, and they mostly show up. Their stadiums holds over 71,000 and they do fill it up at times. They even come when the team is not great, which is fairly often... 4) They are not a threat, but hold their own. They are not really THAT good. They won the North a few times while it was down, and their Basketball team has had some years. The good thing for them is that they are often competent and sometimes good. Mediocre, but reliably so. In summary, brings eyeballs, enough academic respectability and unlikely to ever take your championship from your existing membership. Hard to turn that down. That is all...
  17. The problem is, given our situation, would you wait on a hope? Seems imprudent in this new every man for himself world... If they wanted us, they could invite us and MU right now... And then hold the two spots left for and east school and Notre Dame... But best I can tell, they have not... If no offer, then why would we wait. If they want us, offer. It is just the only rational position I can see us taking. I think the Wildcats are on their own, but I wish they could come with us...
  18. There is lots of debate. Big 10 won the poll I saw. That all said, Pac 10 came in a strong second and frankly with no BCS result currently on offer, our options being what they are, it is hard to imagine the Pac 10 not being a good option.... What most KU fans who are not desperate to stick it to our rivals (which IMO is immature and short sighted an unlikely to corelate with how aou decision makers think) would have liked is the North Minus CU added to the Big 10. If we had to lose people in doing that, it would be lose ISU, then KSU...
  19. it does, it just confirms there is a flight plan and plane to KC by the same plane that just publicly visited the 5 south schools and that is about it... They do point out that it could divert to a smaller airport enroute... Like Lawrence or even Columbia (my addition, but ya never know)... I added the public flight plan here http://flightaware.com/live/flight/N228PK/history/20100614/0110Z/KAUS/KMCI and to the post above...
  20. This is just what I am reading (i been reading a lot of twitter of late), so take it for what it is worth. The AggieYell AM rivals site has reported A&M to SEC. This confirms Chip Brown from Orangebloods.com (also rivals). All that assumes no Texas FORMAL politcal interference. The Red Raiders Rivals guy is now reported that after flying to all 5 schools this weekend (with rumored 4 accepts and A&M reject), the Pac 10 Jet is headed from Austin for KC right now... I wonder if the Pac 10 thing is about to play out (or if it tries to, and we try and stay tied to the kitties, and then we lose it to Utah)... I hate to lose our rivals. I hope the Big 12 (10) sticks around. But if 5 teams are going west and what is left is the unknown and it may involve us having to abandon the same crew to avoid MWC/COnf USA banishment by going somewhere on our own later, then I guesss I take the Pac 10. I am happy if we don't get screwed, but I wish this didn't all happen. Just saw this link had poster after I posted... So here is an addition http://www.kansas.rivals.com/showmsg.asp?fid=490&tid=144033201&mid=144033201&sid=897&style=2 (paid site) Here is the flight plan... http://flightaware.com/live/flight/N228PK/history/20100614/0110Z/KAUS/KMCI
  21. I know a fair number of them. They are good fans, there just are not a lot of them in the grand scheme of things. They always roll outa nice and entusiastic crowd when I have been up there for a football game. It ain't Lincoln, but a lot of places aren't...
  22. A lot of news out today saying we may get a Pac 10 spot. One small issue, no one but the Buffs from the old North would be with us. Do I understnad why we would take it? Yeah. Do I like not having our rivals? No. IF offered, what else can we do, not knowing if something else good is an option? We are damned if we do, damned if we don't... And we don't have an offer yet. Some people think A&M is just posturing about hte SEC, so we may not have an option, and then we are damned
  23. CMon, this was not even that bad... Here are some in the thread, and this is their bitter raction thread at that... Re: How are you going to treat Husker fans? *** The same way I treat fans of every other school. With respect, because I'm a god damned adult. *** I'm more angry with Mizzou actually. The NU administration always griping about the B12 didn't bother me. It just meant they were no longer the 900 lb gorilla in the conference. *** QFT. Can't believe how horrible some of the posters are on CF including the OP. Terrible, horrible. Gary. (chiding the few negative posters) *** I've tried, but I can't improve on this post. Perfectly said. (Again, agreeing with treating them with respect) I have the same experience on here at times. A few people without class say dumb things, then the more mature fans tell the loud mouths to shut it. I think the Iowa State fans are mostly great. Everyone has a few jerks, but I have had great experiences with those folks...
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