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Everything posted by NM11046

  1. So then, you agree they are not specifically for whites and any race could benefit, as opposed to what BLM is wanting. You can dress it up all you want and yell hyperbole comments like the bold all you want. The man is not keeping blacks down! I love the "In theory, yes" part the most. If anyone is keeping blacks down it is posters such as yourself claiming they need special treatment... Instead of demanding everyone to stand up and stop wanting free stuff, be it black, white, asian, or whoever. The more you think they are not responsible for their situations the more they demand free stuff, and the more they continue to falter. EDIT: to the bold about wealth.. what a load of horse spit. I was brought up in a family that was far from wealthy, a long ways from wealthy. I now make considerably more than both my parents every did. I had to work my way through college. EDIT 2 : You clearly do not realize there were free black back then, some even owned slaves themselves! To your edits - you still got a head start. We all did. Your commentary and edits only further proves my points about ignorance. How did I get a head start? Are you referring to my parents staying together and actually trying to do the best they could versus a single mom having kids with numerous men and raising those kids on her own and on welfare? Their are numerous, NUMEROUS blacks that succeed, and it is because they work for it. Seriously, you need to stop typing.
  2. So then, you agree they are not specifically for whites and any race could benefit, as opposed to what BLM is wanting. You can dress it up all you want and yell hyperbole comments like the bold all you want. The man is not keeping blacks down! I love the "In theory, yes" part the most. If anyone is keeping blacks down it is posters such as yourself claiming they need special treatment... Instead of demanding everyone to stand up and stop wanting free stuff, be it black, white, asian, or whoever. The more you think they are not responsible for their situations the more they demand free stuff, and the more they continue to falter. EDIT: to the bold about wealth.. what a load of horse spit. I was brought up in a family that was far from wealthy, a long ways from wealthy. I now make considerably more than both my parents every did. I had to work my way through college. EDIT 2 : You clearly do not realize there were free black back then, some even owned slaves themselves! To your edits - you still got a head start. We all did. Your commentary and edits only further proves my points about ignorance.
  3. So then, you agree the are not specifically for whites and any race benefit, as opposed to what BLM is wanting. You can dress it up all you want and yell hyperbole comments like the bold all you want. The man is not keeping blacks down! I love the "In theory, yes" part the most. Sigh.
  4. I wanted to respond to you JJ - I don't know why that's on there. Perhaps right to privacy, a desire to have less monitoring by government in general. I'm not sure how I feel, as I'm not sure why it's there, I'll have to dig in and explore all the issues on their plan more.
  5. I am horrified at some of the things I'm reading on this thread. The amount of denial just proves the reason this is a problem and that it is ongoing. I swore I would not get baited into this discussion but the ignorance is so disheartening to me. A bit of history. No HuskerFan2000, these were not for whites only in theory, but they were set up to benefit whites more than blacks. The facts: Sharecropping - this was a way to essentially keep slaves so poor and with so little prospect that they remained on the owners land working as indentured. It exploited an already poor population by tying them to money owed to the land owner, and because they couldn't get credit from a source other than the landowner they were tied to pricing and loans that they could never get ahead on. It was a way for landowners to keep "free men" as slaves. Homestead Act - went into effect 3 years before slaves were freed, and was only an option to citizens. If you were a slave you couldn't be considered a citizen. So no, this wasn't available to african americans. Federal Housing Act - you just need to read about this. It certainly helped all of us white folks, but absolutely blocked the ability of african americans to get loans (or for people living near black people to get loans). The lines drawn during this act lasted for years and impacted how mortgage banks looked at lending money. It has impacted african americans negatively for years, and probably still does. GI Bill - this was established to get veterans back on their feet by offering including low-cost mortgages, low-interest loans and financial support after serving. It was open to black and white men, however the design put african american at an extreme disadvantage. Of the first 67,000 mortgages less than 100 went to black men. The VA and the American Legion as well as the Veterans of Foreign Affairs had the ability to approve or deny loan requests and denied black requests at an alarming rate. Banks also denied blacks applying for the GI Bill assistance, or they denied making a loan for a home in a black neighborhood. Lets say a black man got approval for a college loan guess what? Many colleges still wouldn't allow black students. All of us know that you can't get more wealth unless you have some wealth, and if you are always trying to play catch up to the Jones you'll never make it. Imagine that you're trying but the Jones get more assistance along the way (in the way of loans, land, education etc) It is ignorant to say that African Americans have everything we do and that they are treated as equals. In theory yes, they are allowed everything we are but they started behind, and the majority will never catch up. We can't fix a problem until people acknowledge that there is one. Folks here are an example with comments like "there are no stockpiles of free stuff for whitey" and "getting free stuff just because they're black". Horrifying, ignorant, white, head in the sand comments.
