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Everything posted by NM11046

  1. In Florida yesterday Don said, "In fact, in many respects, you know they honor president Obama. ISIS is honoring President Obama. He is the founder of ISIS. He's the founder of ISIS, OK? He's the founder. He founded ISIS." He then said that the "co-founder" of ISIS was Clinton.
  2. I debated posting it about 30 mins ago - glad that you did. The stats are horrific. Now if we could get each department to do that sort of evaluation, and get a national average we could work at improving the numbers. I'd hope that people will now agree that there is a systemic problem.
  3. So CNN is reporting that the Secret Service has spoken to Trump about his second amendment comments, and that it wasn't the first time. His reaction: I'm betting CNN has some evidence we'll see soon -
  4. I can see that being a factor with a typical college freshman who might be looking at frat life ... but there are pretty girls everywhere. Maybe I'm giving the game and their dedication to it too much credit? its different for everyone. Gronk is on record saying he went to Arizona for the pool parties- but he's Gronk Indeed. One of a kind that guy.
  5. I can see that being a factor with a typical college freshman who might be looking at frat life ... but there are pretty girls everywhere. Maybe I'm giving the game and their dedication to it too much credit? And heck, if it's parties that sway him we can line him up with the Davis twins.
  6. I can see that being a factor with a typical college freshman who might be looking at frat life ... but there are pretty girls everywhere. Maybe I'm giving the game and their dedication to it too much credit?
  7. I like that his coaches are going to be with him. I think that can only help us.
  8. THAT made my day. I really think we've got a shot with him. He's been through it all w/Gebbia and Key, so he gets the "how fun it could be with my buddies", and now if Coach Dub gets him one on one, and they can really show him around -I feel real good about our chances here. Maybe someone can enlighten me, what is it that makes Arizona attractive to kids? I can understand Washington, the Cali colleges, but really don't get that AZ is a real competitor for us sometimes.
  9. Probably the biggest non issue yet. It's an open door evenr. The father is not his son, and he cannot be held responsible for the choices of another grown man. I'm sure he did all he could to try to send his son down the right path during his up bringing. It's funny, I was thinking at the gym this morning as I was watching the news that if this guy had been front row at a Trump rally they (Fox and all its zombie followers) would be speculating that "Crooked Hillary" paid the guy off to go and get on camera so that the dems would have another issue to corner Trump on.
  10. And here's the beginning of the "woe is me, the liberal media is twisting everything I say into a big issue. My (sarcasm/joking/I didn't actually say that) is misunderstood" What I actually said: "By the way, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know."
  11. Well said. There will always be media bias, but most of the mainstream outlets Americans get their news from tend to be biased toward Democrats, while talk radio is biased toward Conservatives. We are seeing tonight a prime example with the MSM blowing up about one off-hand Trump comment to have 2nd Amendment supporters help ensure Hillary is not elected. Nearly all of his speech was focused on the real issues, yet this one comment is what dominates the news cycle. As a Republican nominee, Trump needs to be smart enough to realize this is what the MSM does...find any story that will create a negative impact on viewers toward the GOP nominee and/or minimize any negative stories about the Democratic nominee. Unfortunately Trump is not smart or disciplined enough to stop making any statements that will be blown up or taken out of context. But one ridiculous statement negates everything else he says. It doesn't matter the person or vehicle that reports on it. He makes more missteps than any adult, much less professional should make and certainly more than would be acceptable in political office. If you have to do one thing right it's be conscientious about what's coming out of your mouth. Do you really think his statements have been blown up or taken out of context or do you wish that was the case? Seems to me that all the folks are reporting on it - not just left leaning outlets. It's what your fellow republicans are siting as they announce day after day that they are supporting Hillary. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/seven-times-trump-was-misunderstood-226846 Edit: and honestly, they aren't having to stretch the truth at all with what they report. They are showing unedited video and transcripts.
  12. Speaking at a rally in Wilmington, North Carolina, the Republican nominee said incorrectly his general election opponent wants to "abolish, essentially, the Second Amendment." "By the way, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know." Should create a nice little s*#tstorm tonight on twitter.
  13. Remember when Trump said, "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters"? Horrific huh? Just thought it was time to revisit that comment, as it's been awhile and it didn't get the reaction it should have at the time.
  14. I also read somewhere along the way that when his mom passed away he transferred to the catholic school, and that the travel to and from there from where he live in Miami was tough. One of his prior coaches said, "he needs to get out of state" so I'm betting Parrela's leadership and parenteral like guidance (as well as Rileys') was a good fit.
