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Everything posted by Scarlet

  1. Ahhh....I feel for the naive, chubby, little wet behind the ears murderous thug who is somehow street wise enough to carry an assault rifle into a crowd but still not know anything about the Proud Boys and what flashing a white supremacist sign with them, in their presence, means. So street wise in fact he wound up killing two people. Maybe if he wasn't such a tender suckling he wouldn't have been there in the first place, what with all his police training.
  2. Here we go with the "I already posted it, look it up" bulls#!t. Code for you don't have anything. If you could post anything debunking the intelligence services accusations from February of this year that Zerohedge posts Russian propaganda, wittingly or unwittingly, I'll wait. I already posted why Zerohedge is trash and it's been addressed why their article was misleading at best.
  3. Yeah hanging with the Proud Boys flashing the white power sign wouldn't lead anyone to believe he's a white supremacist would it?
  4. https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/homenews/media/594276-us-accuses-financial-news-website-of-spreading-kremlin-propaganda%3famp Sure why wouldn't you go to bat for an outlet that has been accused of spreading Russian propaganda? I can't find anything that says this has been debunked. Other than by Zerohedge. If you're talking about a specific article that has been debunked then show your work. I didn't post an article, just a link to a fact checking site which shows Zerohedge to be a complete trash source. But not surprised.
  5. Huh..who would have thought Trump is lying through his teeth?
  6. Deflection at its finest. Even more comical is anyone thinking whatever the Russians provide will be credible.
  7. So the former leader of the free world has never heard of a burner phone. a) He's either a complete naive boob who checked out on his daily briefings and knows nothing about how terrorists and organized criminals operate. b) Or, he's lying and is guilty as f#&%. Any other options?
  8. No, they actually refute what was said here earlier. But thanks for playing.
  9. @Archy1221defending Zerohedge. Odd.
  10. Did I say they weren't? Was the article accurate? Do you understand how Russian misinformation and disinformation works? No? I didn't think so otherwise you wouldn't be swimming around in it. Or maybe?
  11. Of course it's misleading. It came from Zerohedge. Interesting that a few posters here continue to drag this rag into the forum. One has to wonder why? Either it's intentional or they're naively consuming Russian propaganda. https://www.google.com/amp/s/mediabiasfactcheck.com/zero-hedge/%3famp=1
  12. Here comes a Gateway Pundit link
  13. This seems like perfectly well adjusted, healthy thinking.
  14. Why? Because Orange Jim Jones is far and away leading in the polls. You may say you won't vote him but if he's the nominee you know you'll flush democracy down the toilet. https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/homenews/campaign/591115-poll-trump-leads-2024-republican-field-with-desantis-in-distant-second%3famp
  15. Tough gig if you can get it
  16. More on why this matters and that Judge Thomas's non-recusal and ruling to uphold Trump's executive privilege claims may be more indepth then we know.
  17. Yeah the wife of a supreme court justice is texting the Chief of Staff of the POTUS supporting the overthrow of our form of government but "pffffft what's the big deal?" Myopia View your table for four is ready
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