  6. just in case anyone forgot what Brown was really like, as opposed to the kind and wonderful human being, as he was portrayed in the media. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nguoNxwycc So to be clear huskerfan2000, because he had a shady past you feel he deserved to be killed by those who are sworn to protect the public? How the hell did you draw that parallel, no seriously, how the hell? Ummm based on your comment, "just in case anyone forgot what Brown was really like, as opposed to the kind and wonderful human being, as he was portrayed in the media." I will ask again, how the hell did you get that out of what I said? It doesn't suggest anything of the sort. It DOES mean he wasn't the, and I quote myself, "kind and wonderful human being, as he was portrayed in the media" Do you still not understand why I said it like I did? I can explain further if you need me to. Perhaps I was totally off base on the tone of your text-my apologies if so. To me it read that you felt the BLM movement used this man as a motivator but we should remember that this man was a bad guy.
  7. Hey Andrea - can I ask your age (or an age range) it would make a difference on what people recommend you do I think. For instance if you're under 35 I'd say the Zoo probably isn't the best place for a pregame atmosphere (I LOVE it, but not for pregame stuff)
  8. Good riddance I say - at least he won't be a factor at ND w/Calvin like people were speculating.
  9. just in case anyone forgot what Brown was really like, as opposed to the kind and wonderful human being, as he was portrayed in the media. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nguoNxwycc So to be clear huskerfan2000, because he had a shady past you feel he deserved to be killed by those who are sworn to protect the public? How the hell did you draw that parallel, no seriously, how the hell? Ummm based on your comment, "just in case anyone forgot what Brown was really like, as opposed to the kind and wonderful human being, as he was portrayed in the media."
  10. Hey, right here man, do you need something? Nope you've just been quiet.
  11. I feel his pain, having to deal with the illegal immigrant epidemic in Maine. Hey, Canada's not sending their best! Not defending him - but they did get a big Somali influx (~10,000) with immigration there. Still his comments are ignorant and ridiculous - he is the same ilk as Trump and Nehlen.
  12. Call me stupid but who are these people and what sport - I know the guy from the post previous, so just the women. Volleyball players Kelsey Robinson (left) and Jordan Larson (right) are on either side. Not sure about the lady in the middle. Kayla Banwarth is also on the volleyball team but I don't think that's her. Yeah it is.Pretty sure,just looks different not in uniform I think there's a javelin thrower from Geneva there ...
  13. Yup. We're pretty proud of him here in the Northeast (sarcasm - there aren't a lot of right leaning, reddish state folks here). The quote about the drug dealers getting white girls pregnant actually made the national news as it was particularly offensive.
  14. just in case anyone forgot what Brown was really like, as opposed to the kind and wonderful human being, as he was portrayed in the media. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nguoNxwycc So to be clear huskerfan2000, because he had a shady past you feel he deserved to be killed by those who are sworn to protect the public?
  15. Because everybody that commits suicide has a "good reason" in the eyes of others to do so? You're really reaching here.
  16. Yesterday in Maine: "Trump applauded the Republican governor and said LePage had an open offer if he were interested. “I don’t know that he would want that, but he is a very talented guy, he is also a great person, a tremendous person, and if he were available, I would certainly find something for Paul because he’s done a great job up here,” Trump said. “He’s not only popular, he’s done an unbelievable job, so I would certainly say that he would be a candidate.” To put it in perspective, here are just a couple examples of this man's character and comments in office: "What I think we ought to do is bring the guillotine back. We could have public executions," he said, lamenting to right-wing radio station WVOM" "The traffickers ... these are guys by the name D-Money, Smoothie, Shifty. These type of guys that come from Connecticut, New York. They come up here, they sell their heroin, then they go back home. Incidentally, half the time they impregnate a young, white girl before they leave, which is the real sad thing because then we have another issue we gotta deal with down the road," "Sen. Jackson claims to be for the people, but he's the first one to give it to the people without providing Vaseline," LePage said of State Sen. Troy Jackson "If you take a plastic bottle and put it in the microwave and you heat it up, it gives off a chemical similar to estrogen. And so the worst case is some women might have little beards," "I have been trying to get the President to pay attention to illegals in our country ... because there is a spike in hepatitis C, tuberculosis, HIV, and it is going on deaf ears," LePage said
  17. Anybody seen Husker2000 or bnihome lately?
  18. Goodie, goodie ... looks like maybe Don got some burner phones, he's on twitter being his good ole' self ... spiral forthcoming I'm sure of it!
  19. This is really great Knapp. Thank you. Hope that folks really take a read, I think the assumption is that Johnson is a great middle ground for some, and he has some very strong feelings on issues that may not align the way people think.
  20. Very bummed that Don obviously lost his right to Tweet early this week. It's been boring having someone else man his account, just lots of vanilla "thank you's", heck not even a lot of Hillary taunts, so you know he's not the one behind the text. Anybody care to wager when he goes off again? I think over the weekend his lacky's loosen their grip on his phone, he'll watch Meet The Press or some similar show and go on a tirade ... or at least I hope that happens.
  21. NH is a state that tends to go Dem but is a potential swing ... not this year: http://www.boston.com/news/politics/2016/08/04/clinton-trump-new-hampshire-poll
  22. He's tremendously successful. He has built amazing businesses, incredible buildings and he is a winner. He has a good temperament, one of the best temperaments ever in NJ.
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