  15. Whew. I was trying not to sweat it, but it didn't follow the typical routine of how the kids are communicating stuff.
  16. Anybody else kinda nervous/curious about the fact that Guy hasn't officially announced or commented, nor have any of the Nebraska coaches?
  17. Thanks Zoogs for explaining it better than I ever could.
  18. Well said TG. I don't think we should underestimate the impact of those who can vote 3rd party. While it may better fit their current emotions and desire for leadership, I think that there is a gap in understanding that depending on the state one is in (or county etc) that vote may actually help Trump get into office. I wish there was a way to communicate that succinctly - that essentially (as a general rule) a vote for 3rd party is a vote for Trump in many/most cases. SaveSave I'm scratching my head to figure out how my vote for Johnson would help Trump even if I were in a swing state. There is no way in hell I'm voting for Hillary. So, the only option is the Republican nominee or 3rd party. So, if I vote 3rd party, I'm helping Hillary not Trump. Now, your view would be true if I were more inclined to vote for Hillary and then voted for Johnson. I'm stealing this from a website instead of retyping it myself, now this was published before the mayhem of Trumps last week, but I believe the theory still holds true: A swing of even 1-2 percent of third party voters to Trump or Clinton may decide the election. Clinton’s share of the vote almost always drops in polls where third parties are included―third party candidates are hurting her more than Trump. Gary Johnson will not be elected President. Jill Stein will not be elected President. The genuine growth of a third party will be based on actually winning elections at the lower levels and building a base of support locally. Random performance in presidential elections is not the crux of the effort. Very marginally indicating support for a third party candidate’s agenda is far less important than adding your weight to prevent President Trump. This year is not normal.
  19. Well said TG. I don't think we should underestimate the impact of those who can vote 3rd party. While it may better fit their current emotions and desire for leadership, I think that there is a gap in understanding that depending on the state one is in (or county etc) that vote may actually help Trump get into office. I wish there was a way to communicate that succinctly - that essentially (as a general rule) a vote for 3rd party is a vote for Trump in many/most cases. SaveSave Interesting thought. So are you saying there may be many more frustrated Dem voters who may vote for a 3rd party candidate that could tip the scales the other way? I guess I didn't see it that way but it is indeed possible. Stein has picked up support. Berine's supporters are not Hillary lovers by any means. I wonder which states may be at that tipping point - purple states that might tip red if the 3rd party candidate takes enough votes from Hillary?? I do think there are some. I was a Bernie supporter and def looked at the libertarian and green parties - once I read about their stance on issues it was easy to commit to Hillary, but sadly I don't think all folks do adequate research to come to that conclusion, or think of the ramifications of splitting the vote. Edit: I'd think NH, ME, VT might be purpleish states based on how they approach politics. I'd really have to think about others.
  20. Well said TG. I don't think we should underestimate the impact of those who can vote 3rd party. While it may better fit their current emotions and desire for leadership, I think that there is a gap in understanding that depending on the state one is in (or county etc) that vote may actually help Trump get into office. I wish there was a way to communicate that succinctly - that essentially (as a general rule) a vote for 3rd party is a vote for Trump in many/most cases. SaveSave
  21. So, it's been awhile since I've lived there, so hopefully someone will step in to give you some guidance. My fav used to be Barry's, Sandys on game day ... we'd also go to The Rail and Duffy's after the game but honestly I think that's probably a very young crowd now. The haymarket area has a lot of options and I'm betting has a great atmosphere to roam around in. I'd say the same with respect to any of the areas around the stadium where tailgaters are. I'd try for an Uber from your hotel to the campus/bars (I'd think they have them there)
  22. Not really. You do know that a good number of those black men that "owned" slaves did so to protect them. They had to purchase their wives and children and hold them as property in order to have their families together and safe (there's the sharecropper landowner issue again). Now there were certainly those who owned slaves and worked them and abused them and the like, but I don't believe it was the majority. Regardless, it doesn't change the narrative. The handful who might have owned started ahead with some property, but the vast majority were behind from the get go. Shoot, if you're not one to read and to research all this can be seen in popular movies that were based on diaries and historical documents. As far as the BLM requests, as I stated above I need to read through through and get a better understanding of what they're asking for and why. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. My problem with you is the blanket prejudicial statements you're making with absolutely no knowledge. No matter what they came out with I sense you would have issue with it based on politics and assumptions alone.
  23. I did know that - and I learned it in school. Not sure how this makes a difference in your point. Edit: now if you told me that black free men owned white men as slaves that would be news to me, and would be worth discussing further. Otherwise I'm all set with you.
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