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Everything posted by NM11046

  1. OMG he sounds like the "Down By The River" SNL character.
  2. Know what is double groovy @knapplc ? Not defining yourself by your political party label! It's really amazing how much weight is put into that in the US. I'm a woman/man, white/black, straight/gay, Repub/Dem, Cornhusker/Hawkeye.
  3. Do you think we have strike forces on the ground near his bunker as well? We've got to be trying to get to him (by us I mean US/Allies/EU/Ukraine etc)
  4. For the life of me I just can't imagine the US rallying together in a time of war like this ... can you imagine?
  5. Totally up to the refugees where they should go - some may want to get an ocean away from what is happening/happened there. It's not up to us to outline what is "logical" for others.
  6. Well if there is anything that makes me NOT click on a link is't Brian Seltzer, Joe and Wierd Al or whomever comedian/washed up actor this post tries to imply is a source worth listening to. I missed the comment - what was the purpose?
  7. Ive heard a couple times this am from multiple sources that he isn't healthy - perhaps he's got nothing to lose now?
  8. I just saw some Biden cabinet member say on a morning show that air defense and putting american lives at risk is currently not on the table. So we'll probably be doing that soon
  9. I understand what you're saying @Danny Bateman but I think you'd agree there is a difference between discussing paying for college education, making changes to tax wealthy Americans and expressing admiration for Robert E Lee and discussing hanging opponents and folks that disagree with you? The political ideas may be offensive to some I guess, but I think the far right looney toons are dangerous, and they continue to pick up steam for some reason.
  10. The best unintended consequence of this is that Zelensky (who everyone made fun of as a "nobody' comedian" and that Pootin obviously thought he could just steamroll) is going to be considered a great leader, a hero even. That is going to really stick in Vlad's craw.
  11. Yeah I know that - that actually is a point in addition to the one being discussed (why did they leave?) I felt it might actually be taken under more consideration if folks on the board recognize some of the people they might actually be familiar with in the content. My point, was that there are "good" and "bad" personalities on every station dispursed throughout the day. Much if not all of what comes out of their mouth is being read off a script that a producer/writer create and isn't actually their opinions or their knowledge. So, sure some direct their writers what they want to explore and the take they want to have on screen, but most are just reading notes. Getting rid of the daytime talent will do nothing - putting in guidelines on opinion shows vs news, having more focus on fact checking and not allowing not fact checkable info on show, curbing sensationalism etc is what needs to be done.
  12. Curious why getting rid of all prime time folks is your solution ... admittedly I only listen to a couple programs on their network, but I feel Jake Tapper is a strong non biased' anchor. I haven't seen Wolf Blitzer do anything I'd consider terribly biased - am I missing something? My point is that there are good and bad personalities and shows at all these networks. The policies need to potentially change, awareness need to improve and there need to be better producers and guidelines to ensure that networks focus on sourcing, confirmation and etc - but even on Fox there are bad and better/good ... I'd point to Mike Wallace, Bret Baier and Shep Smith, maybe Neil Cavuto as head and shoulders less biased than everyone else. As they say; Baby/bath water. Not the anchor but the writers, researchers etc need to be canned if they've shown history of behavior that is off base - anchors aren't necessarily the problem, and certainly all of them aren't.
  13. There was a great story on he and his brother and their politics when he went back over initally - 60 mins or something. I'll have to go looking for it - it was excellent.
  14. If you are still watching and trying to figure it all out - simplistic way to make a decision on risk where you are and make the decisions best for you and your family. CDC website has incorporated a Red/Yellow/Green rating by state and county (blue Check Your County box). Calculations include diagnosis per 100k (we should all be searching for 10 or less) as well as other tangibles like community vax rates etc. https://www.cdc.gov I travelled recently and based on where I was coming from and going to as well as where the people around me were travelling from I decided mask inside at the wedding reception where there were no windows in the ballroom. I was one of 8 guests masked, out of maybe 200 (many of whom traveled from NC where the new variant is moving around) - feel like I'm going to really appreciate that when everyone starts testing this week.
