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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. I actually happen to agree with your college/university assessment. I’m fine with the verbiage you used. Just wasn’t fine with the orecious snark call out when you do the same thing in your posts. back on topic, I think you are right. State universities, small NAIA NCAA DII type schools don’t seem to be a problem. It’s more the Liberal Arts colleges and Elite Universities that seems to have quite the slant.
  2. He would most likely get nominated for President if that were the case
  3. I will try hard not to. Just trying to figure out when the standards change with you.
  4. Story keeps getting worse, as we all knew it would, for the lying Superintendent and School Board Members.
  5. Is there were we point out you are speaking in unprovable generalities again? You know, what you accuse other posters of doing.
  6. And an index fund would have returned 65% more wealth in that same time period So billionaires are doing 2% better than us schmucks.
  7. I don’t care if he gets investigated.
  8. The article seems upset those fortunes grew 70%. However, the Russell 2000 grew what 100 plus %, NASDAQ some 80%, DOW about the same form the time points listed.
  9. Ok just checking because for some reason your link discusses their gain from when the pandemic started as March 18 baseline. Odd they would pick the low point in the market vs a baseline of just prior to the crash. Me guesses they want to show the biggest gain possible to make their point instead of a truer pre/Covid vs post Covid gain.
  10. Hopefully you understand how their wealth is growing so fast.
  11. yes, yes it is….You are just being disingenuous and not engaging in honest discourse at this point so there isn’t any reason to go forward with after this. You should be smart enough to understand there is a difference between THE POINT OF LEGISLATION AND THE DETAILS OF SAID LEGISLATION TO MAKE THAT POINT HAPPEN. I will go slow for you this time. The point is to catch people not paying the full amount of income taxes that should be paid. No one here said POINT is a bad thing. The MAIN DETAIL in the legislation was the $600 transaction amount. Hopefully you can now engage in honest discourse. I agreed multiple times Good for you at trying to distract and equivocate instead of engaging in the main point of the discussion. But wait….now it’s NOT the main point and just a distraction????
  12. Hoping Jesus did good work and it turned out the way you wanted.
  13. That minor detail is a pretty MAJOR point. I’m sorry you understand this. The main point is they don’t want high income people skirting the tax laws. I’ve never disagreed here and you can’t show otherwise. Why would you make the quite disingenuous statement? Once again teach is spot on!
  14. Unless there is more to the story I tend to agree here
  15. Oh I don’t know, maybe sarcasm/rhetorical question
  16. That’s a funny deflection. True statement but funny deflection.
  17. That’s up to you decide. Either you do or don’t based on what you read. I’m fine either way.
  18. I’ve answered it. Why ask that question again? To make believe you didn’t read it the first time? It’s onerous and assumes guilt with normal day to day societal transactions. The right number is the current number. I’m glad we agree there is no logic to your way of thinking on this or your only rich people own banks nonsense.
  19. The public knows now. Did you know this contemporaneously?
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