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Everything posted by NM11046

  1. You have got to be effing' kidding me. Consider my mind blown. WTH are we doing America? http://www.spin.com/2016/09/trump-who-lied-87-times-last-week-fights-to-keep-fact-checking-out-of-debate/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=timeline
  2. Read the above or listen to his statement to the press - he has done all of those things, and did speak to coach and his team prior. So this would have met your requirements. It wasn't done without thought or consideration to the ramifications.
  3. I'd argue that no belief is a lie. Its based on experience and feeling. You wouldn't know all about the true oppression of blacks in any era unless you're black. Part of the issue is some of the officers being "cleared" with evidence that does not support that. Doesn't matter if I'm in a gang if I don't threaten you or commit a crime - you've got no reason to do anything to me. Carrying arms in the US is legal - sadly. So just carrying a gun doesn't give you a reason to do anything to me. It's not a lie. Open your eyes, or at least stop talking; as you're embarrassing yourself. People like you and this perspective (If I don't see it, or if I don't feel it it isn't happening) are a big part of the problem.
  4. Some are saying Trump is an oompa loompa.
  5. That was an interesting piece. This blurb summed it up the best, for my money: Look, I get it. Clinton's lied about things. Shocker. Politicians do so. But it bothers the hell out of me when people say things like "Well, they're both liars, what's the difference?" There's a HUGE difference. Clinton at least TRIES to keep things in the realm of normalcy, with some thought behind what she said, and only occasionally gets caught in a blatant lie. Trump is so far out in left field, he literally just says whatever he wants ALL the time, with no regard whatsoever for veracity. And it works, because the people who listen to him believe him, and write off fact-checks as "elitist" or "the biased liberal media." It's really, really sad that we've arrived at a point where truthfulness has apparently become a sin. People are actively believing BS he says DIRECTLY BECAUSE the media points out it's not true. That's enough for some folks to decide it's true and the media is lying instead of Trump... So that when people say Politico is biased and MSM ... there are several other papers that have researched and run similar articles in the last week or so: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trumps-week-reveals-bleak-view-dubious-statements-in-alternative-universe/2016/09/24/4f8a6ff6-80cf-11e6-b002-307601806392_story.html http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/09/24/us/elections/donald-trump-statements.html?_r=0 http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-pol-trump-false-statements-20160925-snap-story.html
  6. Least presidential candidate the world has ever seen:
  7. Politico went back and evaluated the same 5 day period for each candidate what they found during that time: Trump lied an average of 1 time every 3.5 minutes for a total of 87 lies Hillary lied an average of 1 time every 12 minutes for a total of 8 lies Obviously his twitter and multiple rallys have him with far more airtime during the same period, but the per minute average is telling. If they had the same number of hours on stage he's still outpacing her by a mile. As far as what they lied about? Hillary tended to tell falsehoods about herself ("I didn't realize C meant classified material") but got specifics on policy etc ok Trump was all over the board with his lies, from absolute false statements ("I opposed the Iraq war before it happened") to whiney statements ("Hillary is copying my rallys in front of a plane") Should be an interesting debate for Lester to manage. I hope that he has a solid performance getting both to be fairly represented.
  8. Pretty much sums it up - NYTimes Opinion Piece: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/26/opinion/why-donald-trump-should-not-be-president.html?smid=fb-nytopinion&smtyp=cur
  9. The only one I like better than that one is Jeff Daniels "America" rant from Newsroom - I can't figure out how to embed here, but the link is below, and the best of it: " ... It sure used to be (the greatest country in the world). We stood up for what was right. We fought for moral reasons. We passed laws, struck down laws - for moral reasons. We waged wars on poverty, not on poor people. We sacrificed, we cared about our neighbors, we put our money where our mouths were and we never beat our chest. We built great, big things, made ungodly technological advanced, explored the universe, cured diseases and we cultivated the world's greatest artists AND the world's greatest economy. We reached for the stars, acted like men. We aspired to intelligence, we didn't belittle it. It didn't make us feel inferior. We didn't identify ourselves by who we voted for in the last election and we didn't scare so easy. We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed... by great men, men who were revered. First step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one. America is not the greatest country in the world anymore.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyzDRc34l2g
  10. I'm more offended at the guy who is texting on his cell phone in this picture and the folks talking and laughing with each other while holding the flag. Who is really doing the disrespecting here? I kind think that was his point... My bad - missed the sarcasm. I agree w/him then. :-)
  11. I'm more offended at the guy who is texting on his cell phone in this picture and the folks talking and laughing with each other while holding the flag. Who is really doing the disrespecting here?
