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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. Seems as though I may be waiting indefinitely for my answer.
  2. I’m still waiting on how you blame Republicans for the polling location closures in GA.
  3. You haven’t because you know it doesn’t fit your narrative.
  4. Yet people on here want to close their eyes to these facts because it doesn’t fit their pre-defined narrative
  5. Did Brian Schatz ever post a link to the study or did he ever take a look at what counties those neighborhoods reside in?
  6. What areas are you talking about. Who is the “they” you posted about.
  7. What certain areas are you questioning? I assume people can bring water if they believe they will get thirsty.
  8. I guess you could classify him as one of the “2” unwilling back in the day.
  9. Cases down quite a bit 2-3 weeks post Neanderthal thinking after Texas lifted all restrictions and mask mandates https://usafacts.org/covid-recovery-hub/
  10. From Devi’s article. “Contributions came from nearly 30,000 donors, with around 90% of donations made by people who gave less than $200 in a single year. According to the NRA, the average donation is around $35.” do you have info to post that says the opposite of CNNMoney’s info? If not, then you are wrong.
  11. And, this is EXACTLY why the NRA that is funded by gun and ammo manufacturers False!
  12. good one. Now Imagine if people got called out on it, so they went back, read the article and apologized for using the headline instead of the article. I’m still imagining when you plan on stealing my car btw. Been waiting a week or so. I might be able to vote in the local April elections if you don’t hurry.
  13. Actually you don’t understand, like usual, and in my view on purpose. If it’s a stand alone bill, I could get behind it. If it’s included with other things I disagree with, then I don’t support that bill.
  14. https://www.yahoo.com/money/penny-dreadful-georgia-man-receives-084229111.html In mid-March, Flaten said as he left his house with his girlfriend he noticed the pile at the end of his driveway. He said the pennies were covered with some sort of oily substance. Now his nightly routine consists of cleaning the pennies so he can cash them in. He said it took him about an hour and a half to clean off several hundred.
  15. If Dems put up a stand alone bill on that, I would support it
  16. Ah, more snark. you just can’t seem to resist. No I posted to show the theme of dark money helping Republicans has shifted to Democrats. Dems aren’t doing anything wrong. Their playing by the same rules as Republicans. They just did it much better in 2020. I just wonder how many people knew this. I didn’t
  17. You do this quite often. Darn near every time I share an article you claim I’m acting outraged. I understand that you may use posting articles as a way to show outrage, however, it’s also possible that others share articles for informational purposes like normal rational people tend to do. As far as the legislation passed goes, was it a standalone bill specifically related to dark money? I believe the answer is no.
  18. Disenfranchise: deprive (someone) of the right to vote.
  19. Not really. What was weird is bringing up Michael Bloomberg.
  20. All eligible voters are still eligible to vote. I kinda don’t believe anyone’s right to vote was taken away or that legally cast votes will be actively taken away with any legislation proposed.
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