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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. Obviously Biden is the winner of the election but does anyone find the rejection rate in 2020 for mail in ballots rather odd and a statistical anomaly? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2020/11/02/us/election-ballots-rejections.amp.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/key-swing-states-year-mail-ballot-rejections-plummeted-2016-rates%3famp
  2. He has a great motor on him for sure though
  3. He has been playing really well for his age and looks like there is tons of upside.
  4. Dude, Stop. I’m not upset about anything. Seriously. let’s take a look at where we are in this thread: you tell me to stop pointing out falsehoods yet don’t tell anyone else to stop. Perfect. me posting or not posting on any thread in any forum will not stop the virus or aid the virus in any way. It’s a virus. It doesn’t care about Internet forums. If you don’t like the posts then move along and enjoy your day. stop masturbating your ego of being internet tough guy telling people what they can and can’t do. You don’t realize you are actually making my point that people need to stop just blaming Trump and acknowledge everyone has faults in this pandemic. Pretty much all folks involved have made mistakes , which is what I continue to say, INCLUDING TRUMP. Being selfish with my comments is pretty rich coming from Internet tough guy poster who says to shut up and be quiet. Tell you what, I will continue be safe, wear my mask, do what I can to not get sick, take care of my family, continue to call out falsehoods and you can do whatever it is you do. God willing we will both lead healthy and happy lives. FACT: it obviously does matter who says what because it shapes public opinion on what people think they can or can’t do. Trump has been wrong on his messaging and so has virtually every politician in office, the CDC, WHO, and all the doctors in the links I provided who said it’s only ok to mass gather if your protesting. People get tired with the do I say not as I do attitude of those in charge. Trump included.
  5. Wait a minute. Why don’t you back up your claim first that Trump caused this potential attack. Give me the quotes that say they planned this because of Trump. After that I will look for what you requested.
  6. The populations are not too far off in comparison. It’s not worthless. Let me know if you think Brazil, India, Russia, China, Iran, are counting COVID deaths accurately. Very interested in that response.
  7. https://www.foxnews.com/us/cuomo-says-new-york-giving-away-some-ventilators-coronavirus-outbreak-stabilized-there Oh were you referring to all the vents Mr. I will knock you out wanted, yelled about in order to make Washington look bad, yet didn’t need. Mr. Cuomo threw a hissy fit when he realized Trump was right.
  8. @BigRedBuster https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/10/michigan-plot-wolverine-watchmen-whitmer.html Slate isn’t really considered a bastion of Trump followers. Yet they reported members of the group posting “Trump is not your friend” and they were all Anti-government. And since I’m guessing the President is 1/3 of government, we’ll you can take it from there.
  9. I wonder if his mixed messages came from his advisors. Fauci https://www.dailywire.com/news/watch-fauci-in-march-masks-make-you-feel-a-little-bit-better-but-unnecessary-for-general-population-warns-of-unintended-consequences https://legalinsurrection.com/2020/03/fauci-et-al-in-n-e-journal-of-medicine-covid-19-case-fatality-rate-may-be-considerably-less-than-1/ hmmm..Fauci saying this is akin to a bad flu season
  10. Did Europe take COVID-19 serious? https://www.statista.com/statistics/1102288/coronavirus-deaths-development-europe/ Yes you did read that correctly. Over 330,000 deaths due to Covid-19 and some of the countries cause of death standards for COVID are nothing like ours. I have zero blood on my hands. Maybe you are just projecting.
  11. He didn’t calm the virus a hoax from the beginning and that has been fact checked. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-coronavirus-rally-remark/ https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/fact-check-biden-ad-misleadingly-suggests-trump-called-covid-19-a-hoax/ar-BB199rpw https://www.politifact.com/article/2020/oct/08/ask-politifact-are-you-sure-donald-trump-didnt-cal/ not sure why you feel the need to post obvious falsehoods.
  12. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2020/07/06/us/Epidemiologists-coronavirus-protests-quarantine.amp.html https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/05/health/health-care-open-letter-protests-coronavirus-trnd/index.html https://www.foxnews.com/politics/officials-lockdowns-protesters-exception this just gives you a taste of what was said, which you already knew. If you have Twitter, go look up Drew Holden. He has a long thread of video clips from CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBsNews, Foxnews with both physicians, media, and elected officials saying more of the same.
