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Rusty Shackleford

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Everything posted by Rusty Shackleford

  1. Fox News is fair and unbalanced! Much more so than it's liberal agenda counterparts.
  2. America, becoming great again one day at a time!
  3. "As the New York Times reported Thursday, the U.S. has promised to supply up to $3 billion in aid for developing nations by 2020 to help them meet their emissions-cutting goals." $3 billion over 4 years is a tiny fraction of the US budget, so hardly saving a "fortune". (That would be $750 million/yr as compared to a $3.8 trillion/year budget or 0.02%) More importantly, Trump could have changed that amount without withdrawing from the Paris Agreement. And instead of being able to move on to other things and focusing on them, the Trump admin is going to be dealing with the fallout of this for weeks or months. It's just stupid politically. That's 3 Billion that we save, amount compared to actual US wealth is irrelevant. Saving US money is saving money. The fallout for what, making a smart political move? The biggest problem is the left spinning it to make him look like a monster, something they have gotten quite efficient at.
  4. "As the [/size]New York Times reported Thursday, the U.S. has [/size]promised to supply up to $3 billion in aid for developing nations by 2020 to help them meet their emissions-cutting goals."[/size] That's volunteered money, not required money. Again, America was not required to spend a single dime. There are no penalties if America decides not to spend that money. You understand that, right? Yes. And President Trump made sure we would not spend a single dime. Well done Mr. Presedient, glad you agree.
  5. "As the New York Times reported Thursday, the U.S. has promised to supply up to $3 billion in aid for developing nations by 2020 to help them meet their emissions-cutting goals."
  6. Is that so? If the shoe fits I guess. This guy must be a Kathy fan?
  7. More implied slander because you disagree. Typical liberal thought process.
  8. Implied I am ignorant. Context is a smoke screen. Anger and name calling occur when someone figures out they are wrong or don't want to admit the other person is right. For what purpose? Incarceration for those you disagree with, doesn't seem very fair.
  9. Both sides need to realize that the Paris Agreement was VOLUNTARY. It's a toothless agreement. The US got to set it's own goals that it wants to meet. So there's no fortunate to be saved or lost. In fact, not much of anything has changed with regards to the environment. Here's a good article from MIT about the pros and cons of the Paris Agreement. The part that makes the US look stupid is foreign policy. Trump could have stayed in the agreement and then set whatever goals he wanted. Instead the US looks ridiculous on the world stage and opens the door for another nation to take the lead in global affairs. It would have been a waste of money, but Trump pulled out. Sure he could have stayed in and set "goals" destined to fail, why bother. Get out and focus on something that may actually get accomplished.
  10. Some result to name calling when they don't like the harsh truth.
  11. Some people don't like hearing harsh truths.
  12. Trump pulled out of the Paris Agreement and saved us a fortune that wouldn't have made any difference in the grand scheme of things. Thank you Mr. President, making America great again one day at a time.
  13. Now she wants to play the victim after she is the one who started this whole ordeal?! This whole thing has to be a publicity stunt, this is the most anyone has heard the name Kathy Griffin in her whole career. Typical Liberal Extremist crap.
  14. Reply to BigRedBuster: What exactly is your objection to Trump having his family as his closest advisors? "Financially gaining" is too broad and nebulous a phrase. What is your specific objection to Trump having his family as advisors? In what specific way do you see them gaining financially, and how can you directly attributed that to the president? At what point do you finally admit it's not really a big deal, and you're just looking for an excuse to whine?
