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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. Thanks for the feedback. If renovation is the best way forward, it still seems that a small sales tax alone or in conjunction with private donors is the best funding mechanism vs only private donations. I think others have stated that private donors don’t have unlimited amounts of money and will be making choices between NIL or facility renovations. One other thing to mention, now that athletes are getting paid in college, is that in the professional leagues, many facilities aren’t up to top notch college facilities because the professional athletes are getting paid and money goes to them vs facilities. College athletes may have to accept that the facility arms race may slow down (Hopefully!!) now that funds are going to them vs potential facility upgrades.
  2. I think it will be interesting to see how much improvement the WR group makes because they have what looks to be competent QB’s getting them the ball on time or when open. A great WR group can make a QB look good, but it also works on reverse to where a great QB can make WR’s look better. Here’s to hoping both groups are top shelf and they feed off each other towards greatness!
  3. I don’t live up that way and I know you have the pulse of things in a variety of areas of NE so have a question/s on funding. In KC, a huge mistake was made in the early 2000’s when both organizations (Chiefs and Royals) tied themselves to a renovation project instead of new build. Fast forward 20 years and now the Royals want, and really need a downtown stadium, and the Chiefs want hundreds of millions to fix/renovate Arrowhead which is just gonna kick the can down the road a little farther when a new build would be money better spent. Both should have been playing in new stadiums by now. These are for profit organizations asking for public money for stadiums they will not own. Jackson County threw good money at bad projects that only lasted 20 years. Not sure who actually owns Memorial Stadium, (University, city, county, state) but it’s a different case study vs professional sports. Private donations for the stadium usually are how these things get built for colleges, but since the football team is so important to the state in terms of tax revenue, name recognition, etc…what would be wrong with a small statewide sales tax increase, or statewide car rental tax, to pay for a new build? The money wouldn’t be going to billionaire owners which is the common objection in pro sports for these things. The benefactor is the State University. Would a 1/8th cent sales tax increase over 25 years or something like that be palatable to state in order to pay for a new Memorial Stadium?
  4. Don’t forget about the Gig workforce. So many people now make their living driving Uber, DoorDash, Lyft, or on YouTube, Instagram, etc….that normally would have been with a traditional employer.
  5. That’s the teachers quitting and going to Only Fans effect.
  6. As you have eloquently said before…you are arguing with ghosts, my man. Search up how many times I’ve brought up the Trans mental illness issue and how many times I’ve talked about or agrees with Church abuse issues. Unless you do your homework, your words ring hollow. Then add in how I was asked to comment on the issue, my man. Could be wrong, but I don’t think there are 26 million identified trans youth. Where did your direct quote come from? https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/us-sex-reassignment-surgery-market Recently, there has been a significant rise in the number of children in the U.S. who openly identify as a gender different from their assigned sex at birth. This increase can be attributed to the growing recognition of transgender identity and rights. A study conducted by Komodo revealed that, between 2018 & 2021, at least 776 mastectomies were performed on individuals between the ages of 13 and 17 who had been diagnosed with gender dysphoria. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2808707 Results A total of 48 019 patients who underwent GAS were identified, including 25 099 (52.3%) who were aged 19 to 30 years. The most common procedures were breast and chest procedures, which occurred in 27 187 patients (56.6%), followed by genital reconstruction (16 872 [35.1%]) and other facial and cosmetic procedures (6669 [13.9%]). The absolute number of GAS procedures rose from 4552 in 2016 to a peak of 13 011 in 2019 and then declined slightly to 12 818 in 2020. Overall, 25 099 patients (52.3%) were aged 19 to 30 years, 10 476 (21.8%) were aged 31 to 40, and 3678 (7.7%) were aged12 to 18 years. When stratified by the type of procedure performed, breast and chest procedures made up a greater percentage of the surgical interventions in younger patients, while genital surgical procedures were greater in older patients. Just because one form of abuse is true doesn’t make the other one not true
  7. Community Notes for the win. Biggest reason X is better than old twitter.
  8. Thanks for confirming Thanks again for confirming that minor gender assignment surgery does exist . Minors can’t consent to a gender assignment surgery without parental consent. Feel free to discuss that till your hearts content. I doubt I would push back on ya! Just because one is true doesn’t make the other not true and vice versa
  9. That’s the way it seems
  10. You got a strange twitter feed imo by the way if you are getting tons of those.
  11. Well I did mention pastors to Guy. Priests were the very first one mentioned by Lorewarn so that’s what was responded to. If you think I don’t believe many pastors, parents, friends, relatives, non relatives, other children (hopefully that covers them all for you) over the years have abused children, you are flat wrong.
