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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. Illegal immigration peaked in 2007 and has fallen since. Border apprehensions, on the other hand, is at an all time high. Ummm that is from 2019.
  2. A higher bar, or dna evidence? If it’s dna evidence, why was rape even an option for an outcome if neither side was able to talk about it or bring up dna evidence?
  3. Now you are just a little mad because you aren’t correct so you accuse others of trolling. That’s ok I guess, as long as we know where you stand. B
  4. Correct. If you are in a tizzy because I left out the word legal, then tough break I guess. Not sure what you’re trying to get at, but others here use ports of entry as a legal port of entry.
  5. https://www.foxnews.com/media/karine-jean-pierre-roasted-claiming-illegal-immigration-90-people-think-stupid.amp https://nypost.com/2022/08/29/white-house-claims-migrants-not-walking-across-border/amp/ https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/karine-jean-pierre-fentanyl-at-the-border-its-at-historic-lows/
  6. @BigRedBuster just checking on your sourcing for this again.
  7. We, prior to you chiming in, were talking about finishing finding a wall and funding immigration upgrades at ports of entry and judicial components to it. If it doesn’t help solve the problem, why is there any fencing or walls at all at any point in the past?
  8. Not a hero, not luckily, but did kill some scum
  9. Go to Texas give them your card and hire some when eligible Build up a long tickler file of potential future hire recruits.
  10. Of course you don’t. Just like most every other let everyone in all day long person, if it doesn’t affect you, you don’t care. This doesn’t shock me. A wall does you no harm, border communities say it helps and government wastes ten times that amount of the total cost of the wall on fraud and abuse in a yearly basis. since you think ports of entry of going peachy, you probably wouldn’t need to worry about the other 1% either then!!
  11. Where does the 22% reduction of the entire budget come from again?
  12. Are you personally fine with Covid era funding level increases becoming permanent?
  13. Immigration processing? No it doesn’t, and no one has said it does or implied it does or talked about it doing (except you on the last one). You might be the only one here, however, that thinks the immigration intake is going peachy atm.
  14. Will you ever get around to actually answering a question about funding levels? I’ll ask again one last time, then just assume you would rather spit Dem talking points. Why can’t the annual budget eliminate all the excess Covid increases and get back to a level at which the budget would have been had there not been a Covid pandemic? In simpler terms, had Covid not existed, the annual budget would be roughly $5.2-$5.5 trillion dollars for 2024 given recent historical avg increases. Yet Dems are balking at a budget of over $6 trillion proposed. Why is a good portion of the Covid increase now becoming permanent?? They dont
  15. A bit of an update on the TX gunman for anyone interested. https://starlocalmedia.com/allenamerican/authorities-still-searching-for-gunman-s-motive-in-allen-outlet-mall-shooting/article_ef2016e0-ee98-11ed-bcb3-9f4e6aaaa61c.html?utm_campaign=blox&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social
  16. LOL. They literally have answered questions about SS, Medicare, and VA that you, Joe, and Dems are lying about. I’d be willing to do a friendly wager if you truly believe what you are posting (you don’t) about a 22% across the board budget cut. I’ll change my avatar to a Biden headshot if that happens and you change yours to an R elephant. You seem so very confident it will happen. Matter of fact, I will even reduce it to a 10% across the board cut makes you winner! And still no answers to the questions posed. They were pretty simple.
  17. Oh, does he mean like DeSantis has?
  18. It’s interesting and telling you wouldn’t answer those few simple questions.
  19. Who would that be? Trump isn’t my candidate for 2024 so not me. Maybe you are referencing ZRod since he clarified another poster in this thread on this case in the same way I did. Also, You seem to not understand the point of what a discussion board is about
  20. You said rape charge needed DNA evidence. This trial had an option for a rape verdict yet neither side was able to talk about DNA evidence in the trial because of a prior agreement. So which is it, does a liable for rape verdict need dna evidence or not?
  21. in billions 2016 budget 3,852 2017 budget 3,981 2018 budget 4,109 2019 budget 4,447 2020 budget 6,550 2021 budget 7,249 2022 budget 6,011 2023 budget 6,013 Notice the outlier increase? Do you understand why that increase happened? If so, do you understand the country doesn’t need that increased funding anymore and it should go away outside of the increased debt service payment increase? Next, did you and Joe and the other Dems scare voters about about across the board cuts to VA, teachers, SS, Medicare, etc…in 2022? If Covid didn’t exist, the budget for 2024 should be in the $5 trillion range at most. Why does it need to be above $6 trillion exactly?
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