  15. wrong. Not a whine because I don't get my way scenario. The divestment thing is a big issue why does no one see this? This is hugely unprecedented and he has been brokering deals for his family business with his title. That is an impeachable offense. He either divests or should be impeached plain and simple and to disagree with that would be completely ignorant. He left all of his business to his kids... and has been using his position to benefit his kids in that role ever since. And as soon as he is no longer President he will be right back at the top of his company that will have likely received direct benefit from his presidency. So? You just said taking was bad. Emoluments are taking. Everyone in a position to help their children does so, this isn't a Trump villainous act. You do realize that a person in government wrong. Not a whine because I don't get my way scenario. The divestment thing is a big issue why does no one see this? This is hugely unprecedented and he has been brokering deals for his family business with his title. That is an impeachable offense. He either divests or should be impeached plain and simple and to disagree with that would be completely ignorant. He left all of his business to his kids... and has been using his position to benefit his kids in that role ever since. And as soon as he is no longer President he will be right back at the top of his company that will have likely received direct benefit from his presidency. So? I'm interested. How did you feel about Hillary receiving donations from world leaders to her personal foundation when she was Secretary of State? Immoral, unethical, shows a lack of principles, but sadly not illegal. The only way to make her pay for it was in the ballot box, and the American people came through!
  16. What in bloody hell are you trying to say here? BigRedBuster reply: This is why you're seeing such vitriol against Trump. His very existence in the White House is a threat to those who make their living off other people's taxes, and contribute nothing back. A large segment of the population is now a taker from the public treasury, and a massive bureaucracy has grown to administer this involuntary wealth redistribution. Also, a massive media complex that has become has arisen to assure every taker that their looting of others is somehow moral, at the same time, brow-beat and shame any maker who dares say they wish to not be looted. These are the people fighting tooth and nail against Trump. This is why the calls for impeachment are so emotion driven. Ummm.....no. There are lots of fiscal conservatives (like me) who are disgusted this idiot is in office. Yep, I'm afraid so. Saying "Ummm, no" doesn't change fact. Right now, the western world is divided into Makers, and takers. Unless you have a valid retort, my argument stands.
  17. What in bloody hell are you trying to say here? BigRedBuster reply: This is why you're seeing such vitriol against Trump. His very existence in the White House is a threat to those who make their living off other people's taxes, and contribute nothing back. A large segment of the population is now a taker from the public treasury, and a massive bureaucracy has grown to administer this involuntary wealth redistribution. Also, a massive media complex that has become has arisen to assure every taker that their looting of others is somehow moral, at the same time, brow-beat and shame any maker who dares say they wish to not be looted. These are the people fighting tooth and nail against Trump. This is why the calls for impeachment are so emotion driven.
  18. wrong. Not a whine because I don't get my way scenario. The divestment thing is a big issue why does no one see this? This is hugely unprecedented and he has been brokering deals for his family business with his title. That is an impeachable offense. He either divests or should be impeached plain and simple and to disagree with that would be completely ignorant. He left all of his business to his kids... and has been using his position to benefit his kids in that role ever since. And as soon as he is no longer President he will be right back at the top of his company that will have likely received direct benefit from his presidency. So? You just said taking was bad. Emoluments are taking. Everyone in a position to help their children does so, this isn't a Trump villainous act.
  19. wrong. Not a whine because I don't get my way scenario. The divestment thing is a big issue why does no one see this? This is hugely unprecedented and he has been brokering deals for his family business with his title. That is an impeachable offense. He either divests or should be impeached plain and simple and to disagree with that would be completely ignorant. He left all of his business to his kids... and has been using his position to benefit his kids in that role ever since. And as soon as he is no longer President he will be right back at the top of his company that will have likely received direct benefit from his presidency. So?
  20. Then why are conservatives on this board calling for his impeachment? They were persuaded by the echo chamber.
  21. Trump represents an existential threat to liberalism. For the first time in a long time, the makers (people who produce wealth and/or income) have a champion in the White House. This is an existential threat to the takers. The takers have known for a long time, if they are unable to guilt the makers out of their wealth, they could rely on the state to force the makers out of their wealth. With each passing day that a man like Trump is in the White House, the takers ability to take without resistance becomes less and less. That's what the takers really fear, the day the makers will no longer be guilted, or forced.
  22. What are you all going to do when Emperor Trump gets re-elected in 2020?
  23. When this entire "Russia stole my youth!" narrative pushed by the Democrats turns out to be nothing, the Democrats will lose legitimacy for a full generation with anyone not directly bribed into supporting the Democrats. This level of whining won't be forgotten.
  24. Like I said, packing 25 hours of winning into a 24 hour day!
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