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The Scarlet Pimpernel

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Everything posted by The Scarlet Pimpernel

  1. That's exactly right. I don't get mad when we lose to decent competition, because that what I've come to expect. I'm perfectly calm while all the others who said things like, "Must be fun to be you" and "perhaps you should find another team to cheer for" are blowing gaskets.
  2. Why, because he speaks the truth? What winnable games to do see on the remaining schedule? We lost to Illinois, who got blown out today by Virginia, and lost last week to UTSA. Don't kid yourself - Nebraska is nowhere close to being a good football team. "from time to time" -- good one
  3. I enjoy the wins as well... but at this point they need to be coming more often. Based on how we've played to this point, I don't see that happening.
  4. I expect to see quite a few LSU players in the portal this offseason: QB Max Johnson, and RBs Ty Davis Price & John Emery
  5. That's where we'll have to agree to disagree. Beating a lesser opponent means nothing. The goal is to be able to compete with the top teams in our conference. Iowa, Ohio State, Penn State, Michigan... we should be right there with them.
  6. I agree. That said, most people on the national level don't think of Buffalo as a legit team. We need wins vs. Top 25 opponents, which should be occurring regularly at this point in Frost's tenure.
  7. I couldn't care less how we compete against the Fordhams and Buffalos of the world. Beat someone with a pulse and then I'll be impressed.
  8. Playing well against poor competition. Let's see how he does next week.
  9. Oklahoma is the level of team we need to be competing with. If we get blown out next week, we learn that we haven't improved at all from Year 1. We at least need to have a competitive game.
  10. Just curious, were you saying the same thing Week 1? Of course we look better over the past two weeks; we played poor competition.
  11. Pittman is a heckuva recruiter. Winning tonight is a big step toward rebuilding a program. Just rugged, hard-nosed football. We still don't have it.
  12. That our OL and special teams are even worse than I thought
  13. OL is my biggest concern. They are plain terrible. You're right... it's plain nuts
  14. We just can't get out of our own way. Different year, same ol' sloppy, undisciplined play. The cycle repeats.
  15. Special teams coach is another one who's gotta go.
  16. We've had 3 big plays. That's what has made the difference.
  17. Austin should be tarred & feathered and run out of town.
  18. I picked Nebraska to lose, and I'm very pleased that they will win. That said, this offense still has me scratching my head. It's not working. There's no fluidity.
  19. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/heroes-and-villians/images/a/aa/Todd_Young.png
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