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Everything posted by FrantzHardySwag

  1. People think the Covid vaccine will be used to track them. Karen, nobody gives one s#!t where you're going.
  2. Some takeaways, *He calls Biden a rapist and war criminal. *His ways of winning his vote are: Pick one of two people to be his running mate, or adopt multiple of Bernies policies and write on paper that he assures he's going to do these things - then follows that up with "He's not going to do it anyways, so I'm not voting for him". *Says many people are overselling Biden and underselling Trump. There is absolutely no way he's voting Biden and that much is clear, there is no pandering to him. Biden should focus on votes he can actually flip. Vote whoever you want, but just cause your privileged enough to survive another Trump presidency doesn't mean everyone is, I'll cast my vote for those people who stand the most to lose. Noam gets that, Bernie gets that, I get that - Kyle seems to be so focused on ME ME ME ME, he doesn't.
  3. Not to mention he stands to profit off opinions like this. Bad for business to endorse Biden.
  4. There’s a reason people care what Noam has to say, really don’t care what a far left pundit who went after every dem candidate not named Bernie has to say. Actually would be shocked if he said he was voting Biden.
  5. More antibody tests coming out. Stockholm and USC recently releasing results. All these antibody tests are showing the virus is significantly more widespread then previously thought (which means less deadly). The USC one estimated around 300,000 cases in LA at the time they had 600 deaths. Though deaths is a number that grows, but still more widespread than the number of cases we see in the reports.
  6. For sure!!!! Put a huge disclaimer on that stuff.
  7. I see Djokovic came out as an idiot today......good to know for future rooting interest.
  8. Any other position group and I’d be mad as hell. But this is Fish’s room, and I highly doubt he’s losing sleep over this. He’ll get someone talented and hungry and that wants to be here to fill that spot.
  9. Trump Campaign paying Don Jr GF and Eric’s wife each 15k a month. Well not directly through the campaign, but through the campaign managers private company to avoid the FEC. And they wanted Hunter Biden investigated!
  10. Texas opening back up? Man I’m worried when we look back this fall, and possibly don’t have football, we’re not saying “I wish we would have given it a couple more weeks when the curve was starting to flatten”.
  11. Love the comments on this tweet. “Love Noam; but he’s wrong on this” — no he just said something you don’t like.
  12. Out of curiosity did you watch the townhall last night? It does matter because it appears you’re looking through a pin hole and acting like you’re seeing the entire picture. My opinion? He flubbed a 20 second answer and was completely fine, with it, and sharp the entire rest of the time. I’m gonna assume his cognitive status is more in line with what I’ve seen 99.9% of the time and not the .1%. But again a 2 minute clip about his plan for opening the country or a 2 minute clip about his White House transition plan isn’t polarizing and doesn’t back up a silly narrative.
  13. The point is it’s a tiny portion of an entire interview. It’s lazy. It’s like taking Bernies comments on a Fidel and calling him a communist. It’s a lazy f#&%ing narrative for people who get their news from a 20s clip posted on Don Jrs twitter. The fact is Biden has had many many many well thought out answers on many issues over the last week, but those clips aren’t polarizing so we’re not talking about them.
  14. Now you're posting Don Jr tweets???? Is your political affiliation a circle? I think you went so far left you've ended up right. I'll admit he's lost a step (and he's proven to have foot in your mouth disease his entire political career), but your dedication to taking a 15 second clip and pretending its the whole story is something Hannity would be proud of. What did you think about Biden's suggestion we should have the govt take on part of struggling companies payroll's so people can stay employed? Did you watch last night or is your entire assumption of his cognitive ability from a 20s clip being spammed by right wing twitter accounts.
  15. So our president yesterday said it was the state's decision to re-open and he will stand by their decisions - now he's saying liberate your state to his followers? Dude's unhinged. More Americans will die of covid today then died on 9/11 - and he's encouraging people to go group together. f#&% this dude, seriously f#&% this dude.
  16. I can't believe this is the party that coined the phrase "Snowflakes". Textbook case of projecting. This man is the biggest snowflake on the planet.
  17. I mean this entire thread exists for a reason, he's said stupid s#!t his entire career. Hell in 2008 he told a guy in a wheelchair to stand up. But I don't think its from a place of malice or lack of intelligence - just prone to brain farts.
  18. I think he's not as sharp as he once was. But watched the whole interview and thought he was pretty sharp. Just think too many people see a meme on facebook and make entire conclusions about someones mental state. He's lost a step, but watch his entire interviews if you're worried about his mental state - his brain is definitely not mush.
  19. Maybe, maybe not, but he's done it his entire career. It's not his "Brain Mushing", or did you come to that conclusion after watching the full interview?
  20. It is a real quote. It’s 15 seconds of an entire interview. But some people’s minds can’t absorb an entire interview so they’d rather post a 15 second quote from a known stutterer and pretend it tells a story.
  21. Gotta love a guy that uttered the phrase "I grab em by the pu&&y" - calling someone else creepy. It'll fire up MAGA nation but will be a footnote in the rest of the election.
  22. It's crazy how much an allegation can stir things up. I've said before if Biden did it, he should drop out or be forced out of the race. But if he didn't do it, then that's a pretty f#&%ed up smear. At the end of the day we will never know, this won't get any less muddy. It's just he said/she said. I would never be comfortable saying she's totally lying with the evidence provided, but I'm also not comfortable calling Biden a rapist with the evidence provided. Where does that leave us?
  23. I read that too, but he completely butchered the way he said it. Maybe in reference to percentage of kids dying, it would be best to get the verbiage down. But it was on Hannity so I'm sure my expectations are too high.
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