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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. That’s a good question and my spidey senses tell me the headline may not match what those Senators want to eventually pass. But who knows. Article was behind a paywall and I hadn’t heard that story before.
  2. Nice to see someone coming clean on reporting standards at NPR. Important to note the Adam Schiff lies during Russiagate that were posted here too. https://www.thefp.com/p/npr-editor-how-npr-lost-americas-trust
  3. Thanks. It’s behind a paywall and I never trust the synopsis of tweeters. I really don’t like it at all when political parties will not advance legislation because it’s an election year and passing a bill gives the other party a win. It’s basically always an election year for the political class and try working for the people instead of getting re elected.
  4. What does the article say the reasoning is?
  5. Absolutely. Lots of these types of words are losing their meaning the past 10-15 years…..genocide, racist, fascism, socialism, nazi, socialist. They get used to get views and likes. Both on the left and the right.
  6. The only time average golf Joe’s sink good putts is usually to save double bogey. Speaking of putts, Happy Masters Week!
  7. I understand that, but again, that is the top value not the initial value. The initial value of the company (not initial public offering) was probably close to what the initial investment was, maybe a bit more. The value of the company looked like it steadily increased over the few years since formation
  8. Just to correct the previous posters comment, at $10 the company wouldn’t have lost 90% of its initial value. An IPO isn’t a company’s initial value. All that said, I still wouldn’t invest in the company
  9. Not much else I could say.
  10. He reportable owns 60% of them
  11. I would never buy that stock. It’s likely to fall even farther, probably much farther. The question will be….does he gain more than his investment of what is reportedly $45 million when he is able to sell his stock?
  12. Much better than today IMO. Anyways, enough with the weekly nonsense posting and let’s get back to the topic please.
  13. I agree with this statement. Unfortunately, the early days ended up being early months/early year. And not based on science. We actually know that the Scientists we were supposed to trust literally lied to us about more than just one or two things, of which they say it was in the interest of public safety. Another one of those that just came to mind was the Covid shot. Remember when we were told it protected you AND prevented transmission??? Big props to @RedDenverfor not falling for that one, I know I did. But guess what? The CDC knew it didn’t? How do we know this? Good question, Deborah Birx finally let the cat out of the bag after studies came out showing the data and she basically had to say it. Though she says they knew even earlier than that! This is VERY important because many people got fired for not taking the Covid shot or not allowed to attend in person school because we were told those people were responsible for transmission to others. Turns out the vaccinated were just as responsible according to studies.
  14. Did anyone actually suggest rectal administration of UV light to treat Covid? Or are you just making a funny? We know an actual real life study was done on the trachea, but rectal? But hey, let’s just pretend everyone got everything right while we tried to mock and silence the dissenters and no need to hold anyone accountable because…..well it’s was years ago and let’s move on or something. You say you work in Healthcare. Let me ask….. 1) was it right to treat those who didn’t want to get the Covid-19 shot the way they got treated? Vaccine mandates for the population set that didn’t need them. Fired, mocked on social media, not allowed to attend school considering what we knew and know? 2) was it right to keep schools closed Fall of 2020, spring of 2021, Fall if 2021 when Europe gave us school safety data in May 2020? 3) was it right to have mask mandates when Fauci said the following pre-Covid: “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And, often, there are unintended consequences — people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face.” And plenty of research has been shown that the mandates didn’t work. 4). How about keeping Business’s closed past late April/Early May when researchers had a pretty good idea about transmission and who was affected the most. Luckily we had some Governors who went against the “Scientific consensus” and allowed their States to operate responsibly. Remember when the open up the country crowd was mocked here in HB, the traditional news media, the Demmocrat Presidential candidate, social media platforms? Yep, me too. Opening the economy earlier than EU was Probably one of the biggest reasons the US is outperforming other countries in post Covid economic rates.
  15. Saw a study that showed McDonalds has raised prices faster than any other major fast food chain.
  16. Orrrrrrrrr, we could hold them to account for what they got wrong WHILE they were trying to crucify the people who were eventually proven correct. this is the whole censorship discussion. And, don’t fall into NOPES deliberate attempt to think this is just a .90% people mad about masks discussion.
  17. The ones that can’t admit many folks got things wrong in the beginning and/or the ones that said people were putting lives in danger for having alternative thoughts to the consensus but ended being correct. Had those posters been in charge of censorship, we would have silenced some correct perspectives while amplifying to incorrect ones. This is the point Teach are and I are saying. Just using Covid as an example.
  18. It’s amazing that posters here can’t admit that many people got many things wrong on Covid. Figuring out what we did wrong and what ended up being right should be a priority going forward since Covid will not be the kart pandemic the world encounters. Instead, its like pulling teeth to get “The Experts” in this country to talk about it and just admit to not knowing s#!t at the time on what to do (or knowing it came from a lab and stop slow rolling the inevitable conclusion), letting the public know they were kinda making educated guesses, they are sorry for denigrating others that were correct on a few things, and now learn from the past.
  19. Good Lord …Fauci and others first said masks aren’t helpful, then they said masks were essentially mandatory and it didn’t matter what kind…then actual studies came out and said only correct fitting N95 masks actually made a difference. …..We were told Covid is transmitted through touch and EVERYTHING should be sterilized and gloves worn……..Theeeeeennnnn it wasn’t. Hooray for Clorox though. …..we were told to quarantine inside and public areas had to be closed because of science….well that turn out so correctly. Remember people getting arrested on the beach Remember skate parks getting filled with sand Is that still a “Nope” Lets see….then were told kids couldn’t go to school because they were death trap…..even though Europe already let us know that was t the case. Then when some States got wise and opened schools, those Governors were called too cavalier with people’s lives by those same wizards of smart telling schools to close. Still a “Nope”??? Hmmmm….we could go to vaccinations mandates and how vaccines were essential FOR EVERYONE, instead of those who account for 90% of Covid deaths. People under 40 couldn’t go to work unless they got vaccinated, kids couldn’t go to college unless they were vaccinated, because why????? Well, we were told vaccinated individuals COULD NOT transmit disease. How did that science hold up? When Covid started, you were considered a right wing conspiracy theorist if you said Covid-19 was lab created. How has that held up? Im sure there is more that will come to mind, but to say “Nope” is being, well…..Wrong will put it nicely.
  20. Another great example of this is much of the Covid information in the first 6 months to a year that far far far too many people insisted was conspiracy or whacked out nut job posting…….actually turned out to be correct and the people we were pushed to accept as gospel were the ones that were wrong.
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