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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. Just not true. Hopefully you will retract soon.
  2. https://www.newsweek.com/republicans-want-paid-family-leave-will-democrats-willing-find-common-ground-opinion-1592945 https://www.brookings.edu/blog/social-mobility-memos/2017/06/06/a-paid-parental-leave-policy-republicans-and-democrats-might-agree-on/ https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/21/upshot/paid-leave-2020-debate.html
  3. That Democrats dropped paid family leave from the bill I guess. Thought that was clear.
  4. That’s incorrect which you already know because you just linked to my thoughts on Liz. It was nothing of what you just posted Why you continually do this I have no idea.
  5. You have your story wrong like usual. It was her inability to message Republican ideas because she was only fixated on talking about Jan 6th. I would have to go back and look, but I believe I said it’s fine to talk about Jan 6th but she needs to discuss more than just that. It was why she lost her Leadership position. Hard pass. Why would I repudiate valid, thoughtful, and good posts
  6. I’m referencing that Manchin is not the only Senator opposing the bill. He’s not doing it singlehandidly .
  7. Do I still qualify as a trumpist if I don’t plan on voting for him in 2024 if he runs? How do I justify to myself that I am a McCainist, Romneyist, and trumpist all at the same time? Do I get to drop those monikers ever and start fresh. Confusion is raining down.
  8. He didn’t tweet about a denim vest
  9. Rex Chapman doing Rex Chapman things.
  10. Ari Berman is wrong and he knows it.
  11. Very good take. Encompasses my thoughts about Bo too
  12. https://nsba.org/-/media/NSBA/File/nsba-letter-to-president-biden-concerning-threats-to-public-schools-and-school-board-members-92921.pdf written with help from the White House and conveniently used by Garland. Crazy how that works psssttt….(the wording is in the letter).
  13. That’s correct and has nothing to do with what I posted
  14. https://www.yahoo.com/news/minnesota-surgeon-fired-saying-parents-142600409.html A longtime Minnesota general surgeon was dismissed from his hospital after arguing parents should make healthcare decisions for their children.
  15. It seems Democrats “don’t want to help the IRS catch tax cheats” either. Republicans don’t like it because the IRS has no business in a persons private bank accounts unless they have an audit to conduct or a criminal investigation to help with along with it being onerous to banks. maybe we should just allow law enforcement into our homes whenever they please. There has to be some criminal activity going on in a few houses wouldn’t you think. Or are you not in favor of catching criminals?
  16. I don’t think that was your point.
  17. There are about 4-6 Republican Freshpersons Congresspeople (did I do that right?) that need to be Primaried or lose to a Dem so a different Republican can get in office two years later. He is one of them.
  18. Maybe you were out of touch on this one all along @BigRedBuster
  19. Not sure what a trumpist is but…. Charlie Kirk is a dope pretty much most of the time. Does. Does that make your feelings feel better. Looking forward to you denouncing everything in the Dem Utopia thread.
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