  12. I don’t think anyone here believed that to be the case
  13. I’m sure you could and Sounds like some disgusting people, start a discussion on it.
  14. Diversity is great for business, it’s not just a positive return but great.
  15. If you want to talk about being in the comparison game, then you replied to the wrong person. Guy made a comparison I replied to. Take it up with him. If you want to talk about the disgusting behavior of Priest over the course of time, I’m all in 99.9% and would back you up. How that pertains to the discussion at hand, well, I guess that’s for you to decide and have with yourself my man
  16. It’s possible, yet I don’t think Christians are advocating for looping off your privates if you think you are a girl at 13 years old, or chopping off your boobs if you play kickball with the boys at recess and your parents now think your a boy (or wish they had a boy). Depends on if you consider, YahooNews, NYT’s WAPO, Houston Chronicle, Dallas Morning News, TMZ (the Hollywood angle) as conservative media run amok. Yes sir. Including devout Christian parents, Pastors, etc..
  17. I’ve been a proponent for a very long time that RSO’s RSU’s, etc should be more broadly used and whatever the C Suite level folks qualify for, every other employee should qualify for on an equivalent basis. It isn’t the salaries that have driving the income gap, it’s the stock awards that only a few are privy too. If what I’m saying is considered Marxism, then I’m part Marxist I guess. And I believe much of the DEI spending is wasted. Some of it is spent very well though and I learn from it.
  18. Welp, here ya go @Guy Chamberlin you and I have a little back and forth discussion and some dude ^^^^^^^ claims it to “froth” four days later. As if said dude thinks I’m the one bringing it up or “frothing” about it. Kinda why it pointless to discuss the tough issues here
  19. Which is the reason I was hesitant to post in the first place. I knew this and didn’t want to come across as attacking you or your loved one on a personal basis by either choosing a poorly placed word or having a thought taken out of context. I agreed in my post that a I believe a very small amount of people have a genetic anomaly that allowed them to produce both sex organs and a choice at birth or close to birth was made which could have been the wrong one. However, the amount of people identifying as trans/non-binary is at an extremely high number compared to what the science says. It’s a mental illness or a coping mechanism for those people IMO. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/06/07/about-5-of-young-adults-in-the-u-s-say-their-gender-is-different-from-their-sex-assigned-at-birth/ I need to push back on this as we read story after story after story of kids under 10 years living a life of a different gender than their birth. We both talked about the scientific numbers yet we read about parents who somehow have 3 trans/non-binary children! And the pediatrics interviewed go along with it. Courts go along with it. Those kids are screwed in my personal opinion. The amount of Hollywood stars that have transgender kids doesn’t come anywhere near to where the science says it comes out to be. Court cases are constantly in the news where parents get divorced with kids and one says the boy is a boy and one says the boy is a girl, Court says the boy needs to be referred by both parents as a girl How does a young child know this? Kids younger than 5 are being raised opposite their birth gender. That’s crazy and parents are driving that IMO. Anyways, appreciate the civilized discussion, hope for the best for you and your child, that you both live long happy healthy lives and I will return this back to being The Big Guy’s America thread
  20. Do you mind me asking how so, or what makes you come to that conclusion? I’m not seeing but willing to listen.
  21. Absolutely 99.9%! It’s the best way to help bring wealth inequality closer vs just giving a few bucks away at the expense of the middle class taxpayer.
  22. Pretty detailed rebuttal to the NYT hit piece devoid of facts. Worth the time to read and make up your own mind which media entity is giving consumers balanced coverage. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2024/04/04/the_new_york_times_vs_realclearpolitics_150733.html
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