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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. My post suggests that the treatment each person received in their given scenario was excessive.
  2. Could legislation be written that says open judicial seats must be filled within X number of days? Someone earlier referenced that changing the ideological slant of a particular court is court packing. I think that is a ridiculous statement, and is why I reference court packing as adding additional judge seats in order to change the slant of a particular court. The politics of selecting Judges based on judicial interpretation will never change.
  3. Fast tracking is a matter of opinion. ACB was qualified, went through the process (Feinstein said it was a great process), and was confirmed. There is no set number of days for the process to take place. Historically, Judges have been approved much faster with much less technology to help the process.
  4. Seems like there is a way to thread the needle on this to protect the good cops and allow the bad ones to be punished for their actions. I don’t understand the issue well enough to offer a solution, but there are some smart minds out there who can be listened to and help come up with a rational compromised solution.
  5. I don’t deny your fun fact. Still doesn’t change my opinion and original pint that BOTH raids seemed excessive.
  6. What does that have to do with potentially putting someone in harms way with a gif?
  7. So I understand correctly, court packing actually refers to when a president nominates judges to fill vacant seats and it changes the number of right leaning or left leaning judges in that District?
  8. Nope. What makes me correct is the generally accepted view of what court packing is.
  9. Def a concern and a messaging and PR campaign needs to be robust. Media need to stop scaring everyone too with their s#!tty headlines and could, may, might conjecture.
  10. Falsifying FISA warrants, having an “ insurance policy in place”, purposely relying on a Discredited dossier, misleading a FISA judge, actively talking about 25th amendment. What a classic
  11. Yes. There is definitely going to be production issues at some point with at least one of the manufacturers. Doesn’t mean they will be serious issues, but hiccups and some adverse events can happen. so important for the proper messaging to get out there.
  12. Hope there are no epileptic’s on the board. Could have gotten your point across without putting that stupid gif in that could harm someone.
  13. This vaccine fear porn needs to stop. They are getting people all worked up over nothing. The US has contracts in place to vaccinate 600 million people. Multiple vendors which is the right way to go. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/12/08/coronavirus-vaccine-shortage-443839
  14. These types of things are normal to find and are expected to have hiccups. I don’t think you will find a respected epidemiologist that has a bad thing to say about these vaccines.
  15. Ya I can’t figure out what the holdup is with the FDA. Though I’m sure you realize that the FDA decision time would have been the same whether we have M4A or our current system.
  16. I’ve already said in 2 other posts that Trump lost the election. He has the right to bring lawsuits to challenge an election just like any other candidate does, but he better have evidence to back up the challenge or give it up. if people want to donate to his fund, that’s up to them. I would never tell anyone what they should or shouldn’t do with their own money. Conversely, what did you think of the Democrats assistance and the coup attempt to get Trump ousted from office at the beginning of his first term.
  17. Hahaha. Good one. Trump really is changing everything in the world I guess. Even the decades long accepted definition of court packing. TDS at its finest. It’s funny how filling an empty seat is now considered court packing all because of Trump. Hehehe
  18. I’ll leave that up to you. I’m comfortable with my assertion.
  19. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/fox-news-reporter-secretly-monitored-by-obama-administration-court-documents/ yep, the good old days.
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