  12. I agree with their right to express themselves. That doesn't mean it's not classless, tasteless, and overall unbecoming of a representative of the taxpayer-funded University if Nebraska. You are way overreacting, its a simple peaceful protest which has happened multiple times throughout history, so whats the big f'ing deal? UNL should support their right to express their views if anything, if they were an overreaching University they would force them to stop. Simply let the players stand up for what they believe in, any resistance is a totalitarian movement that will reduce productivity and make the players become less loyal to the University they support. UNL should support their right to express their opinion. Like I said, you don't have to agree with it, just understand their right to voice their opinion. Their opinion is just as valid as anyone elses. I'm not "way overreacting". Overreacting would be asking for their expulsion. I'm saying they're classless and tasteless because they're intentionally showing a lack of respect for the symbol of our country and all who've sacrificed for it; which, incidentally, has nothing to do with what they're protesting. Everyone who has ever said they're disrespecting people who have sacrificed for the country is claiming they can read people's minds. Unless these players come out and say they don't give a sh#t about how they were protected during wars, then that's just a big giant guess on your part. If you're specifically talking about the lyrics of the song, why should someone who is fighting against systematic racism care all that much about sacrifices made by our soldiers during a time when slavery was legal? Respect for the flag is something that is ingrained in the minds of all members of the military. It means respect for the people who made the flag possible, so it's easy to infer that disrespect for the flag is disrespect for the people who made the flag possible. As for people fighting against perceived systemic racism, maybe they should care about the sacrifices of those soldiers because many of their progeny paid with their lives to end slavery. Might be something worthy of respect. It's just plain silly to think anyone's doing this to specifically diss soldiers or soldiers who died for the country. Especially when lots made it clear what they're specifically doing it for. To me the flag represents the country. It doesn't represent soldiers. I wasn't in the military but my dad fought in Vietnam and my grandpa was also in the Navy. The country has sent soldiers to die for unjust causes before. It's kind of similar to being against the Iraq/Vietnam wars but not against the soldiers who fought in them. The people doing this are against systematic racism which is something they think our country is allowing. It has nothing to do with soldiers fighting for the country. The problem is that many, many people do see it as an insult to this country's soldiers. Which is they overshadow what they're protesting by doing it during the national anthem. Let's be honest. The people who have a problem with this would have a problem with any action taken at any time on this topic. Its not the actual kneeling that bothers them so much as the fact that attention is being paid to an issue they don't believe exists.
  13. Not "Take a knee?" There are thousands of brave veterans who have had their legs blown off that would love to take a knee again...[/quote Stop it.
  14. I agree with their right to express themselves. That doesn't mean it's not classless, tasteless, and overall unbecoming of a representative of the taxpayer-funded University if Nebraska. Oh please. Classless is threatening bodily harm on these individuals. As a veteran, I fully support these non-violent protests. Maybe if people were willing to actually listen and empathize, we wouldn't have players kneeling during the anthem. Well said, and thanks for serving. I agree. It seems silly that it takes people getting this pissed about this, but at least it's serving its intended purpose-- we're having this conversation, right? Kinda .... seems like the conversation is focused on the wrong thing. We've got the same group of folks who dont think there is an issue belittling the "disrespectful, classless, pansies". Kinda seems like more of the same. Actually, as I read through these comments I'm proud that there seem to be more open minded, respectful folks than not. I'm going to focus on that.
