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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. What?!?! I was telling the poster that I didn’t initially think about the suicides after. I was initially thinking about who died in the actual riot. Then he brought up the suicides after the riot from those who bravely served and I agreed. what is your actual problem? Me agreeing with a poster? Sorry that inconvenienced you.
  2. Ah yes, calling someone in the same party as me a wacko and comparing them to wackos in the opposite party (who actually do hold leadership positions) is staunchly following them
  3. Is she trying to say he was “alt right” for the past twenty years? I was not able to obtain Warnagiris’s senior essay; a spokesperson for St. John’s said that the essays are not available online, and only those that win college prizes are stored at the school — and Warnagiris’s did not win a prize. But its title was listed in the school’s 2002 commencement pamphlet, and it comes straight out of ancient Greece: “Reason at all Cost: The Defining Human Quality in Epictetus’ Discourses.” I don’t know what Warnagiris wrote about Epictetus, or whether the philosopher has continued to impact his thinking, but in the years since Warnagiris graduated from college, Epictetus, a relatively obscure Stoic philosopher who lived 2,000 years ago, has become a surprise rock star in the strange world of the alt-right.
  4. I’m not sure who rest of your rant was geared toward but I will ask why this doesn’t take place yearly for every officer and soldier who dies whether it be by combat, natural causes or suicide? It would seem to be a great remembrance for those who fought and sacrificed their lives every day.
  5. Wonder if we will see Granny being pushed off a cliff by Republicans in an add again this cycle?
  6. What’s telling? Please enlighten us all with your wisdom. Or maybe just let someone answer the question first before you spout off?
  7. I didn’t consider them initially, if they get honored sounds fine to me I guess I would have a question then about soldiers and other police officers not getting the same honor since suicide is a leading cause of death in those professions. Should we have a yearly remembrance at the Capitol for all those who protected our country and died? I would be for that too.
  8. Thanks. I don’t think about those people.
  9. If that’s the barometer, why are you still fixated on Trump? What office does he hold again? MTG is no different than the squad in that they are all wacko pseudo racists with whacked out ideas, except people in the squad actually do hold leadership positions.
  10. Every article I have read says only rioters died during the riot
  11. Well strange but I can’t. It asks me to subscribe. Maybe you could just let me know what police officers died in the riot
  12. Thanks but it’s behind a paywall.
  13. Is that our current Vice President agreeing that a duly elected President was illegitimately elected? Hmmm….
  14. Hope he goes to jail for a long time, if he is guilty, but honestly what’s the point in having the picture be of him and Trump? Kinda piss poor journalism.
  15. Wasn’t it just rioters who died as a result of the riot? I know one cop had a stroke and died which isn’t related but I didn’t think any others did.
  16. He doesn’t hold office. It’s a point to show that even the man who trained Obama’s church leader can garner 100,000 supporters like other crazies (MTG). you knew that silly goose.
  17. You bring up some good talking points that are actually being discussed amongst rural voters. Not the Mumbai jumbo the others are saying.
  18. How many tens of millions of Republican voters are there and the article says she got donations from 100,000. I will readily admit there are more than 100,000 Republican crackpots which doesn’t mean much. I mean Louis Farrakhan gets way more donations than that and we aren’t calling him a leader of the Dems.
  19. Thomas Frank, a Missouri Democrat who lived in the richest neighborhood in KC, then leaves to further education in VA and Chicago who then writes a book about what’s wrong with Kansas???? I thought life couldn’t get any funnier.
  20. I got to check this but I think KS implemented a state law that says they can’t go remote for more than a small period of time or it doesn’t count towards school days.
  21. Some projection data I’ve been seeing seems to be a week or two later than what your predicting. Sometime First two weeks of February. Sharp downturn then levels off for a month or so mid way down then another sharp downturn early April. Assuming no other variants that take over Omicron. But I like your guess better!!
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