  15. Did you mean their c$%k-da?
  16. You know it's pretty amazing how many politicians and actors and others who are in the public eye have (supposedly) taken Ambien and booze and had it make them say crazy things and hallucinate.
  17. There are some amazing stories of heros already coming out - the soldiers on Snake Island, those elderly men taking guns and joining the citizen army on the streets, the President putting out messages to his people with his cabinet members staying in the government area in Kyiv - I pray that they survive, what bravery. (sunflowers are the national flower for Ukraine so this is deeper meaning than just the obvious courage and insult)
  18. Why is Flynn still getting military retirement funding?
  19. Souza's daily take downs of Ronny are epic. One of my favorite things on Twitter.
  20. Just yesterday there was a GOP candidate (in DE) who made the claim that she could relate more to Putin because of his christianity than Biden. Just think about that. Really think.
  21. I also heard this am that India is trying to find a way to financially support Russia/Russian oligarchs financially where the west has sanctioned them, so I'd speculate they have at least two.
  22. Isn't the reason a president has a cabinet and staff to support him in areas that he/she may not be 100% the most expert in? I mean until TFG, regardless of what I thought of the president and his party, I felt for the most part they surrounded themselves with competent, career experts - and anyone who doesn't hire folks better than them is not very smart. Nobody makes it very far in a career (vs a job) without acknowledging that they can learn from others, step back sometimes and let someone more experienced to run the show. Trump was many things (all negative imo but that's another thread) but the problem with his time in office is that he surrounded himself with yes men, and he thought he was the smartest at EVERYTHING. Literally the man has filled camera time with a long list of things that nobody knows more about than himself. We are partially in this situation with Ukraine because of the yes men Trump had around him - Vlad's gained a lot of power and confidence when tfg was drooling over him the last administration. George W. Bush: ""Russia's attack on Ukraine constitutes the gravest security crisis on the European continent since World War II," said former President George W. Bush. "I join the international community in condemning Vladimir Putin's unprovoked and unjustified invasion of Ukraine. The American government and people must stand in solidarity with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people as they seek freedom and the right to choose their own future. We cannot tolerate the authoritarian bullying and danger that Putin poses." Bill Clinton: "Putin's "war of choice has unraveled 30 years of diplomacy and put millions of innocent lives in grave danger." "The world will hold Russia and Russia alone accountable, both economically and politically, for its brazen violation of international law. I stand with the people of Ukraine and am praying for their safety," Barack Obama: "Russia launched an attack on Ukraine "not because Ukraine posed a threat to Russia, but because the people of Ukraine chose a path of sovereignty, self-determination, and democracy. For some time now, we have seen the forces of division and authoritarianism make headway around the world, mounting an assault on the ideals of democracy, rule of law, equality, individual liberty, freedom of expression and worship, and self-determination," Obama said. "Russia's invasion of Ukraine shows where these dangerous trends can lead – and why they cannot be left unchallenged." Jimmy Carter: "Russia's "unprovoked attack on Ukraine using military and cyber weapons violates international law and the fundamental human rights of the Ukrainian people. I condemn this unjust assault on the sovereignty of Ukraine that threatens security in Europe and the entire world, and I call on President Putin to halt all military action and restore peace," Carter said. "The United States and its allies must stand with the people of Ukraine in support of their right to peace, security, and self-determination." Donald Trump: Has made no formal statement, but instead has done a mini tour on Fox and other "friendly" news outlets. "This all happened because of a rigged election," he claimed to Fox News host Laura Ingraham. "The situation is a terrible thing, but Putin wanted to do something and negotiate and it just got worse and worse, and then he saw the weakness. And you know it really started, I think with the weakness in Afghanistan." At a Mar-a-Lago fundraiser Wednesday evening, before the assault began, Trump called Putin "pretty smart" in "taking over a country for $2 worth of sanctions."
  23. The fact that someone brought up investigating Hunter Biden as this war starts and innocent people are killed by an insane, power hungry tyrant shows the absolute lack of ability for some Americans to use their brains for critical thinking. JFC. What an embarrassment.
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