  15. I agree with their right to express themselves. That doesn't mean it's not classless, tasteless, and overall unbecoming of a representative of the taxpayer-funded University if Nebraska. Classless would be if they turned fheir back on the flag, tasteless would be if they refused to come on the field; their kneeling statement is about as "becoming" a protest as a college athlete can do.
  16. Not sure about that - but I'll put money on them hating it if you tell them "happy holidays" instead of merry xmas.
  17. WTH is the announcer so focused on the weight of the qbs??
  18. The national anthem is not just for veterans or those who have fought for the US. Its for everyone, and stands for our nation's incredible freedoms - for every Individual. People can acknowledge it however they want. Some people sing, some do not. Those bastards are unpatriotic! Some people put their hands over their heart - some do not - how scandalous! I agree w/the above comment. You people making a big deal out of it are the ones w/the issue.
  19. I think his 11month girlfriend is a big factor - she still has a year or two of hs to complete.
  20. Yeah, when I watch sports I don't want to be reminded that those are actual real human beings with their own thoughts and beliefs and convictions and personalities either. I would much rather they just shut up and be exploited for their physical abilities for my own enjoyment. No need to actually talk, or think, or share, or care about anything. Just do the thing with the ball and get the points so I'm happy. You got it LOMS....the same thing goes with Hollywood. I hardly watch movies anymore due to celebrities who are paid way too much money to use their fame as a platform to push their own political agenda. Now would you feel differently if players were protesting against Mr. Obama or some liberal politician? See now I read LOMS post with a totally different tone than what you did. I feel as if there is very much a double standard with athlete - we expect them to be good role models for kids and fans, but when they do something that doesn't align to one's beliefs it's a problem. Who complains about when an athlete goes to a hospital in their jersey to visit a kid? Who had a problem when DeAngelo Williams paid for 53 mammograms for women who couldn't afford them on their own because that cause has personal meaning to him? You can disagree with a players stance on something, but they are people, with opinions - you can respect them for their abilities and then turn off the tv or leave the game. Same with movie stars. Everything you said can also be said of our police officers that CK and others are protesting. Police officers are some of the best in our society, and sure there are a few bad apples, but wearing socks and saying things that are nasty about police officers goes over the top. As for being role models, I don't expect athletes to always be role models, and realize many will make mistakes. But there is a difference between making a personal mistake such as doing drugs or getting in a fight, and making a political statement that is offensive to many who have died for this country, and is also offensive toward the 99% of officers putting their lives on the line day in and day out. I would personally like to see the NFL Owners who are supportive of our police force bring out officers to every game and make a statement before the national anthem thanking them for protecting our communities and putting their lives on the line. That would be a way to balance out all the attention that CK and these other protesters are getting. True - maybe I've missed something, but I thought he was protesting the unfair treatment of blacks in America. I haven't seen anything on it being specific to police (admittedly though I've been out of the country). I guess it's the platform they have that bothers you? What he's saying is being said by many others, but they don't have tv time. I think those who have suffered and sacrificed for our country did so in order to make sure we had the freedoms we're used to ... including expressing our beliefs however we choose. When I was away I found my attitude and overall mental health to be so much more positive because I was limited in what US "news" I had access to. Decided it's healthier for me to just dial in to the news for information, not the hot button scandals where everybody gets emotional and pitted against each other. BTW outside of the US I was consistently asked four questions: 1. What do I think of Trump? 2. How in the world did Trump get this far and do I think there's actually a chance he'd be elected? 3. How could someone that aligns himself with Putin in a positive way get any momentum? 4. Why do so many americans have tattoos?
  21. Yes, Hillary is the candidate of Wall Street and big donors. It's crazy how things have flipped between the two parties where the GOP is now viewed as the party of the average person and the Democrats are the party of the elites. I don't think it's a matter of elite vs. average man. Plenty of evidence against that. It's a matter of people putting this country ahead of their own personal gain.
  22. Trump has had complete a**es in the front row of his appearances for the last 6 months. Why is he/you so scared of Cuban?
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