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Everything posted by NM11046

  1. But today you see, he clarifies that it's the entire world that misunderstood his comments on national television Sunday. That he was right all along in what he said he said.
  2. Good Morning Donald Trump! I think it's going to be a fun day - somebody got under his skin yesterday!
  3. http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/31/politics/donald-trump-russia-ukraine-crimea-putin/index.html Stephanopoulos pointed out the Crimea occupation, which prompted Trump to rant about Obama. Good god how can anyone support this sh#t for brains? I'm sure any kind of response to that interview will include the fact that Stephanopolous used to work for Clinton and is part of the Liberal media and is out to get Trump.
  4. I think we should write a, "Why You Shouldn't Vote for Trump For Dummies" book (they look like Cliffs Notes) and just put pictures and his own texts in it.
  5. A friend just sent me these, and they've made my day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6l7TUJ6iSU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROnVNY5K-J8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vFJwTBHvuU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y96iyHBhIe0
  6. So this says a lot .... Koch Brothers have determined they will not run any anti-Hillary ads during the election (in addition to outright saying they do not support Trump) http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/30/politics/koch-retreat-paul-ryan/
  7. If you listen real close, he will tell you how great he is. Everytime he opens his mouth.
  8. I just heard a quick interview w/Riley, and he said he was most touched to have heard from Jim Mora from UCLA. They lost a WR the week prior to playing us (in Lincoln) in 2013 and the family of Nick Pasquale was so touched with all the Husker fans did to honor their son they wanted to reach out to the Foltz's. I didn't remember this (I live out of state) but found this recap, not surprised but I'm proud to be a Husker. https://gojoebruin.com/2015/12/11/ucla-football-an-ode-to-nebraska/
  9. One of the articles I read said he had a number of failed drug tests while in Lincoln - I can't recall, was he suspended for any amount of time for those?
  10. I wondered aloud earlier if he was trying to appeal to the "He misspells words on social media, JUST LIKE ME!!" vote. Guess he's got to find a way to get those swing states. Funny part is, the people he "wants" to appeal to don't know these are misspelled. I can't wait to wake up tomorrow to see what he does.
  11. The irony of this one ... (not to mention the spelling errors)
  12. You'd think somebody in the inner sanctum of his campaign would just take his phone and computer access away from him unless he's got someone sitting with him approving the post. He'd at least limit his stupid comments to press conferences and interviews. The Twitter posts come a mile a minute and they're proving he is crazy and unhinged.
  13. But officials with Freedom Works, the Koch's political arm, indicated that they requested no meeting. "We are not engaging in the presidential," James Davis, spokesman for Freedom Partners, said. Trump's tweet comes after Politico reported Friday that Trump's finance team requested a meeting but that the request was denied by the Koch organization.
  14. I seriously think he believes the lies he tells - it's a sickness. Why are people ok with this bs? I can say, at least SNL will be fun when it comes back on. You don't even have to write sketches, simply reenact what he's done through the week. Or just pick a day.
  15. I wonder too if it doesn't put a little bit of appropriate pressure on the kids that have offers already ... maybe it gets them to commit if they're pretty sure they're going to vs. dragging it out. I agree - we gotta get Calvin back and quick, and get Lewis on board with a visit by himself to get all sorts of love and attention.
  16. I think that is indeed the case - he knows he won't be able to hide with name calling one on one, and honestly, Hillary will crush him when any question is asked that requires content and information in a response - so all of them. I can't wait.
  17. Yup. I'm anxious to see what the outcome of Harry Reids suggestion that Trump can not be trusted with Intelligence Briefings. That's gonna gain some momentum on both sides I think - there's no way he can keep his mouth shut or stop himself from getting on Twitter to share information.
  18. The Houston Chronicle Editorial Board makes an early decision to endorse Clinton. http://www.chron.com/opinion/recommendations/article/For-Hillary-Clinton-8650345.php
  19. I know you are trying to say UT'ers, but I am laughing pretty hard at the fact you keep mentioning uterus.
  20. Those teeny, tiny, itty, bitty, widdle gloves?
  21. You read those articles right? One is from a conservative blogger, the other is from a white collar criminal who seems to have a sociology degree and has written about NPD, but if you give him credibility, then you must also appreciate his views on Trump: http://beforeitsnews.com/politics/2016/03/donald-trump-narcissistic-personality-disorder-sam-vaknin-interview-expanded-2784621.html At the bottom of the article there are links to a boat load of articles, many from reputable publications like Psychology Today that I'll not bother to post here but are worthy of a read, more so (imo) than a blogger's view (one who also has written stories called "Sexy Sports" and "Parking Among The Liberals").
  22. And the very best, because the tweet is just ignorant, but the responses from the UK are fantastic.
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