  13. You are correct. The public health officials blatently lied about the efficacy of masks and put the public in harms way. There was a much better solution to that crisis and the people we were supposed to trust chose the wrong route. It’s insane you don’t see that, but again oranges man bad I guess. I would ask once more, what tangible policy did Trump not put into place that you or the experts wanted? Remember now, the wizards of smart already told us in the summer that mass gatherings were now ok as long as they were for the right reason. Trump did not openly support violence against state politicians. But go ahead and throw out false allegations because ya know, Orange man bad. its also false, even left wing fact checkers like Politifact have agreed, that Trump never said COVID-19 was a hoax. But again, Claim false things because orange man bad The militia idiots in Michigan actually hated Trump too as shown by their social media posts. But you don’t add that because it goes against your narrative. And BTW...every single Democrat governor in a hard hit state early in the Pandemic praised the Trump Admin’s response to their needs. It’s funny how their tune changed once the election season came around. I have agreed that the mask communication was terrible and it could be why he lost the election. But policy wise, what else should he have done?
  14. And in 2 months he will be gone and the country will still be stuck with clowns doctors on TV and the clown media who say it’s ok to mass gather as long as your intentions fit the correct narrative and clown public policy and elected folks who have two sets of rules and what you are allowed to do. Which means the public trust continues to erode. It has gotten so bad with orange man bad dolts that they have successfully eroded the public’s confidence in a vaccine which is our only way out of this situation. Trump derangement folks have actually become anti-Vaxers which is unfortunate
  15. My apologies..meant to type out that “it doesn’t make any sense and it was ignorant for the wizards of smart to not recommend mask wearing in March. I know why they said it, and so does everyone else too and it still doesn’t make it right. They were wrong at the time. Should have been recommending face coverings since the beginning. Maybe that would have helped prevent the northeast seeding across the country in March and April. I don’t blame anyone in particular for the current situation. we are dealing with a highly transmittable virus that has a relatively low death rate and 20-40% asymptomatic rate. Tough to control, see Europe as an example. We might live in the most free society on Earth which means we will be the most susceptible, even with the best healthcare, because of the lack of appetite/laws for lockdowns. Trump should have been actively recommending face mask wearing, but what other tangible items should he have done that he didn’t do? He can’t implement a nationwide mask mandate.
  16. Ya, I guess I will call BS on Obama’s sanctimonious BS. Neither party tries to work across the isle anymore and hasn’t for sometime. Anyone remember the “all for one and one for all” moments the Democrats gave the Trump admin. Me neither.
  17. Unfortunately we also have blubbering MD idiots playing doctor on TV and blubbering idiots playing media personality on TV who literally said that it was ok to mass gather in the summer because they were gathering for a greater cause! We also have blubbering Democrat politicians who joined the protests and locked down churches, schools (which is actually Anti-science as shown by numerous studies and CDC/WHO/Trump coronavirus task force officials/Biden transition task force officials) who allowed family members to travel (see IL Gov) while locking everyone down, who are currently traveling to Hawaii (see California politicians) while locking down their state, that caused more harm for mask and social distance compliance than anything else to date. The actual experts we are supposed to have guide us, had different rules for the rioters and protesters, family members than the rest of society. Blame Trump all you want, but these other clowns have done more damage and that damage will last into the next time we are all supposed to listen to the experts. BTw..I wear a mask everyday when in-doors at a place of business and I believe everyone else should too. It makes sense and was ignorant for the CDC/Surgeon General/Task Force/Fauci/ANY Doctor time say otherwise back in March. I know why they said that, but it was huge stupid and lasting mistake.
  18. That’s what you get when you recruit QB’s who are like that in HS
  19. If he doesn’t see this season as a mulligan then it’s a huge mistake in my opinion. I can’t think of any reason not to play the most talented people and not necessarily the most “seasoned” players.
  20. Frost is trying to run the same he ran way back at Oregon. Problem is defenses have adjusted to it, he doesn’t have the same talent/experience, and I personally believe that Frost is fun shy in the second half for some stupid reason. Either that or he has no idea how to make an adjustment because NU is a dreadful second half team and has been since year one of Frost and Co.
  21. Why are the safeties 12-15 yards off the ball?????????
  22. What the hell happened to the play calling.
  23. JoJo seems to have very good closing speed, coming from the backside of the play.
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