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Everything posted by BigRedMax

  1. I am going to work on the ad free option after the holiday.
  2. On HuskerMax it is $29.95 a year. For Husker Board I can set it at $19.95 a year. Need to have at least five members interested in order to activate it.
  3. The top and bottom ads are about the only thing keeping the lights on. If enough people are interested I can offer a no ads options for a small annual fee.
  4. I am working on the top ad. It is supposed to close the red area when it is clicked off.
  5. I have reported this to our board ops. If you have any screenshots and/or click through URLs can you post them here?
  6. Desktop or phone? What browser? Have you cleaned out your history?
  7. Thanks for the heads up. I will check it out.
  8. I agree that the ad issues are a problem. Trying to find that happy medium has been an ongoing challenge. The costs have gone up while the revenue has gone down. I have asked the ad ops to disable this latest Google Ads feature and not restore it for now. I appreciate your patience.
  9. It is a new Google Ads feature. Should only happen if you leave a tab open and come back to that tab an hour later. I have reported it to our ad ops to make sure it only happens in that context.
  10. Probably stating the obvious but have you cleaned out your history?
  11. I am going to get my Invision expert to see if he can fix that.
  12. No feed page has been removed. Try adjusting your screen size if on desktop.
  13. The tweets not loading is happening across multiple forums. Just started yesterday. I have reached out to our upgrade manager for both Husker Board and HuskerMax.
  14. The auto refresh problem has been going on forever. I have bumped it up with our ad ops again. Can yon send me a screenshot of the ads on top of ads?
  15. Can you post screenshots? Not able to replicate on my end.
  16. Should be fixed now. Been trying to use a new ad provider and their code is messing with the formatting.
  17. https://www.si.com/college/nebraska/football/matchups-vs-colorado
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