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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. When do we also forgive the car loan debt. It’s roughly the same amount. People need their cars and if they didn’t have to pay for them, it would allow more money into the economy. https://www.lendingtree.com/auto/debt-statistics/
  2. Impeachment managers and read what was put into the record
  3. Sure they COULD have convicted Trump similar to juries COULD convict an innocent man, but they chose to follow the evidence and vote not to convict. They followed the law which I’m surprised you are against that.
  4. It means they heard the evidence and found Trump to be not guilty of the charges and voted no on the articles of impeachment.
  5. Just dig a little deeper and you will quickly find that they are there.
  6. Come on, you can make better jokes than that. Kinda weak
  7. Seems like they agreed with Turley and voted Against a sham impeachment.
  8. A wrongful conviction would not have made sense.
  9. Noted Liberal constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley says otherwise.
  10. Starts to make one wonder if Carl is making up sources and embellishing to stay relevant.
  11. Here you go. Some responses. https://www.mediaite.com/news/gop-senators-named-by-bernstein-frantically-deny-being-anti-trump-in-private-insist-they-are-totally-behind-lame-duck-president/
  12. You are covered for exactly what you were talking about. If you develop cataracts, your insurance plan will cover its portion of the surgery. And you didn’t even need the good insurance. The bad ones do too And VSP which covers a prescription is very cheap. I’m guessing a couple dollars a month ( or less than one Starbucks latte a month)
  13. Ummm..less than 60 day wait for basically free eye surgery isn’t really an extreme wait time. Especially considering that what time is less than the Canadian and European model.
  14. Are you talking about VSP (Vision insurance) or are you talking about medical insurance? 2 vastly different things.
  15. What right wing media? I read a decent amount and hear/know very little about Qanon.
  16. Not sure what your saying here? You wouldn’t be covered by ophthalmic surgery or other treatments. Probably closer to 60 days. They would be covered by Medicaid or even free clinic surgery.
  17. I think I’m the only person you disagree or pushback on. Must be group think.
  18. Your articles don’t actually say what you think they say. Especially take a look at the last one. here is an example of the most common surgical procedure in the US and compare it to NHS and Canada. https://www.statista.com/statistics/488173/cataract-surgery-waiting-time-elective-procedure-united-kingdom/ here is another study https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/aos.13439#aos13439-sec-0005-title and here is Canada. And just to be clear. This wait time is just for the initial visit by the Ophthalmologist after getting referral from the PCP, not even talking about the actual surgery. In the US, a patient can see an ophthalmologist, get diagnosed with clinically significant cataract surgery and be on the table within 30 days.
  19. Ok! Continue on with group think and patting each other on the back.
  20. He is criticized for not buying the test from an American company that had them available for cheaper at the exact same time as the WAPO article clearly suggests. for your second paragraph: you follow things closely it seems, so you know that it was a CDC decision on why the US didn’t use WHO tests. Go back and even look at Fauci comments from that time. Geesh talk about me moving goalposts, having a narrative, etc...
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