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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. He knows that. But somehow guns gotta make it into every story he has
  2. Do I ever get you to re-post where I said I follow 1 front lone doctor like you insinuate? It’s a bold claim you made, just waiting for the evidence to prove it once again. Just a friendly reminder we are all still waiting for the story you promised us.
  3. Guns have nothing to do with Covid-19
  4. That’s correct, the virus is killing people.
  5. Whatever floats your boat.
  6. People should get vaccinated but they are not killing anyone by being sick. Covid-19 is.
  7. ‘A front line doc’? If you could point me to where I distinguished to 1 front line doc that would be appreciated. Or is this more disingenuous posting by you once again.
  8. Your understanding of nothing is noted. Calling a faith in front line doctors as anti-science is anti-smart and duly noted
  9. But your random studies with N’s that the researchers say are bad are up to anyone’s standards? And randomly quoting WHO which doesn’t even address the algorithm in question they and using that to push forward your position is up to par I guess??
  10. I don’t, but I would put my money on front line doctors for treatment algorithms rather than WHO.
  11. This seems like a logical timeline to me also. 5 years should have been the minimum time for Frost when he was hired which allowed him to turn over roster as much as needed/wanted. Wish more wins would have happened in the meantime, but these next two years are important for his future
  12. I guarantee they could find a coach to replace him if they parted ways. Even Kansas can find football coaches.
  13. You must not have followed the WHO’s actions this past 16 months. Grat’s I guess
  14. Live and learn. Will get better for next time.
  15. You sent me a study to secure your position that had 5 times as many patients in one cohort vs the other that the own study authors said was probably bad and you complain about recruitment in other studies Why did you stop after three? I sent you the large list? When do you share the story of the two dead people?
  16. Welp the NIH made no statements about a HCQ cocktail and I find that interesting that an org such as NIH wouldn’t make a statement on it considering the vast amounts of II studies showing it’s benefits As far as WHO goes, they have as much credibility on anything Covid as China saying Covid came from a US military base.
  17. In no way shape or form is this true. Saying no one else wants this job if Frost got fired is laughable.
  18. Sure why Just don’t double dog dare me!
  19. well done Democrats. (Is that how it goes)
  20. Wow you have traveled a long way from “Trumps boondoggle that killed two people’ to ‘who cares if it helps’.
  21. My claim stands. Heck you even say it works now. https://hcqmeta.com/#fig_fpearly https://europepmc.org/article/pmc/pmc7587171 so ya, many doctors from around the world.
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