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Everything posted by Scarlet

  1. Nope, no signs of playing from the authoritarians' playbook there...lol. Demonize scientists, the media, civil servants, political opponents, now teachers.....who is next, public utility workers?
  2. Are you tossing aside what was in the article as disinformation? I'm not understanding your point. I read it as stating that the military is not happy with the direction the war has taken especially after Putin backed out of his attempt to take Kyiv and that as the Ukrainians continue to stymie the Russians, some in the military there are promoting an escalation up to the use of nuclear weapons. I posted the article as food for thought. Who really knows what's going on inside the Kremlin but the authors claim to have sources. Whether or not that's valid, I guess we'll find out.
  3. You're talking to a guy who can't see, or refuses to see, the authoritarian bent that Republican Party has adopted and what that means to the future of democracy in the United States. As if when that happens it's all going to be a blissful Republican utopia. It's all a matter of priorities. At this point I'll vote for anyone who stands for the preservation of our democracy over those that continue to try to toss it aside. How important will policy be when we head towards an authoritarian state?
  4. Apparently any hope of rational heads prevailing within the inner circle of Russia's regime was wishful thinking as the military there wants an escalation of force up to and including nuking targets inside Ukraine. They seem to be on a global murder/suicide mission. https://cepa.org/vicious-blame-game-erupts-among-putins-security-forces/?fbclid=IwAR1QzmLXG4xaS6gAz25t4XhjLnEYsHzzVcboZZ7lGYYtjWQLWwkUknCDJdI
  5. Herbster victim shaming coming in 3....2....1.
  6. That Herbster dude is long-winded. Of course he got in the obligatory "fake news", "freedom", and "your president" lines in before he wrapped up telling everyone the event was cancelled due to the forecast of bad weather which took him 2.5 minutes to do.
  7. I think the answer was because it's harmless, unproven, hasn't been given a fair trial even though recent trials show it ineffective in the treatment of Covid, CNN, freedom, not a horse medecine (sic), Michelle Obama's Wang, and not a right-wing nut.....or something.
  8. Prove eye of newt doesn't treat Covid. I'll wait.
  9. I literally post a peer reviewed, double blind study from a month ago that states Ivermectin is not effective in preventing or curing Covid and you post this from over a year ago?
  10. I think you're right on the drones
  11. Nah, a ridiculous thing to say is that something prevents or cures an illness without any scientific evidence whatsoever for such claim. It's even more ridiculous when the most recent studies show that it's entirely ineffective. Then even more ridiculous is to double down when asked to provide any studies you may have been getting your information from and you present..... nothing. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2115869 So do you have anything?
  12. Can you post an actual peer reviewed, double blind placebo study showing ivermectin is effective is the prevention and/or treatment of COVID-19? Thanks. I'll wait.
  13. I'm going with internal sabotage first, second would be someone's intelligence services/special forces maybe in conjunction with #1. Putin doesn't need a false flag anymore I don't think. Plus I'm not sure he'd do that on a facility with military value like an oil depot. He'd probably blow up a school or church if he were to do a false flag.
  14. Good Lord I guess that's still a thing? Did they ever come up with a reason for their protest other than 'muh freedoms'? Here's a screenshot from the first video of this catch riding shotgun. Looks like a real scholar.
  15. Macron appears to have trounced Le Pen. I wonder if the French cementheads are going to storm the The Palais Bourbon or is that just an American thing?
  16. This comment from the link. That dude could use some more learnin'. I hope that's parody.
  17. Another sign of desperation that their conventional forces can't get the job done but this will be next level f#&%ed up when they use WMD.
  18. Evidence of criminal intent of plotting and attempting a coup against the USA. Just another day.
  19. I guess you're assuming I wear one all the time now. If I'm in a poorly ventilated room, elbow to elbow with people I either don't bother hanging there or I wear a mask. If the ventilation is good and cases are down then I'll skip the mask. I'm basically kicking the can down the road to see what happens with future vaccines, data on long Covid, Covid treatments, and whether this will wind up about as virulent as the cold. My hobbies require a fully functioning cardio vascular system and I hate sucking a lung while doing them.
  20. Probably bottom on the list of the Republican blunderfest today but the hypocrisy of this fake Christian is epic.
  21. Yeah this is starting to look more and more like either a resistance with Russia setting these or someone's intelligence services playing a part. Of course, I guess you can't rule out faulty wiring after seeing the performance of the Russian military's equipment.
  22. This was during the Omicron surge. But everyone is different and for me, a mask doesn't bother me at all so why not?
  23. I had a guy ask me why I was wearing a mask in a liquor store. I asked him why he was wearing a hat. He just muttered something.
  24. I was reading last night that the speculation is that he might have thyroid cancer. Supposedly he has a thyroid cancer specialist camped out at his villa in Sochi. Take it for what it's worth. Let's hope it's true and he dies soon.
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